05-04-2007, 21:59
Join Date: Jun 2004
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Re: Christ Church Graveyard, Accrington
Hi Atarah, I’m in agreement with you it’s disrespectful to the memory of those laid to rest and possibly distressing to those who have family interred. I don’t have a problem with kids playing in church yards in anyway, in fact St James Church yard at church was an area of play not only for us as kids but for several generations of my extended family including Douglas’s, Taylor’s & Birtwistle’s who have lived, played and died in sight of that place, but always with regard and respect to the occupants.
I think we have to encourage and allow kids to explore these places in order for them to develop an understanding of the importance of dignity in life and death, but we must also encourage them to respect consecrated ground and have regard to the feelings of those who have family laid to rest within them.
The situation at Christ Church is no different some of my own family where baptised, married and past on to heaven from there and to lay anything on there other than our feet is distressing and offensive to the memory of those within, of course you will have sincere promises that this is a necessary evil and that no other development will take place, that is until they need an extension or a covered area or car park on the site. This is consecrated ground and it will always remain so as long as a Christian burial remains. My opinion is that it’s for the people of Accrington to demand a halt to this activity and a public enquiry should be formally requested.
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