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04-11-2011, 19:27
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Re: Common Law
that is exactly what is happening, before your very eyes you saw a policeman (a proper copper) turn into a police officer (a revenue officer) that copper there is showing a complete dereliction of duty.
04-11-2011, 19:33
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Re: Common Law
Originally Posted by kenny
that is exactly what is happening, before your very eyes you saw a policeman (a proper copper) turn into a police officer (a revenue officer) that copper there is showing a complete dereliction of duty.
Not your explanation, but it's all very confusing to me.

'If you're going to be a Kant, be the very best Kant there is my son.'
Johann Georg Kant, father of Immanuel Kant, philosopher.
04-11-2011, 20:07
Resting in Peace
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Re: Common Law
Originally Posted by kenny
that is exactly what is happening, before your very eyes you saw a policeman (a proper copper) turn into a police officer (a revenue officer) that copper there is showing a complete dereliction of duty.
Well I'm completely lost as to what the hell you are talking about but don't mind me have another drink/snort or do what you do.  

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04-11-2011, 21:49
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Re: Common Law
i believe it was a comment on the video
04-11-2011, 22:21
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Re: Common Law
Very useful info on here, I got a pcn in Bury few months back & contesting it, as I was totally unaware where I parked there were in fact two separate car parks, went to the nearest machine paid £1 for an hr 3/4 later came back, ticketed, ask some1 why, "separate car parks", correct ticket mch I hadn't seen & when did have a look was a further 80p for a further hour, explained genuine mistake never bn Bury b4 & I'm not so broke I wouldn't have paid a further 80p for the correct ticket, turned down, appealed again when got notice to owner, appealed, turned down, now applied to independent adjudicater, but after seeing info on here i'll be writing to Bury Council, thanks for the heads up.
05-11-2011, 08:50
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Re: Common Law
"Common Law" is that part of English Law which is established by custom and the precedents of decided cases. It can usually be altered by legislation. The term "common law" is also used to distinguish common law from "civil law" - law such as Scottish law or continental law, which is based on Roman Law.
05-11-2011, 14:44
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Re: Common Law
Hiya, Im not right good at making my point clear, soz, COMMON LAW
You CANNOT alter it, legislate against it,change it, get rid of it, or whatever you want to call it
IF ANYBODY or Government "agency" send you a speeding ticket, Parking Ticket, Council Tax Demand, Motoring stuff, like speeding, using your moby, driving too fast, driving too slow, YOU have to know the law, AND, the law of this land is "COMMON LAW" The Magna Carta 1215 AND The Bill of Rights 1689 clearly state that "COMMON LAW" cannot be Altered or Changed in ANY way.
This is the important bit - Statute Legislation, Statutory Instruments, Laws Created BY and FOR Statutory Legislation, Cannot be enacted upon UNLESS the Human Being AGREES ! WHEN THE BILL/TICKET/DEMAND lands on your doorstep IT IS AN "OFFER" plain and simple, no ifs or buts, It is a CONTRACT, That requires BY COMMON LAW both signatures of both parties, if you DONT sign the CONTRACT then it doesnt exist, but, YOU, have to personally tell them in writing "Thank you for your "offer" but I do not wish to be part of this "contract"
You send this letter to the Bailiffs, Council, Debt Collecting Agency etc, "RECORDED DELIVERY" and DONT SIGN IT,
OH! Politicians,Councillors,MAGISTRATES (Commercial revenue courts )thats all the Magistrates are. will NEVER EVER TALK ABOUT COMMON LAW, THE BBC NEVER MENTIONS COMMON LAW, ALL mainstream media, press,tv, and most SHOCKINGLY, I went to Padiham Library and there wasnt ONE book on COMMON LAW, Theyve ALL been removed from the shelves.
Now I'm just an ordinary bloke, and all I can do is tell as many people as I can about it (all be it not intellectually) but I do admire a man (a human) called John Harris, this guy is amazing, he has made himself a FREEMAN, he doesnt pay road tax council tax or anything like that, I dont think that I would take the freeman road but I,m jiggered if I am going to be ruled by ANY law other than common law, Did you know that we, the English nation and its SOVEREIGN PEOPLE, have had 111,000 NEW so called laws slapped on us by the EU (EU in Brussels a non entity) the EU have NEVER EVER had their books audited in 14 YEARS, and ALL of these 111,000 (politicians call them laws) items are ILLEGAL ? and can only become legal if YOU INDIVIDUALLY sign each of these CONTRACTS (because thats all they are) to say you agree to be bound by that individual CONTRACT/STATUTE THEY CANNOT BE LAW "COMMON LAW FORBIDS IT" ASK your MP or Councillor why they are breaking the law. If anybody out there JUDGES,MAGISTRATES,LAWYERS, ACADEMICS, or POLICE CHIEF OFFICERS or CONSTABLES, I would say Traffic Wardens but I wont (see note at bottom)
ARMCHAIR EXPERTS etc, that can prove me wrong then get in touch. I havea Template letter for these PARASITES if anyonecares to request it (i dont knowhow to upload it to Accyweb help please) But I do know the LAW. Thanks for your comments so far fellow Human Beings, A POINT ABOUT TRAFFIC WARDENS... THEY ARE JUST AGENTS, REVENUE COLLECTORS and THEY ARE ILLEGAL acting ILLEGALLY AGAINST COMMON LAW
05-11-2011, 15:54
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Re: Common Law
Is all this fuss just about getting a parking ticket?
05-11-2011, 20:13
