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22-03-2014, 16:00
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Re: Christian Science
Originally Posted by kestrelx
I asked sometime ago - when is the 2nd coming coming - that was a serious question to establish this?
Hi kestrelx,
You have asked a question that only one person knows the answer to. Not even Jesus knew that. All we know is that we must be ready. Therefore keep watch, because you do not know on what day your Lord will come. I do hope that helps you.
22-03-2014, 16:05
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Re: Christian Science
Originally Posted by DaveinGermany
Challenge? Hardly, you see, no matter what folk say, you won't be prepared to accept it if it doesn't fit within your narrow parameters, gleaned from your perception of the Bible which you so avidly espouse but only as it suits your terms!
Therefore, there is no single definition of "Christian" just precepts. Each & every person has a view/opinion that they form themselves by whatever means they deem appropriate & that then leads to their conclusion of the value of a particular faith/belief. The net result, a broad spectrum from atheism or blind followers to the curse of the extremists regardless of their chosen religion.
Surely you are not giving up without a try. I always think of you as a person with spirit. There is only one true definition of a Christian. All the rest are false.
22-03-2014, 16:30
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Re: Christian Science
Originally Posted by Accyexplorer
The fact the word “Christian” appears only three times in your "good book"( Acts 11:26; 26:28; 1 Peter 4:16) suggests that like most members on here,nobody gives a flying.
That's very good Accyexplorer. They were first 'christened' that at Antioch by their enemies of all people. Maybe some of your names will stick to me too.
Come and join us on Broadway. You know when.
22-03-2014, 17:17
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Re: Christian Science
Originally Posted by K99WARD
Surely you guys are not scared, are you? We are not looking for a theological exegesis. Words in plain language will do. You have all had plenty to say so far.
Should it not be are you scared ?
If not , why do you evade answering a question I have asked of you many times , starting four months ago ?
To use some of your words from the quote above , " I am not looking for a theological exegesis. Words in plain language will do. You have had plenty to say so far. "
To remind you .
You made this statement: " We are COMMANDED to tell the gospel. Nothing further is required of us."
What I want to know is whether you believe that Jesus requires nothing of his followers other than to tell the Gospel .
22-03-2014, 17:30
Grand Wizard Of The Inner Clique
Christian Science
Ooh sir, sir me next please sir please.
I have heard that it has been mentioned by a leading theologian that occasionally pimps the web for his own purposes once said,
"We are COMMANDED to tell the gospel. Nothing further is required of us."
My question is:-
Do you believe that Jesus requires nothing of his followers other than to tell the Gospel?
“I am a Bear of Very Little Brain, and long words bother me.”
Winnie the Pooh
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Last edited by Less; 22-03-2014 at 17:32.
22-03-2014, 19:08
a multieloquent Mule
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Re: Christian Science
Originally Posted by K99WARD
There is only one true definition of a Christian. All the rest are false.
There you go, Just as I said, you deny any other opinion of what may be seen as Christian if it doesn't fit within your narrow peculiarity.
I don't know half of you as well as I should like, and I like half of you, half as well as you deserve. (Bilbo Baggins)
22-03-2014, 20:39
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Re: Christian Science
That's a nice looking Doberman Pinscher you've got there. Is she yours?
22-03-2014, 20:52
Grand Wizard Of The Inner Clique
Christian Science
Originally Posted by K99WARD
That's a nice looking Doberman Pinscher you've got there. Is she yours?
He probably won't answer your question until you answer his, it's only fair he's been waiting quite some time.
“I am a Bear of Very Little Brain, and long words bother me.”
Winnie the Pooh
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22-03-2014, 21:18
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Re: Christian Science
Originally Posted by K99WARD
That's a nice looking Doberman Pinscher you've got there. Is she yours?
You are mistaken about the breed of dog , but Less is right when he says :
" He probably won't answer your question until you answer his, it's only fair he's been waiting quite some time."
To remind you .
You made this statement: " We are COMMANDED to tell the gospel. Nothing further is required of us."
What I want to know is whether you believe that Jesus requires nothing of his followers other than to tell the Gospel
22-03-2014, 21:32
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Re: Christian Science
I think there are different types of 'tell\telling',
You can tell the gospel by how you love your neighbour.
22-03-2014, 21:45
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Re: Christian Science
K99 – First of all, the definition of Christian is one who believes in Christ. That’s it! Do I get 10 out of 10? Do I care!!!!!!! (By the way – you have once again shown your self-perceived superiority by making out you are the expert on this subject).
Secondly, in reply to your query ‘I wonder why?’ regarding why we have disagreements. My man and I have (educated) arguments because we are not brain-washed (unlike some religious bigots – and if the shoe fits….) but can think for ourselves and appreciate the right to have opposing views, and though we might not agree we LISTEN to what the other has to say. (You should try the ‘listen’ bit some time).
22-03-2014, 21:46
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Re: Christian Science
K99, a bit more.
I am glad for you that you had 27 years with a loving and lovely lady (though this is but a blink in the space of time) and am sorry that you didn’t have more. Your God was not very generous with you over this.
Please don’t tell me that He has some plan for you in the afterlife (???) and that you will be with your wife for eternity, etc.., etc. I won’t go into my thoughts about that with you – you are entitled to your beliefs and whatever makes you happy….
22-03-2014, 22:19
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Re: Christian Science
dottie34 is right in a technical sense.
christian simply means follower of Christ.
What that follower should look like (spiritually, life style, decisions) is where people disagree.
I do think there is a danger in the UK that people consider themselves Christians because they where born here, christened or blessed as a Child or attend church at Easter/Christmas.
A good way to judge how Christian you are is to compare your life to that of Jesus.
A life of sacrifice, long suffering, rejection, seeking peace, giving, humility, freedom, joy.
After all, Jesus is the person you are following, to judge your life in any other way or by your own standards would be meaningless and contrary to what you claim to be.
22-03-2014, 22:55
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Re: Christian Science
Originally Posted by DAV007
I think there are different types of 'tell\telling',
You can tell the gospel by how you love your neighbour.
None out of ten for that Dav007—sorry
22-03-2014, 22:59
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Re: Christian Science
Originally Posted by dotti34
K99 – First of all, the definition of Christian is one who believes in Christ. That’s it! Do I get 10 out of 10? Do I care!!!!!!! (By the way – you have once again shown your self-perceived superiority by making out you are the expert on this subject).
Secondly, in reply to your query ‘I wonder why?’ regarding why we have disagreements. My man and I have (educated) arguments because we are not brain-washed (unlike some religious bigots – and if the shoe fits….) but can think for ourselves and appreciate the right to have opposing views, and though we might not agree we LISTEN to what the other has to say. (You should try the ‘listen’ bit some time).
Well at least is was a try dotti34 but totally inadequate. None out of ten. Just to show you I am not biased, I shall quote someone else's definition of "What is a Christian?" in due course.
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