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12-11-2013, 11:47
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Re: Christian Science
Originally Posted by gpick24
I think it was a pic of K99ward D.
I thought it was Reg Holdsworth (Ken Morley), maybe a case of should have to specsavers. 
same difference gpick...doesn't his case come up next week? 
12-11-2013, 11:48
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Re: Christian Science
You know, if I wasn't enjoying this thread so much I would suggest instead of encouraging him in his fantasising (what a world of fantasy he is living in) that none of us enter any posts, but instead leave him to play by himself. How frustrated he would be not having an audience. However, I haven't had this much fun for ages so please keep on keeping on.
Maybe I just need to get a life.....
Ho, hum - bedtime here. Enjoy the day!!!!!!
12-11-2013, 11:48
Grand Wizard Of The Inner Clique
Re: Christian Science
Originally Posted by K99WARD
Hi Less.
Feeling a bit under the weather today are we? I have been trying to puzzle out the meaning of that term that seems to crop up regularly. I thought it was an abbreviation of "Boeing Guy" but perhaps it means something else. The moderators are complaining about the use of asterisks so you above all others ought to watch out in their usage.
Why should I above all others watch my usage? Are you threatening again you silly little Christian?
Well done, a post that as dismal and negative as it is, is truly your own work, your own opinion no matter how askewed that opinion may be, not a touch of copy and paste anywhere.
Perhaps you are getting the idea about what discussions are?
They are people exchanging opinions, not you quoting a google search then me quoting a google search.
May I suggest you take another look at those rules, they like the Bible can be read and interpreted in many ways, like the bible I have read them but don't know them by heart.
What I wonder, should be the mods interpretation of filling the server with quotes and no substance?
Why don't we just call the site google2 then people can search for Bible quotes for themselves.
Meanwhile I will report the above as yet another threat from you and suggest that any other member that feels threatened by you should take their own appropriate action (within the confines of the rules of course).
Bad enough having a Bible Basher on site but a Bible Basher that attempts to be as Godlike as our mods, that is too much.
They are our rules not yours.
By the by while we are on things Biblical, ask the mods to change your user name to Onan.

“I am a Bear of Very Little Brain, and long words bother me.”
Winnie the Pooh
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12-11-2013, 11:52
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Re: Christian Science
Oops! Just read K99's reply to my earlier post - sorry folks, I asked for it.........another load of drivel.......interesting that he talks of loins and breastplates.
It's goodnight from me...
12-11-2013, 11:53
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Re: Christian Science
Originally Posted by K99WARD
"Now! is the accepted time. Now! is the day of salvation."
That is not an answer to the question .
You said : " We are COMMANDED to tell the gospel. Nothing further is required of us. "
I take it that you are one of those Christians who refer to themselves as " Bible believing Christians " , a term which has always puzzled me , because I fail to see how any Christian can be anything but a believer in the Bible .
So , where in the Bible does it say , and I quote your words , " We are COMMANDED to tell the gospel. Nothing further is required of us. " ?
12-11-2013, 11:56
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Re: Christian Science
and just as an afterthought - maybe K99 (the self-proclaimed rocket scientist) inhaled too much rocket fuel in his working life.....
12-11-2013, 12:10
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Re: Christian Science
Originally Posted by gpick24
Here you go, a repeat of my questions in case you missed them.
If getting into heaven doesn`t require you to be good, but to spread the word of god -
1. What`s the point of having 10 commandments
2. Does that mean any child the dies has no chance of going to heaven because they haven`t lived long enough to spread the word of god.
3. Does anyone who has never learned to read or has never owned a bible has no chance either.
4. Will all gods paedophile church ministers be welcomed with open arms.
5. Why is there no mention of Kangaroos in the bible.
Hi again gpick,
I have said before (I think) that no one is fit to enter heaven because sin cannot be in the presence of God. What constitutes sin? It is the breaking of the God's commandments (found in Exodus chapter 20). Therefore man needs a remedy for sin and that is found in the sacrifice of the Lamb (Jesus). That is the purpose of the commandments—to convince man of sin because they cannot be kept in their entirety. God says the breaking of one makes man guilty of the breaking all of them.
The answer to your second question is a grey area since the scriptures do not enlighten us on this point. Jesus did say not to forbid them but welcomed them into his arms. I think we can take it that no one ignorant of the facts would be pronounced guilty but I do suspect that a simple test will be done to ensure that they are fit to be in God's presence but that is just me rabbiting on.
The answer to question 3 is that God does have other ways of communicating with us other than just reading but he does expect those of us who are able to read his word to act on it. Passive reading is next door to being useless. I cannot say more than that as one has to be saved to be able to understand it.
The answer to your next question (which by the way is difficult to follow) is that in question 2, I explained God's special relationship with children. Therefore those who abuse them can expect no mercy (contrary to popular thinking today).
And the answer to your last question; pray about it.
12-11-2013, 12:16
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Re: Christian Science
"Your just gods little soldier making sure his thunderbolts get thrown" M Eitzel.
