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Old 22-08-2006, 22:10   #1
Resting in Peace

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Clangers at work.

I seem to make more as I am getting older, think summat to do with computer skills which is not my best asset. Do lots of little things, worst I ever did was to put through an order on special cut table linen in the wrong colour. Cost £100's, however ......

Just had dinner with daughter and grandaughter.

The latter has got part-time student work in Ainsleys, Leeds (a little like Greggs). Said today, she made 100 chicken salad sandwiches which were shrink-wrapped and then realised that she had forgotten to add the lettuce!!!! Had to unwrap 'em all .. just sooooooooo funny.
Course she had trapped herself in whilst mopping the floor, and then reaching high up for a tray of pasties, the whole lot toppled off (not sure what she did with them after that though .. tee hee).

Is this what we call a learning curve. ? Used to be known as 'learning the hard way'

Last edited by katex; 22-08-2006 at 22:15.
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Old 22-08-2006, 22:30   #2
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Re: Clangers at work.

Originally Posted by katex
Clangers at work
Expected a thread about people finding little aliens whistling at work
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Old 22-08-2006, 22:30   #3
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Re: Clangers at work.

My daughter took a night job, packing pasties, a couple of years ago to make ends meet.

She managed alright until she had to assemble a new box. On turning around she realised that she had a big pile of pasties all over the floor!!

Needless to say, she didn't last long but she provided me with lots of laughs. Bless her!
June xx

So much muck to eat before you die
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Old 22-08-2006, 23:24   #4
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Re: Clangers at work.

I think I've mentioned it before but.....

I was making some shirts for Roger Moore, and he watched as I wrote the order up in a ledger under the customer name of James Bond.

His little eye-brow went up and he said 'I hope you don't make shirts for Sean Connery'.
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Old 23-08-2006, 11:10   #5
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Re: Clangers at work.

Had an 80k unit commit suicide on me when it desided to jump of a stinger and a 120k unit that fell while packing it due to faulty equipment. Best has to be a guy who tried to take a 7 foot high coolie through a 6.5 foot walk through dipite being told it wouldnt go. The shock on his face was a classic add to that he asked why it wouldnt fit through.

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Old 23-08-2006, 12:06   #6
I am Banned


Re: Clangers at work.

I think its learn the hard way also best to look back on & laugh about it

Not that i've done many fluff ups at work - mainly through life in general quite regular i must like learning the hard way LOL

My 1st job after i left school I lost over £1000 that disappeared through the accounts that i was in charge of [despite my maths being the weakest link to which i only passed it this year lol] lets say i got my 1st verbal severe warning & had to re-trace all the accounts for a month both manual & computerised - lucky i managed to get it back & re print the invoices again. Funny i never wanted to do book keeping again lol
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Old 23-08-2006, 12:35   #7
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Re: Clangers at work.

One of the students who trained with me was at loose end one day so she decided she would clean all the dentures of the elderly patients in our care.
All the old ladies and gentlemen gave up their pearlies to her to be cleaned.
She assembled two washbowls held the denture cleanser and the other held clean water.....she tipped all the collected dentures into the bowl with the cleanser in and began happily to scrub away at them with a was only when she was half way through the process that she realised she didn't know which dentures belonged to which patients.
It was quite a job keeping the sister out of our way until we had re-united the dentures with their owners!
The sister DID find out.....though I'm not sure how.......and we both got a for not having more sense to stop her!
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
It will be destroyed by those who stand by and do Nothing.
(a paraphrase on a quote by Albert Einstein)

Last edited by Margaret Pilkington; 23-08-2006 at 12:38. Reason: typo
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Old 24-08-2006, 14:09   #8
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Re: Clangers at work.

Originally Posted by SPUGGIE J
Had an 80k unit commit suicide on me when it desided to jump of a stinger and a 120k unit that fell while packing it due to faulty equipment. Best has to be a guy who tried to take a 7 foot high coolie through a 6.5 foot walk through dipite being told it wouldnt go. The shock on his face was a classic add to that he asked why it wouldnt fit through.
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Old 24-08-2006, 14:50   #9
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Re: Clangers at work.

Margaret, you made me laugh - we had a cadet on Eye Ward who did exactly the same thing - took hours to reunite dentures and patients. Even worse, we once laid out one dear old soul, and had a bit of difficulty with her dentures which seemed far too big for the gums - does happen occasionally. Imagine our horror when the old dear in the next bed complained later that her dentures seemed to have shrunk!!

The same cadet once was told to feed porridge to a complete rest patient. After a few minutes she came to me and complained that Mrs X was not being co-operative. For very good reason - Mrs X had long left us and was stone cold ..... you'd think she might have noticed.

I'm not telling you the clangers I made, but if you catch me right, you could ask me about Night Sister, the laundry cupboard, and Dr. H!
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Old 24-08-2006, 14:51   #10
Resting in peace
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Re: Clangers at work.

Margaret, you made me laugh - we had a cadet on Eye Ward who did exactly the same thing - took hours to reunite dentures and patients. Even worse, we once laid out one dear old soul, and had a bit of difficulty with her dentures which seemed far too big for the gums - does happen occasionally. Imagine our horror when the old dear in the next bed complained later that her dentures seemed to have shrunk!!

The same cadet once was told to feed porridge to a complete rest patient. After a few minutes she came to me and complained that Mrs X was not being co-operative. For very good reason - Mrs X had long left us and was stone cold ..... you'd think she might have noticed.

I'm not telling you the clangers I made, but if you catch me right, you could ask me about Night Sister, the laundry cupboard, and Dr. H!
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Old 24-08-2006, 15:00   #11
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Re: Clangers at work.

OK....then you can ask me about the aminopylline supps! And I think we had a similar night sister....except her venue was behind the bushes on the main car park....she must've thought no-one could see her and her beau....well working on the top floor of the new wing you could see everything!
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
It will be destroyed by those who stand by and do Nothing.
(a paraphrase on a quote by Albert Einstein)
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Old 24-08-2006, 15:02   #12
Resting in peace
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Re: Clangers at work.

Actually, it wasn't the Night Sister in the cupboard with Dr H, it was ME! - and of course, she had to find us.

I'll ask you quietly about the aminophylline supps! - come to the meet and we'll swop horror stories!
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Old 24-08-2006, 15:17   #13
Beacon of light

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Re: Clangers at work.

I day! By that time I will have forgotten the most juicy ones!
Anyway I hope you had fun in the cupboard with Dr H
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
It will be destroyed by those who stand by and do Nothing.
(a paraphrase on a quote by Albert Einstein)
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Old 24-08-2006, 23:33   #14
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Re: Clangers at work.

I did my work experience from school at Express Gifts, I was supposed to help out Louise Potts in the personnel department but she was busy so they put me on reception. I worked with 2 ace girls in their 20's, Sharon and .... can't remember tother ones name. Anyway, they jut treat me like one of those, giggling away at their nights out they'd had, boyfriends they were seeing and their use of language wasn't toned down in my presence.

Sat there at the reception desk and the phone rings, "Can you put a call out for Simon Shorrock please" of course I answer "No problem" ....... press the tannoy button and say "Simon .......... Oh s*it what was his name?" to Sharon sat at the side of me but it went out over the whole factory Put it this way every manager in the buildings light lit up on the switchboard wanting an explantion!
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Old 25-08-2006, 00:00   #15
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Re: Clangers at work.

Could have been worse T it could have been a prank call to wind you up.

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