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Old 21-02-2005, 13:25   #1
Senior Member


What is it about the kids of today. Why won't they wear coats? Sat here half freezing to death with a scarf and fleece on, debating whether to pop out or not or just spend my break vegetataing. Whilst 90plus kids are playing out with no coat on, in the freezing cold. Have tried asking them to get coats on but all i get is a blank look as if i've asked them to walk on the moon or something. Got a teenaged son who on Saturday night when it felt like minus 10 went out with just a t-shirt on.

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Accrington Web
Old 21-02-2005, 13:29   #2
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Re: Coats

I know what you mean - when we come up from London on the evening train, we catch the 9:42 from Preston (IF Virgin Trains are on time). Sometimes, all too often, we miss the connection and have to catch the 10:42, which comes through from Blackpool. My other half has nicknamed it "The Slappers Special" as it is thronged with half-clothed teenage girls. In late November/early December there was a group of them, not only no coats, but backless dresses!! I can't believe that anybody can look attractive when they are pale blue and shivering!

Mind you, where there's no sense ......
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Old 21-02-2005, 14:35   #3
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Re: Coats

to see mad mad half naked lasses parading about it the need to lokk no further than accy!!!!

i wont leave the house for a night out unless im covered entirely from head to toe!!! and as i stand there in my 3 tops and hat and scarf and gloves..shivering i see a lass walking past with i tiny top and a skirt which would probably be well hidden behind one of my belts!!! are these people mad??!!!! surely lads you want your girl to have a bit more common sense, no???
don't hate me because im perfect...i was born this way!!
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Old 21-02-2005, 14:42   #4
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Re: Coats

I went out to shop today and lost count of the number of girls with short sleeves and bare midriffs. Do these chicks have antifreeze instead of blood??????
You would have thought it was summer.......I mean, yes the sun was shining, but it must have been about 3 degrees.....less if you account for wind chill.
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Old 21-02-2005, 15:38   #5
Senior Member

Re: Coats

Lads are just as bad.

Also look around any football crowd and you see quite a lot on a freezing cold day with just their football shirts on.

(Finally removed my scarf and fleece, but still felt cold.)

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Old 21-02-2005, 15:48   #6
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Re: Coats

yeah guys are as mad!!! but i can kinda see the football shirt at a football match thing!!! your supporting your matter what the weather!!!

now lads wandering into the shop i work with shorts and t-shirts on at 7 in the morning!!! that is mad!!!!
don't hate me because im perfect...i was born this way!!
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Old 21-02-2005, 20:07   #7
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Re: Coats

I have been known to wander around in shorts and t-shirts as early as 8am.

When I was on holiday in Crete!!!
"The Hour of Scampering is usually around teatime, according to the Vorlon/Human Translation Dictionary."

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Old 21-02-2005, 20:16   #8
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Re: Coats

I put more clothes on to go to bed than some of these kids go out in!
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Old 21-02-2005, 20:17   #9
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Re: Coats

I don't bother with that - I just snuggle up with my missus under the duvet!!!
"The Hour of Scampering is usually around teatime, according to the Vorlon/Human Translation Dictionary."

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Old 21-02-2005, 20:21   #10
Beacon of light

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Re: Coats

I used not to bother with that either......but hey as you get older your priorities change....... plus when the duvet is all on the floor round the other side of the bed at 3am......well you don't want frozen assets at my age!
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Old 21-02-2005, 20:26   #11
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Re: Coats

One of my cousins apparently gets into the duvet cover.

She's quite a big girl, so there's no chance of her hubby stealing it during the night!!!
"The Hour of Scampering is usually around teatime, according to the Vorlon/Human Translation Dictionary."

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Old 21-02-2005, 20:37   #12
Passed away 25-11-09
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Re: Coats

I see girls wearing pants that barely cover their backsides and cropped tops that stop above their navels, walking down the street when the temperature's minus 3. I always think of my mother's words (a very wise lady, was my mum), "She'll regret it when she gets cold in her kidneys".
Some cinemas let the flying monkeys in............and some don't.
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Old 21-02-2005, 20:40   #13
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Re: Coats

I live in Ontario, Canada and it's the same here and we're often below O cent.with a wind chill, it's nuts plus runners no boots, the one concession we get here from the guys in t shirts is the woolen hat Pam
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Old 21-02-2005, 20:50   #14


Re: Coats

I can remember not having a coat at all we where that poor. Now I have about five and never have out other than a shirt on. It will do them now harm to feel the cold, to many of the b*gg**s spend to much time inside as it is playing games and not taking the air.....That said I was over on Sunday and I put mine on for the first time this year, it was bl**dy cold up Fern Gore.

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Old 21-02-2005, 22:11   #15
Passed away 25-11-09
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Re: Coats

Pam, my grandson (student aged 19) walks around in a t-shirt and a light jacket but always with the wooly hat. This is mainly because he has very curly hair, which he hates and is trying to grow long and hippy. At the moment, when he takes off the hat, he looks like he's had a bad 70s afro perm. Oh well, at least his ears are warm.
Some cinemas let the flying monkeys in............and some don't.
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