12-11-2013, 12:16
Grand Wizard Of The Inner Clique
Re: Christian Science
Originally Posted by k99ward
hi again gpick,
i have said before (i think) that no one is fit to enter heaven because sin cannot be in the presence of god. What constitutes sin? It is the breaking of the god's commandments (found in exodus chapter 20). Therefore man needs a remedy for sin and that is found in the sacrifice of the lamb (jesus). That is the purpose of the commandments—to convince man of sin because they cannot be kept in their entirety. God says the breaking of one makes man guilty of the breaking all of them.
The answer to your second question is a grey area since the scriptures do not enlighten us on this point. Jesus did say not to forbid them but welcomed them into his arms. I think we can take it that no one ignorant of the facts would be pronounced guilty but i do suspect that a simple test will be done to ensure that they are fit to be in god's presence but that is just me rabbiting on.
The answer to question 3 is that god does have other ways of communicating with us other than just reading but he does expect those of us who are able to read his word to act on it. Passive reading is next door to being useless. I cannot say more than that as one has to be saved to be able to understand it.
The answer to your next question (which by the way is difficult to follow) is that in question 2, i explained god's special relationship with children. Therefore those who abuse them can expect no mercy (contrary to popular thinking today).
And the answer to your last question; pray about it.
buuuuuuuuuulllllllllllllsssssssssshhhhhhhiiiiiittt ttt!
“I am a Bear of Very Little Brain, and long words bother me.”
Winnie the Pooh
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12-11-2013, 12:21
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Re: Christian Science
Originally Posted by dotti34
and just as an afterthought - maybe K99 (the self-proclaimed rocket scientist) inhaled too much rocket fuel in his working life.....
Not so much of the self proclaimed dotti if you please. We were not paid much but the work was demanding enough. People think of rocket science and associate it with people with bulging foreheads like in Thunderbirds but the actuality of it is much different. 
12-11-2013, 12:28
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Re: Christian Science
Originally Posted by Less
buuuuuuuuuulllllllllllllsssssssssshhhhhhhiiiiiittt ttt!
Well now! Our clever 'Less' knows all about vBulletin code to evade censorship.
12-11-2013, 12:36
Grand Wizard Of The Inner Clique
Re: Christian Science
Originally Posted by K99WARD
People think of rocket science and associate it with people with bulging foreheads like in Thunderbirds but the actuality of it is much different. 
At last we can agree, it was nothing like Thunderbirds.
I remember visiting a rocket site during my official duties.
Like all these establishments it had a plaque on the wall befitting their trade with a motto underneath, as I recall it looked similar to this:-
“I am a Bear of Very Little Brain, and long words bother me.”
Winnie the Pooh
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12-11-2013, 12:47
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Re: Christian Science
Originally Posted by JCB
That is not an answer to the question .
You said : " We are COMMANDED to tell the gospel. Nothing further is required of us. "
I take it that you are one of those Christians who refer to themselves as " Bible believing Christians " , a term which has always puzzled me , because I fail to see how any Christian can be anything but a believer in the Bible .
So , where in the Bible does it say , and I quote your words , " We are COMMANDED to tell the gospel. Nothing further is required of us. " ?
You raise an interesting point here JCB (any relation to the dancing diggers?)
Many people claim to be Christians but they may be no more that church goers. A bible believing Christian is one who takes the bible as a whole as the word of God. Now there are not too many of those about. Even those well versed in scripture and can recite entire chapters may not believe it all. They always stick on some dark passage that is difficult to interpret. Even well known preachers succumb to this, but faith is about trust in God and if we accept what we do not yet understand then God will bless us. Not all prophesy has yet come into being so how could anybody interpret it accurately, and famous names have looked pretty silly for their predictions. There is something in man that wants to be first to understand and their predictions later make them look foolish.
12-11-2013, 12:54
Grand Wizard Of The Inner Clique
Re: Christian Science
Originally Posted by K99WARD
Well now! Our clever 'Less' knows all about vBulletin code to evade censorship.
Does he?
Or is it all in the interpretation?
I could throw many random letters together but depends on the readers mind to decide what they mean.
By the way you should take a look at the new thread in the over 18's section you'll have a field day pressing the report button, your popularity knows no bounds over there.
What's that you say?
You can't get into the over 18 section?
Well take my word for it, it is really funny.

“I am a Bear of Very Little Brain, and long words bother me.”
Winnie the Pooh
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12-11-2013, 12:55
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Re: Christian Science
Originally Posted by Less
At last we can agree, it was nothing like Thunderbirds.
I remember visiting a rocket site during my official duties.
Like all these establishments it had a plaque on the wall befitting their trade with a motto underneath, as I recall it looked similar to this:-
The early V2's did that and went off with an awful bang but considering what they had to work with it was an amazing achievement even though it was ultimately used for evil purposes. I would question the use of a live warhead on an experimental rocket which was asking for trouble.
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