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General Chat General chat - common sense in here please. Decent serious discussions to be enjoyed by everyone!

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Old 20-08-2007, 07:40   #1
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I was disconcerted to read this on BBC news
BBC NEWS | Health | They said my feet weren't bad enough
When I turned 60 I asked my doc if I could have free NHS chiropody - was a few months on a waiting list, and have had free chiropody at 3 monthly intervals ever since.
I do have problem feet - flat footed, arthritic and deformed toes, but I am capable of reaching them which the poor old dear mentioned, isn't. I dont think that whether you can reach them should be a criterion for getting treatment. I used to 'self treat' and often made matters worse. There is nothing better than having a trained professional deal with any problems.(as any DIYer knows )
If you are elderly and are having foot problems press to have free NHS chiropody - it will make a difference to your mobility and capacity to enjoy life

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