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Old 05-11-2004, 00:02   #16
Always EVIL within us

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Unhappy Re: Come back Mr Bumble, all is forgiven.

The biggest problem society faces regarding child abuse is that there ARE and always have been, (and will be) parents that go "over the top" and physically abuse their children to the point of permanent damage or even death. This will not go away with legislation.

In a few cases, I have winessed in the streets or supermarket, the (usually) mother is put under tremendous pressure by a whining/crying/demanding child and then hits out indiscriminately to the nearest part of the childs body that is available to be hit. Of course this is totally wrong but I can sympathise with her because a 24 hour bombardment of screaming, 365 days of the year must put tremendous pressure on a mum with troublesome children. For those dads out there that either "sleep" or "work" and come home demanding their dinner, and then go down the pub, open your eyes to the pressures of being a mum! This is something I used to be guilty of, but with age, my eyes have been opened and I realise now that the wife with a young family is under pressure far more than a career minded dad!

And there is macho "Dad!" Remember the expression, "wait 'til your father gets home?" He comes home from a "hard day" at work and is hit by a list of misdemeanors that his offspring has done during the day and is expected to give out "instant justice?" He hasn't given a thought to his family in the past 9 hours but is suddenly expectly to weigh up the right and wrongs and come up (under pressure) with a solution. He hits!!!

All this is inherited from decades ago when it was expected to punish a child in the worst possible way to stop the child from repeating the "crime"

I think all will agree that this is all wrong, but surely education is the answer, not the drastic step of denying parents the rights of a slap on the wrist to an 18 month old that is about to touch an electric fire? or the "bobby" that "drags" a lad to his house to explain that their son had been riding his bike on the road at night with no lights? The teacher that has to back down in front of the entire class by a defiant pupil?

As adults, we are leaving ourselves open to the abuse of minors and what is worse is that they know it and are taking full advantage of the system. Instead of the parents being educated in controlling their children, the children are learning how to control adults!

There is no easy answer, but by bringing in laws to totally banish punishment of children, we are making a recipe for disaster for our children and childrens children....
Pray that there is intelligent life somewhere up in space, 'Cause there's Bu""er all down here on Earth - (Eric Idle)
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Old 05-11-2004, 08:06   #17
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-pixie's Avatar

Re: Come back Mr Bumble, all is forgiven.

Originally Posted by Busman747

As adults, we are leaving ourselves open to the abuse of minors and what is worse is that they know it and are taking full advantage of the system. Instead of the parents being educated in controlling their children, the children are learning how to control adults!
My partner has an eight year old from a previous relationship whom he sees once a week. This child is the most manipulative little sod you will ever meet - takes after his mother. He will whine, lay the guilt trip on about being from a broken home, scream and kick if he doesn't get his own way. He has learned that this doesn't get him anywhere in our house, but it does get him results at his mothers. So to get results at our house when he couldn't get something he wanted, he accused me of hitting him about 2 years ago. The trouble he caused with that was unreal. It caused tremendous stress for myself and my partner as he didn't know what to do - the brat was really really laying it on thick(although he didn't have a mark on him), and I was obviously furious at the little horror telling such fibs like that. To make it worse its mother was instantly ready to go to Social Services (until she realised that then she would have to admit that she DID know who the father was and would lose benefit).
Even now to this day, I refuse point blank to be left alone with the child. He has admitted since that he was fibbing (he's never apologised but blamed it on me for not giving him sweets), but I make my partner be present whenever the child is in the house. Its a shame really, but I am not prepared to take that risk again.
The thing is I am not the only person that I know that has gone through that. Kids these days know already that if they threaten to accuse of abuse and suchlike they will get their own way 99% of the time. This law will only serve to make it worse.
Cleverly disguised as a responsible adult.
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Old 05-11-2004, 08:47   #18
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Re: Come back Mr Bumble, all is forgiven.

You have my sympathy in such an appalling situation Pixie. I hate to say this but that child needs a good hiding from his mother but no doubt is extrememly unlikely to receive it.

My apologies to Willow if my original posting was open to misinterpretation. It is indeed still acceptable to administer a "love tap" which leaves no mark. The problem lies with exactly how that is to be interpreted or indeed ven proved (as you will no doubt verify Pixie, from your own situation).

As I have said previously, and still maintain, the only children I have come across who have never been smacked have turned into manipulative vandalising hooligans who "know their rights".
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Old 05-11-2004, 11:16   #19
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Re: Come back Mr Bumble, all is forgiven.

Lots of sensible statements regarding a "Political" issue, designed with stupidity in mind and throwing common sense to the wind.

Next they will be prohibiting "Punishment for Crimes" as it demeans the individual and is against human rights (it will also save money as we won't need jails or reform institutions).

Whatever any of us may say or's too late!!

Radical changes are needed to our politicians and the political system...(we might as well bring back hanging and apply it to the do-gooders!!
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