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Old 05-12-2011, 15:19   #151
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Re: Common Law

I think I've finally worked out what Common Law is.

It's what they give people nowadays, to keep them occupied, instead of making baskets.

'If you're going to be a Kant, be the very best Kant there is my son.'
Johann Georg Kant, father of Immanuel Kant, philosopher.

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Old 05-12-2011, 18:09   #152
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Re: Common Law

Have a read at some of the comments on this Telegraph article. Is kenny Lifeinthemix?

Blackburn parents who park on zigzag lines will be handed penalty tickets (From Lancashire Telegraph)
Under democracy one party always devotes its chief energies to trying to prove that the other party is unfit to rule - and both commonly succeed, and are right.

Do not take life too seriously. You will never get out of it alive.
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Old 05-12-2011, 18:42   #153
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Re: Common Law

Originally Posted by yerself View Post
Have a read at some of the comments on this Telegraph article. Is kenny Lifeinthemix?

Blackburn parents who park on zigzag lines will be handed penalty tickets (From Lancashire Telegraph)
Quite interesting, takes my mind back to the happy days when he came on here
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Old 18-12-2011, 14:10   #154

Re: Common Law

sorry I havent replied to all questions and I'm sorry if I have insulted anyone, but feel free to think that you can give ess aitch one tee and abuse to me and I will just stand there and take it!
I apologise to Neil personally as we go back quite a way, the link being Art and Christine (rest her soul)
But Neil, why do you tell your daughter that the Government prints the money ?
The Government do not print the money, a privatised 'Royal Mint' print the money, so now you know, just tell her the truth.
I am just an ordinary bloke, married for 32 years with 3 lovely children and a loving wife.

I stumbled on all this info accidentally and I was wondering if any of the Accyweb members might be able to shed some light on the subject, so I asked the Question that opened up this public display of ignorance.
For Instance, I now tell you that Brendan Barber the chief of the TUC is a Director on the board of the privatised Bank of England which is absolutely true and is in the public domain,
But now, what will happen is that I will be accused of not answering, being someone else, being thick, being a freeman (never) even suggestions that I am up my own arse.

So what ? you say, I'm alright jack eff you, but thats not the point, Neil telling his Daughter about who prints the money in the uk is a perfect example of not knowing the truth, Its not your fault Neil you can only go on what you have been led to believe.

I would have responded to my question in exactly the same way as other members have.

But I know better now, I'll tell you what I'm trying to get accross/find opinions

The Government have to borrow money from the Private Bank of England to run this country and they have to pay interest on the loan/s to the Private Bank of England.

The Private Bank of England sets the interest rates of this Country.

Their (B of E) first priority is to their shareholders, not you or me or the UK.

The Interest £ is created from thin air by this private bank.

The UK will forever be paying this interest into infinity as it builds up more and more debt that does NOT exist, THAT is why economies all over the world are collapsing, but not quite!
I wont go down this road but, has anyone noticed that the Nations who are NOT involved in this corrupt monetary system ( £ and $ ) ie: Afghanistan, Iraq, Egypt, Libya and others not in the pockets of the West have ALL had a regime change ?
Why ? you figure it out without slagging me off.

It's all about money and power thats all and it needs to be stopped.
Please, dont offend me and I will not offend you, but always remember, I'm not the bad guy here, I'm just looking for answers, to be honest, my world fell apart (not to mention my health) when I found out all this stuff, I could'nt beleive it until I did a simple test,

I deliberately got a parking ticket in Burnley just to put what I had been told to the test, I ignored the demands for money, I think it was about 3 months from getting the notice slapped on my windscreen to the appearance of two Thugs on the doorstep of my home, They had sunglasses on (raining no sunshine) Black Crombies (remember them at the new era) Doc Martin boots and a really threatening manner,
Needless to say, I told them both in no uncertain terms to go away or things were going to escalate beyond their control, ie: eff off or else, and they left, on their run for their car they wrote down the car reg of my neighbour (prob thought it was my car)

I then wrote a letter to the bailiff company (mansons) pointing out that a so called parking fine was a contract (a statute) requiring me to "contRact" with the thieves who defaced my car windscreen, (Lancashire Parking Services) and furthermore, they (mansons) are a third party and have NO powers whatsoever to interfere in a contract between Lancashire Parking Services and myself, so sod off!

I received a letter from these bailiffs just two days later (I can stick a copy on here if you like) stating that they understand and are returning ALL the details back to Lancashire Parking Services. THE END!

I can assure all Accyweb members that I was gutted, I just could'nt believe it, I did a lot of further research and am still doing so and the more I find out the more sick I feel,
I'm not a nutter or weirdo I'm just trying to find things out thats all.
To the staff and ALL members of an excellent Accyweb, have a very merry christmas and may all your dreams come true.
From Kenny an Accy Lad through and through, I'll answer ANY questions on the subject that I posted to the best of my ability from now on.
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Old 18-12-2011, 14:46   #155
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Re: Common Law

Originally Posted by kenny View Post
sorry I havent replied to all questions and I'm sorry if I have insulted anyone, but feel free to think that you can give ess aitch one tee and abuse to me and I will just stand there and take it!
I apologise to Neil personally as we go back quite a way, the link being Art and Christine (rest her soul)
But Neil, why do you tell your daughter that the Government prints the money ?
The Government do not print the money, a privatised 'Royal Mint' print the money, so now you know, just tell her the truth.
I am just an ordinary bloke, married for 32 years with 3 lovely children and a loving wife.

