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22-03-2014, 08:59
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Re: Christian Science
Originally Posted by Restless
DAV.. Good point you make. But dont a lot of These religiously obsessive humans remind you of robots?
some do, your right there!
22-03-2014, 09:00
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Re: Re: Christian Science
Originally Posted by K99WARD
Do you know, we never had a single argument during our marriage.
. I smell BS. Not a single argument lol what a laugh..
I wonder. Just how much of kestrelx's illegal hallucinogenic drugs did you two take?
Originally Posted by K99WARD
Now who can equal that?
Knowing that its just crap and there is no heaven one who knows this truth will not equal but excel tenfold
22-03-2014, 09:05
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Re: Christian Science
I do think K99WARD means well
I was taught a Christians role is to point someone to Jesus by how they lived, what they said ,what they did, how they responded to life decisions, how they responded to lifes problems, how they relied on their relationship with God.
I dont think (although I probably havent done enough research) its the follower of Christ (Christians) role to convince, that role belongs to the holy spirit.
22-03-2014, 09:16
Senior Member
Re: Christian Science
Originally Posted by K99WARD
My answers to page 52
8. Your standards: "Accept that everyone has an opinion even though they disagree with mine". You don't seem to be doing too well on here.
Point me to the post where I have not accepted YOUR opinion? You really should have a rider attached to your posts along the lines of 'my opinions are not my own they are based on selective passages from a book written a couple of thousand years ago'
Should I now point you to all the posts you make that totally ignore the counter argument.
I have no problem whatsoever with people believing in a supreme deity, in fact I kinda envy them their faith.
You however, are little more than the Christian version of a Muslim extremist. You are the kind of person that causes every single person who believes to be labelled as a 'God botherer'. You are the kind of person that caused inquisitions, pogroms and genocide. You, and people like you, are dangerous
The only problem drinker is the one that doesn't stand his round
22-03-2014, 09:26
Beacon of light
Re: Christian Science
Originally Posted by K99WARD
There you go Guinness, judging everyone by your standards. I merely posted that info just to let you know I am not the ogre some would have you believe. 
I cannot see any post in this thread where anyone has portrayed you as an ogre.
Misguided, evangelical, deluded, a pain in the butt, unable to see anyone else's point of view, supercilious......all these have been levelled at you. I believe, with just cause. Nowhere has anyone called you an ogre.
As for your replies regarding our own life partnerships, well every partnership is different. In a partnership you have to accept that the other person will not always see your point of view. There has to be compromise, discussion and resolution.My partnership, my marriage would not have lasted for 47 years if there had not been a level of accord.
I am a strong personality, I retain that personality because it is part of what attracted my partner to me.
I have my own views, my own thoughts. These are accepted. My individuality is accepted.
I do not particularly want you to go away. I would like it if you would stop your preaching to an unreceptive audience .
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
It will be destroyed by those who stand by and do Nothing.
(a paraphrase on a quote by Albert Einstein)
22-03-2014, 09:37
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Re: Christian Science
Originally Posted by Guinness
You are the kind of person that caused inquisitions, pogroms and genocide. You, and people like you, are dangerous
well said
22-03-2014, 09:56
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Re: Christian Science
22-03-2014, 10:06
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Re: Christian Science
I am touched by all this thirst for knowledge. 
22-03-2014, 10:11
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Re: Christian Science
Originally Posted by K99WARD
I am touched by all this thirst for knowledge. 
O K . Quench my thirst for knowledge by enlightening me by giving an answer to my question .
To remind you .
You made this statement: " We are COMMANDED to tell the gospel. Nothing further is required of us."
What I want to know is whether you believe that Jesus requires nothing of his followers other than to tell the Gospel .
22-03-2014, 10:16
Grand Wizard Of The Inner Clique
Re: Christian Science
Originally Posted by K99WARD
I am touched. 
Yes we know.
"Pearls before swine" and "casting pearls" refer to a quotation from Matthew 7:6 in Jesus's Sermon on the Mount, implying that you should not put what is valuable in front of those who will reject the notion that it has value and furthermore that they will seek to diminish or destroy what you offer.
"Do not give what is holy to the dogs; nor cast your pearls before swine, lest they trample them under their feet, and turn and tear you in pieces."
Pearls before swine - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
So you see even your Messiah gave advice about leaving us alone. Do yourself and us a favour, follow his advice for once.
Oink, Oink.

“I am a Bear of Very Little Brain, and long words bother me.”
Winnie the Pooh
Quotes & quoting
22-03-2014, 10:42
Re: Christian Science
Originally Posted by Less
Originally Posted by Restless
Originally Posted by Retlaw
Neil how much longer are we going to have to put up with this stupid bible thumper.
untill he breaks the rules i guess. Don't worry. His kind do it eventually
He already did and had a couple of posts removed, no doubt he'll be on a warning.
Why what has he done wrong? Many users have had posts removed, doesn't mean they all get banned.
If you don't like what he has to say then don't read this thread or anything he has to say.
The members who haven't enough self control to not reply to him only need to add him to their ignore list.
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22-03-2014, 10:46
Re: Christian Science
Originally Posted by Restless
untill he breaks the rules i guess. Don't worry. His kind do it eventually
Originally Posted by Less
He already did and had a couple of posts removed, no doubt he'll be on a warning.
Originally Posted by JCB
I am not so much bothered about consulting Google about place names as consulting you as to why you continue to evade answering a question I have asked you umpteen times .
To remind you .
You made this statement: " We are COMMANDED to tell the gospel. Nothing further is required of us."
What I want to know is whether you believe that Jesus requires nothing of his followers other than to tell the Gospel .
You are wasting your time asking him not to evade your questions. Religion is about faith, if you don't believe then you wont understand. I asume you are a non believer so why are you so bothered about what he believes in as long as his beliefs don't cause you harm?
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22-03-2014, 10:48
Re: Christian Science
Originally Posted by K99WARD
You appeal to Neil but he has told you the correct way already
Don't bring me into it, I don't want to read all the drivel you post but I don't have the luxury of being able to add people to my ignore list.
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22-03-2014, 11:02
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Re: Christian Science
There! I told you that Neil was the sensible one but you all just ignored both him and me but if you want a kind of contest I will suggest a way. All those interested post what they think constitutes a Christian and I will mark your answers out of 10. If at the end of it all nobody gets any marks I will post the correct answer (with Neil's permission of course.)

22-03-2014, 11:09
Grand Wizard Of The Inner Clique
Re: Christian Science
Originally Posted by Neil
Why what has he done wrong? Many users have had posts removed, doesn't mean they all get banned.
If you don't like what he has to say then don't read this thread or anything he has to say.
The members who haven't enough self control to not reply to him only need to add him to their ignore list.
Originally Posted by Neil
You are wasting your time asking him not to evade your questions. Religion is about faith, if you don't believe then you wont understand. I asume you are a non believer so why are you so bothered about what he believes in as long as his beliefs don't cause you harm?
If he is doing nothing wrong by coming on site and attempting to convert us, then we are doing nothing wrong by telling him he's talking bull.
Assume away whatever I/we are is formed by our beliefs (or lack of them), you are right he can't harm us but he does need to be told when he is interfering where he isn't wanted.
“I am a Bear of Very Little Brain, and long words bother me.”
Winnie the Pooh
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