Originally Posted by K99WARD
I think now is the time to reveal the answer to "What is a Christian" since his response is directly linked to it.
I am not interested in your answering a question posed by yourself .
Go back to 10/11/2013 .
I first posted on this thread on 11/11/2013 .
The words in a post of the previous day caught my eye .
The words were those of K99WARD and were " We are COMMANDED to tell the gospel. Nothing further is required of us. "
My post was :- " Are you sure ?
Nothing is required of us other than to tell the Gospel .

Since then I have asked K99WARD on numerous occasions whether he believes that Jesus requires nothing of his followers other than to tell the Gospel .
I am sure that most would agree with me that his words which I have quoted are puzzling to say the least .
K99WARD has not had the courtesy to give me an answer , or when he has replied to my posts he has simply used the tactic of evasion .
If any , like me , think that the question deserves a truthful answer may I suggest that you continue to ask the question of K99WARD whenever he makes a post .
So K99WARD , to remind you .
You made this statement: " We are COMMANDED to tell the gospel. Nothing further is required of us."
What I want to know is whether you believe that Jesus requires nothing of his followers other than to tell the Gospel .