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Old 10-11-2013, 13:53   #46
Grand Wizard Of The Inner Clique
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Christian Science

Originally Posted by K99WARD View Post
Hi again Less,
We are told in the scriptures that it is the broad road that leads to destruction and ........

"Enter ye in at the strait gate: for wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leadeth to destruction, and MANY there be which go in thereat:"

It's so easy on the Internet. I have given up using my scripture program as it is so much quicker to use Google. I wouldn't say I was God's moderator but I have studied his word but just to make sure I also check on what other outstanding bible teachers have to say too. It's a kind of belt and braces if you like. Children like to say, "my dad's bigger than your dad" and I am one of God's children.
YOU are told not we.
I have had religion coming out of my ears I choose my own path, it is often littered with the corpses of those that insist they a right and I am wrong.
Funnily enough, those that I meet and allow me my own way, find that I am more than willing to allow them theirs.
So stick that in your Holy Grail and drink it!
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Old 10-11-2013, 14:02   #47
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Re: Christian Science

Originally Posted by Margaret Pilkington View Post
Having religion forced upon you is one of the sure fire ways to turn people away.
When the Mormons or the Jehovah's witnesses are in the street, you see people hurriedly shut their doors.
That should tell you something.
If I want a sermon, there is a very welcoming church only ten minutes walk away from me.
I do not want a I will say to you this is the end of my participation in this discussion.
Good luck on your commanded task, and have a nice life.
Hi again Margaret,
We don't get Mormons round our way but I have invited them from work in the past. We get plenty of JW's though and surprise, surprise, they give my house a wide berth. We occasionally get new ones who don't know and have to be rescued from turning blue with cold by their colleagues. I did once complain to their head office that they were not doing their job properly and they sent two of their senior people round but they keep well clear these days.

I am glad that you at least think about going to church Margaret but very much more is required than just thinking. The bible says, "ye must be born again."
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Old 10-11-2013, 14:02   #48
Grand Wizard Of The Inner Clique
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Christian Science

Still not checking out the rest of the site I see, makes me suspect you're a one trick pony.
I look forward to you proving you actually have a mind of your own.
They do say that there is a rule, as soon as Hitler or The Nazis are mentioned the thread has gone on too long.
So there it is an end to this magic roundabout.

No need to thank me.
“I am a Bear of Very Little Brain, and long words bother me.”
Winnie the Pooh
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Old 10-11-2013, 14:16   #49
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Re: Christian Science

Originally Posted by Less View Post
YOU are told not we.
I have had religion coming out of my ears I choose my own path, it is often littered with the corpses of those that insist they a right and I am wrong.
Funnily enough, those that I meet and allow me my own way, find that I am more than willing to allow them theirs.
So stick that in your Holy Grail and drink it!
Hi Less,
You are very fortunate to have had religion coming out of your ears but as the scriptures say, "For unto whomsoever much is given, of him shall be much required". I came to Christianity late (but not too late).

Frank Sinatra used to sing, "I did it my way" but was his way the right one? At the judgement we shall all receive what is due to us. We are told that straw burns and is destroyed. Shall our works be works of straw?
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Old 10-11-2013, 14:17   #50
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Re: Christian Science

Originally Posted by K99WARD View Post
I wouldn't say I was God's moderator but I have studied his word but just to make sure I also check on what other outstanding bible teachers have to say too. It's a kind of belt and braces if you like. Children like to say, "my dad's bigger than your dad" and I am one of God's children.
I thought DtheP was arrogant but this person beats him hollow.

BTW I have had anaesthesia several times recently. I also watch Coronation Street and have to say there is no comparison between the two. I consider myself an intelligent person who does not happen to hold any spiritual beliefs whatsoever and I respect your stance but please do not expect everyone to bow the knee just because you say your god says so in a few-thousand-year-old book written for Bronze Age tribesmen.

I will refrain from anything which might be considered a more personal attack.
Let sleeping polar bears lie...

Last edited by susie123; 10-11-2013 at 14:24.
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Old 10-11-2013, 14:33   #51

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Re: Christian Science

Originally Posted by Less View Post
Do you mean this book BG?

Thats the one
"your mind will find a way to be unkind to you somehow. But all we really have is happening to us right now. Happiness is the road"

Steve Hogarth, lead singer Marillion
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Old 10-11-2013, 14:34   #52
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Re: Christian Science

Originally Posted by Less View Post
Are you going to sit in this thread for the rest of your life? If so, what a waste.

Why not do a few searches? Around the site?

There are some really evil threads that need the Lords guidance, I know, I started most of them.

Hi Less,

Well as has been pointed out to me, I am a new guy here but not to Christianity. On Friday I passed the Christian Science church in Accrington and was surprised at how well kept it is. I decided to see what they believed and looked them up. Then I saw this request as to what they believed and decided to answer it. I didn't really expect a reply but thanks guys for doing so. I try never to give my own opinions but just to quote what God says in his word. It seems to stir up the devil sleeping in people. That is their problem, not mine. We are told "Mark 16:15 - Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature."

There, I've done Boeing Guy's homework for him and got it in one.
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Old 10-11-2013, 14:38   #53
a multieloquent Mule

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Re: Christian Science

Just out of curiosity (you know, that thing that killed the Moggie) I had a quick skeg of our new contributors profile. Well 76 eh? So you've had a few good years out of this world & now that things are getting a bit close to the bone, you're hedging your bets I see.