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Re: Common Law
Hiya Michael1954, No, it really hasnt got anything to do with the ticket, that was just an example of whats going on, but nobody seems to be bov, Its the fact that almost EVERY Governing Body in the UK is already privatised and so called "laws" from Europe do not apply to the UK.
What bailiffs are doing for instance - Statutory "laws" are a Contract an Offer, the Contract (statutory laws, statutory implements) call them fluffy sheep if you want,
So! The bailiffs, being a THIRD PARTY have NO POWER or RIGHT to Harrass you or DEMAND MONEY with Menaces.
05-11-2011, 21:04
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Re: Common Law
Life's too short. I'll just pay the fine and have done with it.
05-11-2011, 23:34
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Re: Common Law
does this apply to ALL collection agencies collecting arrears? if so why are so many people in debt if all they have to do is tell them to go away?
05-11-2011, 23:42
Beacon of light
Re: Common Law
I think it only applies if the person collecting the money isn't owed it by you.
That is, if someone(a third party) has bought the debt.
However, if I have misunderstood, I am pretty sure someone will come along and tell me.
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06-11-2011, 00:09
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Re: Common Law
06-11-2011, 14:08
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Re: Common Law
Originally Posted by kenny
Thats true, but I think people need to know more about COMMON LAW,
example- if you are driving down the motorway at, say 120mph and you get to your destination safely, "YOU HAVE NOT BROKEN THE LAW"
Common Law is the law of this land and its population,
All so called "LAWS" today are not really laws, they are "Statutes" Statutes are Contracts, thats all they are and cannot be imposed on a Human Being without the Human Being accepting the CONTRACT,
Politicians, Mainstream Media and people with power will NOT EVER tell you about COMMON LAW, I'm not a conspiracy theorist and dont normally complain even at the most testing of times, but the more I look into this the more I find shocking to say the least, for instance, House of Commons Ltd, EVERY Member of parliament is a Limited Company, Metropolitan Police Ltd, Almost ALL Magistrates Courts are Limited Companies,
There are TWO courts in the UK, "Court De jure" = For Justice, under Common Law, with a Jury etc, and there are "Court De facto" mainly the Magistrates these are the local magistrates in YOUR town that operate for PROFIT, they are a PRIVATE ORGANISATION and exist only to make PROFIT from the STATUTES, speeding,parking, tickets, and more shockingly COUNCIL TAX, you will NOT get justice in a Court De "facto", just drop in at any local magistrates court and ask the usher what kind of court it is, he probably wont have a clue so ask him OR her if they could go and find out, if he comes back and says it is a "Court De Jure" hes lying.
Common Law is THE LAW OF THIS LAND Common Law is plain and simple :-
As long as you dont cause HARM, LOSS or INJURY you are NOT breaking the LAW in ANY WAY, any questions peeps, just ask, for instance, this will upset a lot of parents, (I cried when I learnt this) ready? When a Parent signs a Birth Certificate they give the newborn away to the STATE, look on the birth certificate, the Father is THE INFORMANT and he informs on the newborn, There was a case a couple of years ago where a mother had her children put into care because she couldnt cope, a few weeks later, the authorities/social services brought "ONE" child back to her, she asked why they were doing this ? and the reply she got was "we cant keep this child as it doesnt belong to us" (the state) asked what they meant she was told that there wasnt a birth certificate for the child so the child was hers. Anyway what do Accywebbers think ? honestly, ask your MP why he NEVER talks about COMMON LAW.
I think you maybe slightly mistaken in your view of Common Law and Statute. Common Law is indeed law set by precedent (the decision made by the judge hearing the case). It is not set by an Act of Parliament (statute) or SI (delegated legislation). It is something that has developed over many years. For example, there is no Statute or SI for murder, it is a Common Law charge.
Mag and County courts are run by civil servants - you know such as the police. Therefore meaning that they are not privately owned/run. They are serving the public by enforing the law - Statute, SI's and Common Law.
Your comment of - There was a case a couple of years ago where a mother had her children put into care because she couldnt cope, a few weeks later, the authorities/social services brought "ONE" child back to her, she asked why they were doing this ? and the reply she got was "we cant keep this child as it doesnt belong to us" (the state) - is a little obsure, to say the least. A parents are to be named on the birth certificate however, the local authority has the power, through an Act of Parliament, to apply for a Care Order. They would therefore gain the same legal rights as the biological parent (named on B/C).
Common Law is an important source of law however, is rarely mentioned because legislation usually covers important areas. Legislation being something passed - either directly by statute or indirectly by a Statutory Instrument (SI).
Kenny, you can repeal and amend Common Law. Either by legislation or judical review. The judiciary did after all create and develop the law...
06-11-2011, 19:16
Resting in Peace
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Re: Common Law
I Always work on the premise that If I have done wrong I hold my hand up and take the consequences.
Pay the parking Fine I f you were in the wrong. 

Some people think I'm a bit of an animal, but I'm quite tender really
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