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Old 13-11-2011, 19:03   #91

Boeing Guy's Avatar

Re: Common Law

Kenny, goodness me you show lots of anger.

Okay so the nation stops paying Council Tax, Tax no problem there),National Insurance. then what?
Who mends the roads? Who pays for the Street Lighting to come on, ot for the traffic lights to work, or our bins to be collected, or the Nurses and Doctors salaries, let alone the electricity, water and gas bills for the hospitals, the Police salaries, fuel for the Police cars, Fire Engines, Ambulances etc.

As I said, if you decide not to pay Council Tax, this pays for the Police, Fire Service and council provided services (if you have trouble with this I suggest Janet and John volume 3) you are not entitled to them, why should I subsidise you? Please explain more?
If you do not pay into the NHS via National Insurance and Income Tax then why should you be allowed to use the NHS? Please explain?

I have not questioned your interpretation of Common Law, yet you accuse me of ignorance.
Your hilarious
So as asked previously do you think you can give a rational answer to my above questions?
I doubt it
"your mind will find a way to be unkind to you somehow. But all we really have is happening to us right now. Happiness is the road"

Steve Hogarth, lead singer Marillion

Last edited by Boeing Guy; 13-11-2011 at 19:08.
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Accrington Web
Old 13-11-2011, 19:09   #92

Boeing Guy's Avatar

Re: Common Law

Oh by the can never win this argument, why should I subsidise your life?
Do you use the roads?
Do you use the council Waste collection service?
Do you use a NHS Doctor and or NHS Hospitals?
Do you have the use of the Fire Service?
You see all these things cost money, if you want to forgo that fine, but find your own island to do it on.
"your mind will find a way to be unkind to you somehow. But all we really have is happening to us right now. Happiness is the road"

Steve Hogarth, lead singer Marillion
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Old 13-11-2011, 19:16   #93

Boeing Guy's Avatar

Re: Common Law

From Kenny, Lived in Accy for 48
I think you should get out more.
"your mind will find a way to be unkind to you somehow. But all we really have is happening to us right now. Happiness is the road"

Steve Hogarth, lead singer Marillion
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Old 13-11-2011, 19:33   #94
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garinda's Avatar

Re: Common Law

Originally Posted by kenny View Post
Oh! How many times have I said this?
I'm not exactly sure, but I'd guess it's quite a few now.

Perhaps you're not getting your message over very well?

Which is why all those ignorant fools keep chipping in.

Some of what they've inferred could very well be libelous.

You could sue them for damages.

Consider seeing a soliciter tomorrow, and seeking legal advice.

I'd be more than willing to act as a witness.
'If you're going to be a Kant, be the very best Kant there is my son.'
Johann Georg Kant, father of Immanuel Kant, philosopher.

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Old 13-11-2011, 19:39   #95
Resting in Peace
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Re: Common Law

We all know when we have done wrong,We all know what we have done wrong.

I like to think I always had the courage of my convictions to hold my hand up and admit I was wrong.

Of course If you are an MP you get a little Green Book that tells you that you are a thief but Anarchy rules so who gives a monkeys.

Some people think I'm a bit of an animal, but I'm quite tender really
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Old 13-11-2011, 19:39   #96

Boeing Guy's Avatar

Re: Common Law

Yellow lines have been mentioned a few times, who in their right mind would consider them ILLEGAL ? Theyre not ILLEGAL are they ?
The same as PCN's (parking charge notices/parking tickets ILLEGAL ???

Well, the truth is, ANY parking ticket, ticket for dropping litter, speeding, DRIVING WITHOUT TAX or/and MOT, or ANY OTHER SIMILAR "ticket" is a STATUTE, A STATUTORY INSTRUMENT, Oh! How many times have I said this?
Made by STATUTORY LAWS which are CREATED by the Government of the day, BUT!!!!!!
All (YES ALL) Statutory laws are "REVENUE BASED"

And it's no good saying "well, I voted Him/Her in and He/She makes these decisions on my behalf because He/She represents me , YES ME, ME, ME,"

WRONG!, AGAIN!!! He/She STOPS BEING "YOUR" REPRESENTATIVE in Parliament and becomes the Power Hungry, Selfish, Money Grabbing Parasite as they ALL have, As soon as they go through the doors of Parliament they've got it MADE, Any way,

The "parking Ticket" ONLY BECOMES LEGAL "AND" LAWFUL (yes there are two) if YOU, MUGGINS, sign the thing and send it in to get the LOWER PAYMENT "OFFER" (they have to MAKE an offer of a CONTRACT, If you even wrote to them to complain they dont mind, You have (by writing or phoning them) and without knowing it, have agreed to the contract, so you HAVE TO PAY. If you dont want the ticket/contract DONT SIGN ANYTHING! Just fill in the template letter I mentioned earlier and theres NO WAY they can force you to pay, PLEASE REMEMBER - The sceptics and doubters will carry on letting the thieves take YOUR money and its a disgrace for them to allow these revenue people to keep breaking the law, It is called (after you decline their offer) demanding money with menaces, and I defy ANYBODY to prove otherwise.

