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Old 12-12-2007, 20:57   #16
Beacon of light

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Re: christmas at rhyddings or not

I think if enough flag waving Christians were to ask questions then maybe they would be keener to advertise Christmas......somehow the fact that a lot of Christians do not wear their religion like a badge is probably what makes muslims think that we don't care much about religion....and that it is just an incidental part of our lives. It seems like you have to have a fanatical fervour to be taken seriously.
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Old 12-12-2007, 20:58   #17
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Re: christmas at rhyddings or not

if they are to be celebrated then it should be done fairly and not onesided, i was brought up a very strict catholic but i wouldnt shove it down anyones throat and let my children decide if they want to go to church or not, but at school they havent even got the choice of celebrating.
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Old 12-12-2007, 20:59   #18
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Re: christmas at rhyddings or not

Originally Posted by Neil View Post
None of them should be celebrated in school. I don't agree in forced religion in any way, shape or form.
think theres a differance between forced religion @ taught religion, forced to me was when the teacher used to ask- what colour robe was the priest wearing in mass yesterday, learning about differant beliefs etc can only do good i think.
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Old 12-12-2007, 20:59   #19
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Re: christmas at rhyddings or not

Originally Posted by broadhurst7173 View Post
if they are to be celebrated then it should be done fairly and not onesided, i was brought up a very strict catholic but i wouldnt shove it down anyones throat and let my children decide if they want to go to church or not, but at school they havent even got the choice of celebrating.
the exact reason my son goes to catholic school
Like the old woman who lived in a shoe, i have so many children i can't fit the tickers in my signature.....

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Old 12-12-2007, 21:00   #20
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Re: christmas at rhyddings or not

I do not agree with enforced religious instruction, but you can't make choices about whether to follow one religion or another, if you are not exposed to any religious tenets.
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
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Old 12-12-2007, 21:03   #21
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Re: christmas at rhyddings or not

singke faith schools now have to admit children from other faiths.. this means that the children are taught about their own religion and the religions of lad knows about many religions, but thats because it interests me
Like the old woman who lived in a shoe, i have so many children i can't fit the tickers in my signature.....

I finally found someone daft enough to marry me, my wonderboy is 11, my monkeygirl is 3 and my bananaman is 2, my beautiful little flower was born in feb 2012
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Old 12-12-2007, 21:21   #22
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Re: christmas at rhyddings or not

I can tell you Hollins haven't taken the opt out. Apparently there's a massive one in reception
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Old 12-12-2007, 21:30   #23
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Re: christmas at rhyddings or not

It seems that what is happening to you guys is not tolerance but surrender. I don't think that the answer is a return to a christian society but a return to the good old-fashioned (in the positive sense) Lancashire values that many of you put forward in your posts. Any one coming from abroad to live in your communtiy should subscribe to these values or go somewhere else, or just stay home. This is not a popular opinion, and by proposing it, one runs the risk of being called "rascist." But it is that, or losing your identity, losing what our great-grandfathers, our grandfathers, and our fathers fought and died for. I know that my ancestors did not slog thro' mud, and blood, and the assorted body parts of their mates so that some pussy govt. should give England away without a fight.

The people of Quebec are in the process of forming new rules for immigrants. They are suggesting that anyone who wishes to settle in their province should sign a document agreeing to conform to the historical and settled values of la belle province. Among them: a commitment to democracy, and agreement to have their children educated in the French language, and a recognition of the equality of the sexes. We can all learn from this. The only people in Quebec who are complainig about this are the muslims. They are particularly offended by the "equality of the sexes" item. Evidently they want to come to Quebec and still be free to treat their women like s**t. It is not a long journey from this attitude to the "honor" killings which so rightly shock and digust us all.

This is my rant from the colonies. Maybe, living here, it is none of my business. But Canadians know what it is to be Canadian, and I damn sure we will not surrender our values and our identity to anyone. Many Americans think of us an image of them, a 51st state in waiting, but they aren't in Canada for long, before they realize that we are Canada not America, and we are damned proud of it.
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Old 12-12-2007, 23:49   #24
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Re: christmas at rhyddings or not

When I was at Rhyddings (94-99) we always decorated for Christmas. We used to have a fabulous tree in The Arts Centre and one in the main reception area, the teachers usually put up some sort of decoration in their classrooms aswell.

The one in The Arts Centre got a clobbering one year during the school production, we were doing a battle scene and someone tripped and fell right into it! lol.
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Old 13-12-2007, 08:00   #25
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Re: christmas at rhyddings or not

There are Christmas trees of sorts at Moorhead - sort of weird modern things but at least they are there.

I think you'll find that it isn't Muslims who object to Christmas or are offended by it (after all they do revere Jesus as a prophet) it's the over zealous PCness which has taken over this country and which is actually having the opposite effect from the intended.

I also agree that it's unfair that the Muslim children have extra holidays with Eids as well as Christmas and Easter, yet the non-Muslim children must go to school at Eid or they would be chased by the truant officers. Why can't they all have a day off? That would be equality.

When Emz was little she announced one day that she wanted to convert to Islam and when I asked her why it was because her best friend, a Muslim girl, had more holidays than her.

Last edited by WillowTheWhisp; 13-12-2007 at 08:02. Reason: typo
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Old 13-12-2007, 13:55   #26
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Re: christmas at rhyddings or not

i still worked at eid, one year there were 5/6 children in every class so we brought them together juniors in one class and infants in another.. we spent most iof the day playing games and watching dvd's... not my idea of an education!! the only thing i was happy about is that i got 3 hours extra work the children should have got the day off but then parents would have had to take the day off or pay for childcare....
Like the old woman who lived in a shoe, i have so many children i can't fit the tickers in my signature.....

I finally found someone daft enough to marry me, my wonderboy is 11, my monkeygirl is 3 and my bananaman is 2, my beautiful little flower was born in feb 2012
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Old 13-12-2007, 20:02   #27
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Re: christmas at rhyddings or not

my daughter goes to rhyddings and she also says that there isnt a tree in the main entrance, but when it comes to eid they put alsorts up!
doesnt seem fair to me.
BUT....she does say they DO have some trees in SOME classes and bits of decorations, but not like they used to have
what is this country coming too??....
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Old 13-12-2007, 20:25   #28
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Re: christmas at rhyddings or not

Originally Posted by panther View Post
my daughter goes to rhyddings and she also says that there isnt a tree in the main entrance, but when it comes to eid they put alsorts up!
doesnt seem fair to me.
BUT....she does say they DO have some trees in SOME classes and bits of decorations, but not like they used to have
what is this country coming too??....
If your question isn't rhetorical, I would say that under a smokescreen of political correctness you guys are losing your national and regional identity
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Old 13-12-2007, 21:55   #29
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Re: christmas at rhyddings or not

Rhyddings, Hollins and Moorhead are not church schools. Is this the reason that they are not paying much attention to Christmas? It is a religious occasion after all. Just wondering....
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Old 13-12-2007, 22:11   #30
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Re: christmas at rhyddings or not

Maybe writing to the governers amd also a copy to ofsted might give you some answers.
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