02-08-2007, 11:14
Resting in peace
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Re: co-habiting couples

Originally Posted by carpon
From one who has been stung by this co-habitting situation it's a definate NO! from me.My ex-partner contributed nothing towards our home and now has the audacity to expect half of something she paid nothing towards!! She was the one who was unfaithfull,she was the one who left.I'm currently in the legal wrangling stage and it is a minefield!! I think the laws concerning Co-habitting should be clarified (regarding financial rites in the event of the relationship breaking down) especially where Children are involved,with financial circumstances been taken into account(i.e. WHO contributed What??) Fortunately there where no children as a result of my relationship with my ex. ,as sadly it's the kids who suffer when any marraige or relationship breaks down.
Tough situation, carpon there are no winners when the lawyers get their noses in the trough, they call it the 'law of diminishing returns', in short the legal system gets the lot.
My advice to anyone in that situation is promise them the earth and deliver nothing, if ever keep your head in the sand made any sense in a marriage/partnership split situation it does. Stall them put sick notes in, get shut of what you can and don't turn up at court. Play the same game as the solicitor, he will soon chuck his hand in when the cash stops comming.
Anyone requiring advice off an expert, free of charge, I have afternoon sessions in the Brook's Club every afternoon, 3.30-7.00. 
Last edited by Ianto.W.; 02-08-2007 at 11:16.