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Old 12-11-2013, 20:55   #436
Full Member

Re: Christian Science

Originally Posted by dotti34 View Post
Good morning from Kangaroo Land. Had my caffeine fix first this time so that I could enjoy it while it was hot. Can't believe that when I said goodnight to this thread I think it was about page 24 - now it's page 29!
I've a lot of catching up to do, though I only need to read the first line of K99's missives to know what will be following, so that will save me some time.
Love it, love it, love it. Starting my day off with a few chuckles.
I keep getting a picture in my head of K99, had he been around years ago, of this bloke preaching (screaming) fire and brimstone at all and sundry, long black coat and bright red face - maybe just before they came to take him away.
I like people to show their inner feelings dotti. It's much better than bottling it up. Unfortunately you can't see me in the flesh but if you did you would probably find something far different than your mental image. I am a quiet unassuming kind of person who doesn't bother anybody at home. I suffer from Less's problem but probably more severely. It is like an invisible barrier making one look stupid when it is just a case of not hearing. Hearing loss can be not just a loss of volume but if the higher frequencies are absent one can hear something completely different to what is said. I like the Internet because I can compete there on equal terms. I try never to quote my own opinions and that sometimes frustrates people who say, " say it in your own words." The bible can be a bit severe but it is also full of God's love. It is impossible to quote it all since there is so much of it and that tends to give people who jump to conclusions the wrong idea.
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Old 12-11-2013, 21:02   #437
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Re: Christian Science

Originally Posted by DaveinGermany View Post
Oh I'd beg to differ on that score fella, even your own bible bashing, puplpit thumping colleagues can't agree on the basics. According to various sources there's between 38,000 - 41,000 denominations of Christianity. So, tell me, what makes yours right?
I can only assure you Dave that it is a commonly held view and it seems to be born out by the facts but it is not my intention to promote other faiths here but only my own. I quoted it only as background information. It is the one I was baptised into as a child, it is the one we learned at school and it is the one I was saved through many years later.
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Old 12-11-2013, 21:11   #438
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Re: Christian Science

Originally Posted by Less View Post
You are obviously mentally dyslexic, you mange to waffle but spell absolutely nothing out.

Except of course for your threats to the site and it's members.

You aren't here by right you know, to stay you have to earn the privilege.
I fail to see any threats Less. I suspect that your unfortunate experience has coloured your thinking. I simply quote God's word. If there are any threats they are not mine. You must take them up with God himself if you have an issue. God has sent his son to die for our sins and if we believe in him they will be forgiven. That is the essential teaching of true Christianity. It can be summed up in John 3:16 which states :

John 3:16
King James Version (KJV)
16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.

There is no teaching other than that. Even a child can understand it.
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Old 12-11-2013, 21:16   #439
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Re: Christian Science

Originally Posted by K99WARD View Post
I tend to get a bit short with people who want everything spelled out like a house deed. There are two separate statements here and the second part refers to the basic precept of the Christian faith. I deem it necessary here to give a distinction between the faiths.

If one were to produce a list of all the faiths one would find a common element running through them—except one.

All faiths except Christianity are based on what we can do to earn everlasting life from the head man (in our case God). Different faiths have different ways of doing this but it amounts to finding a way to earn salvation. Now Christianity differs in that it is based on what God has already done for us. You see it is the other way round. Christianity teaches that it is impossible to please God by doing anything; good deeds or whatever your thing happens to be. It does not mean that we shouldn't do good works but it does mean that they cannot earn salvation. The Church of England goes one stage further by saying that good works done BEFORE salvation are repugnant to God.
You are trying to wriggle out of a simple answer to a simple question .

You said : " We are COMMANDED to tell the gospel. Nothing further is required of us. "

Are the two separate statements you have just mentioned

1. We are COMMANDED to tell the gospel.
2. Nothing further is required of us. ?

If so which Bible are you using ?

Are you serious that Jesus commanded his followers just to tell the Gospel and made no other commands because nothing further is required of them ?

Your concept of Christianity is weird , and I am sure most on the Accy Web , most of whom are , I believe , non-Christians , but have some knowledge of the teachings of Jesus , will find it just as weird .
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Old 12-11-2013, 21:17   #440
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Re: Christian Science

Originally Posted by Restless View Post
I suppose you was using the internet back in the 70's? and firewalls came along late 80s
I was first introduced to firewalls in the early 2000s restless. I was with Firenet at the time. That was like a jail sentence but the proprietor recommended that we all get one. Since firewalls act silently I never really discovered if it did anything unlike antivirus that jumps up to tell you something.
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Old 12-11-2013, 21:21   #441
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Re: Christian Science

Originally Posted by K99WARD View Post
I fail to see any threats Less. I suspect that your unfortunate experience has coloured your thinking.
I didn't ask you to read that blog, I don't expect you to analyse me through it either.

I would be perfectly happy with you on site if you just M.Y.O.B. and stop forcing your twisted God onto others.

Look at it this way, it is Gods will that I dislike you and all you represent. now will you sod off and let us enjoy ourselves?

