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18-12-2008, 16:53
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Cocktail Waitress Sues Club
Muslim waitress: I was sacked for refusing to wear 'sexually available' red dress | Mail Online
Why on earth did a muslim girl apply for such a job? Wasn't there a muslim check-out girl at a supermarket who objected to handling alcohol or bacon or something? If these jobs are so likely to cause offence don't apply. The judge should throw this out of court and order Ms. Lemes to pay costs.
Under democracy one party always devotes its chief energies to trying to prove that the other party is unfit to rule - and both commonly succeed, and are right.
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18-12-2008, 16:58
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Re: Cocktail Waitress Sues Club
Im sure they would have discussed what she was expected to wear at the interview. Ample time to say no thankyou IMO..
18-12-2008, 17:44
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Re: Cocktail Waitress Sues Club
I just get fed up with things like this, its just a way of making a quick buck, to my way of thinking a muslim Girl taking a job in a club as a waitress, serving alcohol is surely at conflict with her beliefs, so why on earth would she take a job like this in the first place
18-12-2008, 18:03
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Re: Cocktail Waitress Sues Club
Jaysay mate, could not agree more. That said here is Morocco, there are no drink drive laws as drinking alcohol is illegal. Does not stop, so called Muslims drinking and working in Bars.
As for sexually available clothes, what ever they are?, one just needs to take a walk down the prom, or Cornice as it is know here, there are lots of bars where lots of young women, wearing not much are availble, heck there are many bars near my hotel whare one can find a young lady friend for the night.
They are all good muslims too.
Hope she loses her case. 
"your mind will find a way to be unkind to you somehow. But all we really have is happening to us right now. Happiness is the road"
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18-12-2008, 18:14
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Re: Cocktail Waitress Sues Club
Agree absolutely with all above. As far as fashion is concerned, the neckline has dropped further down than this dress as the moment.
Quite modest really. The bar does need to be sued for choosing that dress though, unless you are stick thin is not very flattering to ladies with a few bumps here and there ..  So maybe some of the other waitresses can sue for causing offence to heavier figures.
18-12-2008, 18:25
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Re: Cocktail Waitress Sues Club
Seems like this girl has a bad case of litigationitis .... maybe she should emigrate to the US, where this condition is more acceptable  ... and she could always apply for a job at "Hooters" 
18-12-2008, 18:38
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Re: Cocktail Waitress Sues Club
I keep wondering where this will end! I realise now, it probably never will, because the powers that be no longer have any power against this kind of lunacy.
If time travel were possible, wouldn't somebody have been back or forward and told us by now?
18-12-2008, 20:46
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Re: Cocktail Waitress Sues Club
maybe she should apply for a job at stringfellows........LOL
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18-12-2008, 20:48
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Re: Cocktail Waitress Sues Club
i wouldnt wear that dress either....its not nice lol
Like the old woman who lived in a shoe, i have so many children i can't fit the tickers in my signature.....
I finally found someone daft enough to marry me, my wonderboy is 11, my monkeygirl is 3 and my bananaman is 2, my beautiful little flower was born in feb 2012
18-12-2008, 20:55
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Re: Cocktail Waitress Sues Club
Originally Posted by Eric
and she could always apply for a job at "Hooters" 
Now you're talking, Eric! 
19-12-2008, 16:02
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Re: Cocktail Waitress Sues Club
Originally Posted by jaysay
I just get fed up with things like this, its just a way of making a quick buck, to my way of thinking a muslim Girl taking a job in a club as a waitress, serving alcohol is surely at conflict with her beliefs, so why on earth would she take a job like this in the first place
Could she possibly have taken this job knowing that there would be a conflict of muslim beliefs with this kind of work or would I be a racist to even suggest that.This kind of activity is becoming the norm because the majority appear to get away with it and no I am not taring all with the same brush just a few hundred thousand
19-12-2008, 17:06
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Re: Cocktail Waitress Sues Club
Originally Posted by Gordie
Could she possibly have taken this job knowing that there would be a conflict of muslim beliefs with this kind of work or would I be a racist to even suggest that.This kind of activity is becoming the norm because the majority appear to get away with it and no I am not taring all with the same brush just a few hundred thousand
Get stuffed you Bigot   t
19-12-2008, 17:29
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Re: Cocktail Waitress Sues Club
I am vegetarian, maybe I should apply for a job in a butchers and then sue them for wanting me to handle dead animals, which of course would go against my belief system.
i could do with 20k!!
19-12-2008, 20:19
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Re: Cocktail Waitress Sues Club
Three cheers for the Daily Mail. Without them to guard our cultural parameters and bring such important issues to our notice I wouldn't know who not to trust at all. It's a horrible dress, probably a rubbish job, If she didn't know what was going on at the club she must have been very naive, if the club didn't specify the uniform she was to wear they must have been equally so. As for making a quick buck, I suspect that many of us would like to do so, somewhere in the darkest recesses of our souls...
19-12-2008, 20:59
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Re: Cocktail Waitress Sues Club
Originally Posted by garinda
Before I'm accused of hypocrisy...I didn't asterix the word myself, and only used it because I thought it was allowed, after being discussed in a thread that it's local usage was deemed inoffensive.
Anyway, you got hopefully got my dift.
If she doesn't like it here, she can bug-her self back to Bosnia.
I didn't asterix either .... OMG, so my gran was a foul mouthed mill worker ... and here's me thinking that buggerlugs was a term of endearment 
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