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12-11-2013, 19:53
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Re: Christian Science
Originally Posted by JCB
Sorry but that does not answer my question .
You said : " We are COMMANDED to tell the gospel. Nothing further is required of us. "
So , where in the Bible does it say , and I quote your words , " We are COMMANDED to tell the gospel. Nothing further is required of us. " ?
I tend to get a bit short with people who want everything spelled out like a house deed. There are two separate statements here and the second part refers to the basic precept of the Christian faith. I deem it necessary here to give a distinction between the faiths.
If one were to produce a list of all the faiths one would find a common element running through them—except one.
All faiths except Christianity are based on what we can do to earn everlasting life from the head man (in our case God). Different faiths have different ways of doing this but it amounts to finding a way to earn salvation. Now Christianity differs in that it is based on what God has already done for us. You see it is the other way round. Christianity teaches that it is impossible to please God by doing anything; good deeds or whatever your thing happens to be. It does not mean that we shouldn't do good works but it does mean that they cannot earn salvation. The Church of England goes one stage further by saying that good works done BEFORE salvation are repugnant to God.
12-11-2013, 19:59
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Re: Christian Science
Originally Posted by K99WARD
I was interested in the use of your word 'debate.' There is nothing to debate about the Christian faith. It is 2000 years old (approx)
Oh I'd beg to differ on that score fella, even your own bible bashing, puplpit thumping colleagues can't agree on the basics. According to various sources there's between 38,000 - 41,000 denominations of Christianity. So, tell me, what makes yours right?
I don't know half of you as well as I should like, and I like half of you, half as well as you deserve. (Bilbo Baggins)
12-11-2013, 19:59
Grand Wizard Of The Inner Clique
Re: Christian Science
Originally Posted by K99WARD
I tend to get a bit short with people who want everything spelled out
You are obviously mentally dyslexic, you mange to waffle but spell absolutely nothing out.
Except of course for your threats to the site and it's members.
You aren't here by right you know, to stay you have to earn the privilege.
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Winnie the Pooh
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12-11-2013, 20:00
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Re: Christian Science
Originally Posted by K99WARD
nor had viruses and firewalls.
I suppose you was using the internet back in the 70's? and firewalls came along late 80s
12-11-2013, 20:06
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Re: Christian Science
Originally Posted by K99WARD
"And he said unto them, Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature."
Pity you weren't around when I ran into that grizzly north of Buffalo Narrows ... you could have preached to it. Would have saved me the trouble of having to shoot the creature. I have to admit that when I saw it heading my way, I did say something like "JESUS CHRIST" 
12-11-2013, 20:26
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Re: Christian Science
Good morning from Kangaroo Land. Had my caffeine fix first this time so that I could enjoy it while it was hot. Can't believe that when I said goodnight to this thread I think it was about page 24 - now it's page 29!
I've a lot of catching up to do, though I only need to read the first line of K99's missives to know what will be following, so that will save me some time.
Love it, love it, love it. Starting my day off with a few chuckles.
I keep getting a picture in my head of K99, had he been around years ago, of this bloke preaching (screaming) fire and brimstone at all and sundry, long black coat and bright red face - maybe just before they came to take him away.
12-11-2013, 20:27
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Re: Christian Science
Gordon Bennett! You go away for awhile, sleep, eat, go about your daily business, come back and the Godbotherer's still here! He's like that Monty Python knight, reduced to a limbless torso and still yelling, "come back and fight!" I wonder how long he'll last before he gets banned? 
12-11-2013, 20:30
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Re: Christian Science
I'm not usually a nasty person - more the sweet and gentle old lady sort (and my nose grows by the minute) - but K99 seems to bring out the worst in me and I find myself being less-than-nice. Maybe I shouldn't say that as religious bigots tend to glory in being ridiculed (or verbally attacked) it sort of makes them feel self-righteous - all in the name of......
12-11-2013, 20:35
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Re: Christian Science
I have just been reading "Less's" blog. No wonder he is so anti-religious. He doesn't say who these people were but they sound like a cult. Unfortunately we all get tarred with the same brush because of it. It's rather like saying we are all shoplifters, burglars and rapists because they exist. I am afraid it is a cross we have to bear. One can only hope that things will change in the future but I can't see it happening. I think that if it had been me I would have shown a bit of backbone and turfed them out of the house but without the Holy Spirit people are left pretty defenceless.
12-11-2013, 20:35
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Re: Christian Science
Not sure, K99, to what degree of actually being a rocket scientist you were - I'm not saying you weren't of course as that would mean I was implying you fiddled with the truth about your working life....oh! gee - nothing has changed. Still fiddling with it.
12-11-2013, 20:36
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Re: Christian Science
..the truth that is.
12-11-2013, 20:41
Grand Wizard Of The Inner Clique
Re: Christian Science
Originally Posted by K99WARD
I think that if it had been me I would have shown a bit of backbone and turfed them out of the house
You stupid arse, the backbone came from tolerating them for my wifes sake.
Yet again you just prove you know nothing!

“I am a Bear of Very Little Brain, and long words bother me.”
Winnie the Pooh
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12-11-2013, 20:44
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Re: Christian Science
Oooh i bet its a barrel of laughs in your house K.
Backbone......dont, make me laugh.
"your mind will find a way to be unkind to you somehow. But all we really have is happening to us right now. Happiness is the road"
Steve Hogarth, lead singer Marillion
12-11-2013, 20:47
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Re: Christian Science
Would love to stay awhile and chat, K99, but have more mundane things to do, being as I am a fully qualified domestic goddess (well don't know about the goddess bit) who needs to do some quality control around the place. Will call in later.
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