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Old 15-01-2008, 12:19   #31
Senior Member+
***Mr D***'s Avatar

Re: College Flasher

Originally Posted by Ber999T View Post
Well if the rule of thumb is applied he'll be out after 18 weeks and then have to report to the Probation Service
Yep have to report to probation once. twice a week for a few hours.

Geez I would feel safe letting my child play out on her own or with friend with him living round the corner, probation will stop him from reoffending, like it has in the past.
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Accrington Web
Old 15-01-2008, 17:14   #32
Senior Member+

Re: College Flasher

When I was a policeman, I locked up a bloke for flashing. He had many previous convictions, much like the man referred to in the original of this thread. When I charged him, I realised that it was his birthday, and he was 55(?) yrs old. I said to him, "You're 55. Don't you think you should pack this in?" he replied, " No, I think I'll stick it out for another year"
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Old 18-01-2008, 00:06   #33
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Re: College Flasher

Unfortunately i know this man but didnt realise his history.
He comes into the tesco where i work and is a disgusting man.
He dosent seem to wash or change his clothes and left a nasty odour behind him when he left.
It dosent surprise me hearing what he has done and i agree with the people on here that the setences for these types of offences should be a lot stronger.
If he has comitted so many offences over the years i hardly think a 35 week sentence(if he serves that)will deter him.
Its time the goverment dealt with issues like this,why should our kids be at risk any longer from these perverts?

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Old 18-01-2008, 08:41   #34
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Re: College Flasher

That name rings a bell with me but I can't think why. I think it's in the dim recesses of my mind from when I was at school.

Thing is with this guy punishing him seems to have no effect whatsoever. He doesn't even seem to be capable of understanding that what he's doing is an offence to others. The article says he has learning difficulties. He really should be locked away somewhere where he won't come into contact with decent folk but it isn't going to happen is it?

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Old 18-01-2008, 13:13   #35
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Re: College Flasher

Story on Page 14 of the observer.

Now I know it says he had learning difficulties but that didnt stop him from coming up with a Prepaired Statement with a alibi saying he was at his brothers.

I would wager when hes out he will offend again.
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Old 19-01-2008, 19:42   #36
Senior Member

Re: College Flasher

You're very probably right Mr D. I have known him all my life. He never had a 'social conscience'. I was one of his victims at the age of 10 my daughter was another of his victims when she was 5.
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