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Old 13-08-2007, 21:58   #1
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Climate Campaigners

On the news it showed the climate campaign camp at Heathrow. Couple of questions.

Are these people so scientifically intelligent that they have the only camp fires with no emissions ?

How did they all get there. Did not of them get there by bus or car. Surely they didn't all walk or ride bikes ?
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Old 13-08-2007, 22:03   #2
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Re: Climate Campaigners

Dave you are forgetting something - how many went abroad on holiday by plane over the past 5 years?
<img src= border=0 alt= />

The views expressed in this post is mine and mine alone
anyone want to argue
well tough!!!
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Old 13-08-2007, 22:05   #3
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Re: Climate Campaigners

Actually one of the reporters asked one of the campaigners if he's ever tken a plane & the guy said once a year pot calling kettle black - me thinks they are just camping there for a free holiday
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Old 13-08-2007, 22:06   #4
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Re: Climate Campaigners

Originally Posted by accymel View Post
me thinks they are just campig there for a free holiday
More likely to avoid work !!
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Old 13-08-2007, 22:24   #5
Passed away 25-11-09
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Re: Climate Campaigners

Air travel is one of the least polluters in this country. Yes, it's very busy around Heathrow Airport but look up at the sky over Accrington and what do you see? Is there a constant stream of aircraft, nose to tail, above your head? No, of course there isn't.

Now look down any main road in Accrington. Is there just one vehicle every 15 minutes or so? Thought not. I'm not ashamed of flying once or twice a year. I feel more guilty about driving my car almost every day of the year.

Those people are idiots who need to get their priorities sorted out.
Some cinemas let the flying monkeys in............and some don't.
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Old 13-08-2007, 22:24   #6
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Re: Climate Campaigners

Originally Posted by West Ender View Post
Air travel is one of the least polluters in this country. Yes, it's very busy around Heathrow Airport but look up at the sky over Accrington and what do you see? Is there a constant stream of aircraft, nose to tail, above your head? No, of course there isn't.

Now look down any main road in Accrington. Is there just one vehicle every 15 minutes or so? Thought not. I'm not ashamed of flying once or twice a year. I feel more guilty about driving my car almost every day of the year.

Those people are idiots who need to get their priorities sorted out.
Couldn't have said it better myself karma on its way

I know this may come as a shock but believe it or not all views I may air on here are my own work!!!!!
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Old 13-08-2007, 22:26   #7
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Re: Climate Campaigners

Originally Posted by harwood red View Post
Couldn't have said it better myself karma on its way

Thank you.
Some cinemas let the flying monkeys in............and some don't.
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Old 13-08-2007, 22:43   #8
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Re: Climate Campaigners

these people are just band-wagon jumpers i think.publicity seekers,whats wrong with lobbying yer MP,or councillor, dont think many of them live anywhere near Heathrow,cos it said some locals support what they are doing.
N.L.T.B.G.Y.D. Do not argue with an idiot, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.
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Old 13-08-2007, 23:13   #9
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Re: Climate Campaigners

Let them have the five mins of fame they crave then take everything of them that needs some kind of polluting process to manufacture.

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Old 13-08-2007, 23:14   #10
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Re: Climate Campaigners

Do we know for sure Willow's in her caravan near Carnforth?

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Old 14-08-2007, 14:40   #11
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Re: Climate Campaigners

Looks quite good the art work on this one.

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Old 14-08-2007, 17:43   #12
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Re: Climate Campaigners

Originally Posted by West Ender View Post
Air travel is one of the least polluters in this country. Yes, it's very busy around Heathrow Airport but look up at the sky over Accrington and what do you see? Is there a constant stream of aircraft, nose to tail, above your head? No, of course there isn't.
Not sure you are quite correct re. air travel pollution West Ender, from information published understand this is the worst affecting our planet :-

Air travel pollution

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In response to the rising number of tourists and their greater mobility, transport by air, road, and rail is continuously increasing ? a report by the International Civil Aviation Organisation (ICAO) stated that the number of international air passengers world-wide rose from 88 million in 1972 to 344 million in 1994. As a consequence, tourism now accounts for more than 60% of air travel and is therefore responsible for an estimated 7% of total carbon globally. This percentage is likely to rise considerably with the number of international travellers expected to increase from 594 million in 1996 to 1.6 billion by 2020, thus adding greatly to the problem unless steps are taken to reduce emissions. One study estimated that a single transatlantic return flight emits roughly half the CO2 emissions produced by all other sources (lighting, heating, car use, etc.) consumed by an average person yearly. As such, passenger jets are the fastest growing source of greenhouse gas emissions.

According to the Natural Resource Defence Council (NRDC), fuel burned by aeroplanes puts nitrogen oxide and water vapour at 30,000 feet. These two additional greenhouse gases together give as much as twice the global warming effect as the carbon dioxide released by the aeroplane. One tree offsets the carbon dioxide emitted by the aeroplane over 4,000 miles and two more trees offset the greenhouse effect caused by the nitrogen oxide and water vapour.

Noise pollution from aeroplanes, cars, and buses, as well as recreational vehicles such as jet skis, is an ever-growing problem of modern life. In addition to causing annoyance, stress, and even hearing loss for humans, it causes distress to wildlife, especially in sensitive areas.

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Sorry, haven't time to look for more up-to-date figures, but presume 11 years on from last date quoted here, will be much higher (as will car travel of course)

Love the bit about jet skis

As for Lancashire airflights, don't think people living under flight paths from Manchester would agree with you. I am amazed how many aeroplanes you see in the sky, even here, on a clear day.
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Old 14-08-2007, 20:48   #13
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Re: Climate Campaigners

It depends on whose statistics you read. I've seen totally contrary figures, in percentage, for pollution stats. I suppose it all boils down to who is making the point at the time. I will never accept that air travel is worse than road travel, if only due to sheer volume, and chemical emissions into the air we are breathing, from various industries, is rarely quoted but accounts for far more than Big Business will have you believe.

Oh, just for the record, I live under one of the flight paths out of Manchester Airport.
Some cinemas let the flying monkeys in............and some don't.

Last edited by West Ender; 14-08-2007 at 20:51.
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Old 14-08-2007, 20:58   #14
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Re: Climate Campaigners

ummm seems the calm before the storm imo .. my guess troublesome protest not to far away..
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Old 14-08-2007, 21:40   #15
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Re: Climate Campaigners

Originally Posted by cherokee View Post
ummm seems the calm before the storm imo .. my guess troublesome protest not to far away..

A few backhanders to rent a thug and you can be sure as hell Sky and the BBC will have the footage they have paid for
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