That's fine mate, you crack on & draw whatever comfort you can from "your belief", but as to the rest of us unrepentant sinners, we're quite happily cruising along in our own little ways & worlds. Religion mate, is a crutch/crux/ crock, depending on your viewpoint & position, that said it's also a personal thing, like boils, hygiene, & dangly bits, basically best kept private & to yourself. Nobody wants it rammed down their throat, or rubbed under their noses (unless of course you're of a certain sexual bent or political class).

So in effect what I'm saying is, you're probably better off keeping shtum on the subject & most definitely don't go try forcing your views on the average unconvinced/unconcerned citizenry, believe me it'll make your future (participation?) on these boards much more enjoyable.
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I don't know half of you as well as I should like, and I like half of you, half as well as you deserve. (Bilbo Baggins)
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Old 10-11-2013, 14:41   #54
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Re: Christian Science

Originally Posted by susie123 View Post
I thought DtheP was arrogant but this person beats him hollow.

BTW I have had anaesthesia several times recently. I also watch Coronation Street and have to say there is no comparison between the two. I consider myself an intelligent person who does not happen to hold any spiritual beliefs whatsoever and I respect your stance but please do not expect everyone to bow the knee just because you say your god says so in a few-thousand-year-old book written for Bronze Age tribesmen.

I will refrain from anything which might be considered a more personal attack.
Hi Susie,

Is this DtheP any good at the elbow game?
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Old 10-11-2013, 14:42   #55
Grand Wizard Of The Inner Clique
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Re: Christian Science

Originally Posted by K99WARD View Post
Hi Less,

We are told "Mark 16:15 - Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature."

There, I've done Boeing Guy's homework for him and got it in one.
Very Junior School to keep quoting something that was put together several hundred years after the events supposedly happened.

However if it makes your day:-

I believe, Oh Lordy, Lordy, I believe, thank you Bwana for leading this sinner into the light, never again to do anything but Gods work, now, a problem, which God should I choose?

Brian just about sums you up by the way.
“I am a Bear of Very Little Brain, and long words bother me.”
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Old 10-11-2013, 14:48   #56
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Re: Christian Science

Originally Posted by DaveinGermany View Post
Just out of curiosity (you know, that thing that killed the Moggie) I had a quick skeg of our new contributors profile. Well 76 eh? So you've had a few good years out of this world & now that things are getting a bit close to the bone, you're hedging your bets I see.

That's fine mate, you crack on & draw whatever comfort you can from "your belief", but as to the rest of us unrepentant sinners, we're quite happily cruising along in our own little ways & worlds. Religion mate, is a crutch/crux/ crock, depending on your viewpoint & position, that said it's also a personal thing, like boils, hygiene, & dangly bits, basically best kept private & to yourself. Nobody wants it rammed down their throat, or rubbed under their noses (unless of course you're of a certain sexual bent or political class).

So in effect what I'm saying is, you're probably better off keeping shtum on the subject & most definitely don't go try forcing your views on the average unconvinced/unconcerned citizenry, believe me it'll make your future (participation?) on these boards much more enjoyable.
Hi Dave in Germany,

How do you make out with the square heads? They keep telling me I have many more years yet but it's all these pills that are doing it. Did you hear about the guy who heckled a preacher not to ram his preaching down his throat? With a bit of quick repartee the preacher told him to keep his mouth shut.
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Old 10-11-2013, 14:59   #57
Grand Wizard Of The Inner Clique
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Re: Christian Science

Originally Posted by K99WARD View Post
Hi Dave in Germany,

How do you make out with the square heads?

How's that for tolerance?

Originally Posted by K99WARD View Post
They keep telling me I have many more years yet but it's all these pills that are doing it.
Don't blame the pills, ask you God for forgivness after all your suffering must have been passed on to you by your Fathers?

Another nasty religious piece of propaganda whatever could a forgiving God have against children?
Originally Posted by K99WARD View Post
Did you hear about the guy who heckled a preacher not to ram his preaching down his throat? With a bit of quick repartee the preacher told him to keep his mouth shut.
So, we have found out what you think is funny?

Pathetic, just like your bigotted thoughts.
In case you've forgotten:-

Originally Posted by K99WARD View Post
Hi Dave in Germany,

How do you make out with the square heads?
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Old 10-11-2013, 15:14   #58
a multieloquent Mule

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Re: Christian Science

Originally Posted by K99WARD View Post
Hi Dave in Germany,How do you make out with the square heads?

Same way as you do with any nationality, but at your age ...... well you've probably forgotten how it's done.

Did you hear about the guy who heckled a preacher not to ram his preaching down his throat?

Er, That'll be a no!

With a bit of quick repartee

10 minutes later? Quick? You might need some new tablets Fella

the preacher told him to keep his mouth shut.

Was he a little choirboy then?
Hopefully I've managed to answer your questions & all without recourse to some book.
I don't know half of you as well as I should like, and I like half of you, half as well as you deserve. (Bilbo Baggins)
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Old 10-11-2013, 15:17   #59
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Re: Christian Science

Originally Posted by DaveinGermany View Post
Hopefully I've managed to answer your questions & all without recourse to some book.
Nice One Dave
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Old 10-11-2013, 15:17   #60
I am Banned

Re: Christian Science

Originally Posted by K99WARD View Post
Hi Susie,

Is this DtheP any good at the elbow game?

No but I do like Guy Edward John Garvey's music and his patronage of the Mines Advisory Group
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