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Winnie the Pooh
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Old 12-11-2013, 21:39   #442
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Re: Christian Science

Originally Posted by dotti34 View Post
Not sure, K99, to what degree of actually being a rocket scientist you were - I'm not saying you weren't of course as that would mean I was implying you fiddled with the truth about your working life....oh! gee - nothing has changed. Still fiddling with it.
Well dotti, wishing to be polite and not wanting Less to dash off to the Mods I will try to be brief. I always liked chemistry at school but having seem Frank Whittle testing his jet engine at school one rainy lunchtime I fancied going into the aircraft industry. I got a job with Lucas Aerospace which at the time was known as Joseph Lucas GTE Limited. The job was an apprenticeship in Industrial Chemistry which I did for 5 years. It involved three types of analysis, metallurgical, fuel and gas analysis. It involved working in the test rigs where I learned to write upside down as two of us were working the same apparatus using one test sheet to record the results. Some of the senior chemists had moved over to the combustion side as the lab was only a service department and when the opportunity arose to do the same I grabbed it with both hands. I loved the work which was very varied and eventually rose to the position of senior project engineer. This involved taking on a project from start to finish with only minimal supervision. Testing costs were high but we were not highly paid. I didn't mind this as it meant little competition from the high flyers. The work was very varied including work on Concorde and RB 211 and many others but my final job was on MLRS. I cannot say more than that as it could be construed as breaking the Official Secrets Act although I never signed up to it as it would have involved telling a lie but nobody seemed to mind. I hope that satisfies your curiosity.
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Old 12-11-2013, 21:48   #443
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Re: Christian Science

I've been giving some thought to the 10 Commandments ... even mini-mind has probably heard of them ... and I think I'll go with George Carlin on this one:

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Old 13-11-2013, 01:21   #444
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Re: Christian Science

Originally Posted by Less View Post
It's at times like this I'm glad I'm not a vegetarian. Yummy.
Your avatar, at a glance, looks like a big Mac...
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Let sleeping polar bears lie...
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Old 13-11-2013, 04:05   #445
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Re: Christian Science

My, my, K99, I feel you have big-noted yourself somewhat, been a bit pretentious and given yourself a promotion of sorts by claiming to be a rocket scientist. Although you worked in an aeronautical environment it’s not quite the same. Ask any rocket scientist.
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Old 13-11-2013, 04:07   #446
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Re: Christian Science

One of my sons said to me the other day how much he appreciated the fact that neither his dad nor I have every tried to impose our beliefs, either regarding religion or politics, on our children. Rather the opposite as we have always encouraged them to think for themselves and come to their own conclusions without any parental influence. We actually do agree to disagree on a number of issues.
I wonder if K99 has any children and if so has he indoctrinated them with his way of thinking.
I'm not really interested in K99, just making a passing observation.
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Old 13-11-2013, 04:20   #447
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Re: Christian Science

Originally Posted by susie123 View Post
Your avatar, at a glance, looks like a big Mac...
And that's what he was wearing down by the geese and peacocks Susie..

Last edited by DtheP47; 13-11-2013 at 04:25. Reason: Trypo
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Old 13-11-2013, 05:05   #448
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Re: Christian Science

Originally Posted by Less View Post
now will you sod off and let us enjoy ourselves?

Let's not be precipitate about this ... think of AccyWeb as a village ... a place where everyone knows everyone else ... we may not all be friends; but we are a community. Now, what every village needs is a village idiot. We now have Kevin. Hi Kevin. Of course, in the next transfer window, we might be tempted to sell him to Knuzden.
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Last edited by Eric; 13-11-2013 at 05:09.
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Old 13-11-2013, 06:50   #449
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Re: Christian Science

Originally Posted by dotti34 View Post
One of my sons said to me the other day how much he appreciated the fact that neither his dad nor I have every tried to impose our beliefs, either regarding religion or politics, on our children. Rather the opposite as we have always encouraged them to think for themselves and come to their own conclusions without any parental influence. We actually do agree to disagree on a number of issues.
I wonder if K99 has any children and if so has he indoctrinated them with his way of thinking.
I'm not really interested in K99, just making a passing observation.
Hi dotti,

Good morning and good evening to our down under folks. Please do not think I would try to indoctrinate anyone. Our Heavenly Father gave us all free will to do as we think fit: to accept him or reject him. I can say that when I accepted him 37 years ago my life changed for the better. The odd thing is that even before I became a Christian and was single I vowed I would only marry a Christian. Mind you, I was never a one to chase after the girls and might never have married at all until I met this gem of a woman who had never been married and although I thought I had got a bargain at the time she turned out later to be even better. She had several near brushes with death but had a strong will to live and recovered. I didn't blame God for this as many do, but accepted that I shouldn't have her on earth forever. Even after all this time without her I am still as much in love. People find this odd but if ever there was a perfect match, she was the one.

You may not be interested in me dotti but I am interested in you because you are one of God's creatures. He created you and loves you and wants you to be his child.
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Old 13-11-2013, 07:01   #450
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Re: Christian Science

Originally Posted by dotti34 View Post
My, my, K99, I feel you have big-noted yourself somewhat, been a bit pretentious and given yourself a promotion of sorts by claiming to be a rocket scientist. Although you worked in an aeronautical environment it’s not quite the same. Ask any rocket scientist.
It doesn't matter what job we do dotti if we do it to our best ability. I enjoyed going to work every day and God gave me the ability to do jobs in which others had failed. We have all been given some gift by God and it is up to us to use it to the best of our ability whatever it might be. We must remember that God is the giver of all good gifts and as Christians we ought to rejoice in it.

I can't help noticing that the ones who have shut God out of their lives are also the ones who are not happy. They may not know why, but without him it is impossible to please him. He is the embodiment of all goodness.
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