I stumbled on all this info accidentally and I was wondering if any of the Accyweb members might be able to shed some light on the subject, so I asked the Question that opened up this public display of ignorance.
For Instance, I now tell you that Brendan Barber the chief of the TUC is a Director on the board of the privatised Bank of England which is absolutely true and is in the public domain,
But now, what will happen is that I will be accused of not answering, being someone else, being thick, being a freeman (never) even suggestions that I am up my own arse.

So what ? you say, I'm alright jack eff you, but thats not the point, Neil telling his Daughter about who prints the money in the uk is a perfect example of not knowing the truth, Its not your fault Neil you can only go on what you have been led to believe.

I would have responded to my question in exactly the same way as other members have.

But I know better now, I'll tell you what I'm trying to get accross/find opinions

The Government have to borrow money from the Private Bank of England to run this country and they have to pay interest on the loan/s to the Private Bank of England.

The Private Bank of England sets the interest rates of this Country.

Their (B of E) first priority is to their shareholders, not you or me or the UK.

The Interest £ is created from thin air by this private bank.

The UK will forever be paying this interest into infinity as it builds up more and more debt that does NOT exist, THAT is why economies all over the world are collapsing, but not quite!
I wont go down this road but, has anyone noticed that the Nations who are NOT involved in this corrupt monetary system ( £ and $ ) ie: Afghanistan, Iraq, Egypt, Libya and others not in the pockets of the West have ALL had a regime change ?
Why ? you figure it out without slagging me off.

It's all about money and power thats all and it needs to be stopped.
Please, dont offend me and I will not offend you, but always remember, I'm not the bad guy here, I'm just looking for answers, to be honest, my world fell apart (not to mention my health) when I found out all this stuff, I could'nt beleive it until I did a simple test,

I deliberately got a parking ticket in Burnley just to put what I had been told to the test, I ignored the demands for money, I think it was about 3 months from getting the notice slapped on my windscreen to the appearance of two Thugs on the doorstep of my home, They had sunglasses on (raining no sunshine) Black Crombies (remember them at the new era) Doc Martin boots and a really threatening manner,
Needless to say, I told them both in no uncertain terms to go away or things were going to escalate beyond their control, ie: eff off or else, and they left, on their run for their car they wrote down the car reg of my neighbour (prob thought it was my car)

I then wrote a letter to the bailiff company (mansons) pointing out that a so called parking fine was a contract (a statute) requiring me to "contRact" with the thieves who defaced my car windscreen, (Lancashire Parking Services) and furthermore, they (mansons) are a third party and have NO powers whatsoever to interfere in a contract between Lancashire Parking Services and myself, so sod off!

I received a letter from these bailiffs just two days later (I can stick a copy on here if you like) stating that they understand and are returning ALL the details back to Lancashire Parking Services. THE END!

I can assure all Accyweb members that I was gutted, I just could'nt believe it, I did a lot of further research and am still doing so and the more I find out the more sick I feel,
I'm not a nutter or weirdo I'm just trying to find things out thats all.
To the staff and ALL members of an excellent Accyweb, have a very merry christmas and may all your dreams come true.
From Kenny an Accy Lad through and through, I'll answer ANY questions on the subject that I posted to the best of my ability from now on.
Groove thinks this post is a refreshing change to the usual guff posted on here. Well done Mr.Kenny, Groove hopes to see more of these rants in future.
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Old 18-12-2011, 15:23   #156
Senior Member

Re: Common Law

Originally Posted by groove View Post
Groove thinks this post is a refreshing change to the usual guff posted on here. Well done Mr.Kenny, Groove hopes to see more of these rants in future.
Ouch! Don't mention the word rants!
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Old 18-12-2011, 15:46   #157

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Re: Common Law

Originally Posted by kenny View Post
I apologise to Neil personally as we go back quite a way, the link being Art and Christine (rest her soul)
I am sorry but I can't remember who your are, which is not surprising because my memory is terrible

Originally Posted by kenny View Post
I'm not a nutter or weirdo I'm just trying to find things out thats all.
To the staff and ALL members of an excellent Accyweb, have a very merry christmas and may all your dreams come true.
I am a weirdo , a very merry christmas to you and yours as well
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Old 18-12-2011, 17:14   #158
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Re: Common Law

Originally Posted by groove View Post
Groove thinks this post is a refreshing change to the usual guff posted on here. Well done Mr.Kenny, Groove hopes to see more of these rants in future.
The usual guff posted on here? You're being a bit hard on yourself, Groove. :-)
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Old 18-12-2011, 17:23   #159
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Re: Common Law

Originally Posted by kenny View Post
To the staff and ALL members of an excellent Accyweb, have a very merry christmas and may all your dreams come true.
I do not acknowledge the contract, offering your seasonal greetings.

I have the right under common law to decline your offer.
'If you're going to be a Kant, be the very best Kant there is my son.'
Johann Georg Kant, father of Immanuel Kant, philosopher.

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Old 12-03-2012, 11:33   #160
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Re: Common Law

Just had my appeal this morning & judge (who was a solicitor) agreed that there was no proper markings etc to differentiate between the two separate car parks, so I won, now today had cost me in petrol to Manchester & back, £33 to put little one in nursery for an extra day, £4.50 car parking, so its probably cost me the price of the ticket, but its not the money its the principle which is what I told the judge. Just thought you'd like to know that it is with appealing.
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Old 12-03-2012, 19:13   #161
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Re: Common Law

Originally Posted by wallop79 View Post
Just had my appeal this morning & judge (who was a solicitor) agreed that there was no proper markings etc to differentiate between the two separate car parks, so I won, now today had cost me in petrol to Manchester & back, £33 to put little one in nursery for an extra day, £4.50 car parking, so its probably cost me the price of the ticket, but its not the money its the principle which is what I told the judge. Just thought you'd like to know that it is with appealing.
Score one for the good guys wallop
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