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Old 15-06-2007, 02:19   #1
God Member
steeljack's Avatar

clown bubbles dangerous to children

Can someone tell me who is responsible for the education/training and employment of these safety professionals who now seem to control our lives, according to the attached story a clown who entertains at childrens birthday parties has been refused insurance because the bubbles may be dangerous causing a toddler to slip onto his/her bum , ( never mind that thats what children do ).
Seems to me most of these 'safety' experts are the ones who should be wearing the clown suits ,
Where are these folks educated , certainly not Oxford or Cambridge , the LSE and Durham seem out of the question , cant be Loughborogh were the P.E. teachers go since running is now deemed a danger to young folks , the only conclusion I can come to is that they are the products of the 'new' eglatarian universities that were until recently Technical Colleges teaching cake decoration and tire changing.
How is it that mankind has managed to survive since the creation (or since we crawled out of the primeval swamp) without all this sodding interference in our lives , you get a letter from the council if your bin is facing the wrong way (heaven forbid that the bin chap has to turn it 180 degrees and risk a back sprain or carpal tunnel syndrome)
Sorry folks , but it seems to me British and Western society is getting to the stage where before long we will be begining to believe the bogey really exists

Safety mania bursts clown's bubbles | Uk News | News | Telegraph

ok , got it off my chest , rant over
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Accrington Web
Old 15-06-2007, 07:37   #2
Resident Waffler

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Re: clown bubbles dangerous to children

I have never known a bubble to be dangerous or slippery. Plenty of other stuff at kids parties is far more likely to be slipped on - like he said in the article the jelly and ice cream that gets dropped on the floor is slipperier than his bubbles. Do they not still sell bubbles for children themselves to blow? How long before those are banned as dangerous then? Last Saturday in Blackburn town centre there was a chap selling those big bubble blowing sticks and he was blowing huge ones in the street to attract attention. What a dangerous thing for him to be doing!

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Old 15-06-2007, 08:28   #3
I am Banned


Re: clown bubbles dangerous to children

Its more to do with lawsuit than H&S im afraid
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Old 15-06-2007, 09:09   #4
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Re: clown bubbles dangerous to children

Originally Posted by accymel View Post
Its more to do with lawsuit than H&S im afraid
Yeh I agree.

Its a bit harsh to have to change the way to work due to what ifs. I mean everyday a windowcleaner climbs up his ladder with a bucket of soapy water and risks the ladder falling or the soap making him slip.

And if the ladder drops on someone then he's going to be the one in trouble even though it was an accident, it will be seen as 'negligence' or 'recklessness' and will blame him for the ladder not being secure.

If a child falls and cracks his head at a party due to the clowns bubbles the mother isnt going to be too impressed I should imagine and lawsuits are encouraged more and more for accident claims these days.
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Old 15-06-2007, 14:52   #5

Re: clown bubbles dangerous to children

I also saw that guy in Blackburn blowing HUGE bubbles! I wanted one
I saw one of his bubbles hit a child on the back on the head....tragic...
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