STATUTORY LAWS are dreamt up by the Government, to get money from the BANKS, Say, Speeding Cameras, someone in the Govt thinks right, we set up speed cameras and the revenue is estimated at £6 Billion during the next ooh! 6 years, this is the stage where bankers are invited to number ten to hear the proposal for speed cameras, they tell the bankers, You lend us £6 billion and in return you get ALL the revenue plus the interest. THATS HOW IT WORKS, It has NOTHING WHATSOEVER to do with your health, wealth OR SAFETY, It is just a money making machine that has NO TEETH unless YOU consent. From Kenny, Lived in Accy for 48
So when I get nicked for Speeding, not having a valid Road Fund License and parking on double yellow lines, I can just say its Illegal because Kenny, 48 from Accy says it is.
I'll sleep better at night.
"your mind will find a way to be unkind to you somehow. But all we really have is happening to us right now. Happiness is the road"

Steve Hogarth, lead singer Marillion

Last edited by Neil; 13-11-2011 at 20:40. Reason: deleted *'s in quote
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Old 13-11-2011, 19:50   #97
Resting in Peace
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Re: Common Law

Originally Posted by Boeing Guy View Post
So when I get nicked for Speeding, not having a valid Road Fund License and parking on double yellow lines, I can just say it Illegal because Kenny, 48 from Accy says it is.
I'll sleep better at night.
What kind of plane are YOU flying?

Some people think I'm a bit of an animal, but I'm quite tender really
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Old 14-11-2011, 07:22   #98

Boeing Guy's Avatar

Re: Common Law

Kenny, mate
the law of this land is "COMMON LAW" The Magna Carta 1215 AND The Bill of Rights 1689 clearly state that "COMMON LAW" cannot be Altered or Changed in ANY way
Can you find the quote in:
English Bill of Rights 1689
Magna Carta - The Great Charter

because I cannot
"your mind will find a way to be unkind to you somehow. But all we really have is happening to us right now. Happiness is the road"

Steve Hogarth, lead singer Marillion
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Old 15-11-2011, 15:58   #99

Boeing Guy's Avatar

Re: Common Law

Oh and Kenny mate,,,,,,,

Seeing you don't subscribe to what the rest of us call a Government and disagree with with any modern laws,ie, Statute Laws, laid down by Parliament and the European Parliament, do you consider yourself to be what you would call a Freeman?

Of course this would absolve you from all forms of Taxation and Laws that are not Common Law.

But if you do not recognise HM Governement, then how come you are happy to use the money printed by them, it is as fake as the laws you talk about. Surely you would want to use Gold as it is a very real commodity.

I do hope you come back, I would love to read your amazing intellect on the matter raised by me and others since we last saw you
"your mind will find a way to be unkind to you somehow. But all we really have is happening to us right now. Happiness is the road"

Steve Hogarth, lead singer Marillion
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Old 15-11-2011, 17:08   #100
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Re: Common Law

I think he is still poring over your links to the Magna Carta and the English Bill Of Rights.
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Old 18-11-2011, 09:21   #101

Re: Common Law

Hiya Michael1954, I'm not ignoring your 'civil' question, You asked "is all this fuss about getting a parking ticket?" I replied "NO" so i am sorry if the reply wasnt good enough,

The only other question from you was about the area in Gt Harwood where you live,
you mention that you wish that some yellow lines on your street should be policed and penalties imposed on "those" who think "they" are above the law and "you" can choose whichever law you like, (suddenly its ME parking on HIS yellow lines)
READ THIS CAREFULLY PLEASE - If people are parking on yellow lines on your street it is probably because the whole damned area is blanket covered with yellow lines and your area is most likely more out of view of the Revenue Officers than say outside the town hall,
You say "I'll just pay the fine and have done with it" What FINE? It's NOT a fine,
you really do need to understand - ITS AN OFFER! ITS A CONTRACT!

In a contract there has to be two signatures the one making the OFFER (revenue officers) and the recipient, You are NOT told that this is an OFFER/CONTRACT by these parasites until its too late and you have contacted them. By contacting them as they want you either by going in in person or sending (big mistake) payment to them YOU have CONTRACTED with them and so you must pay the amount they requested, IT'S NOT A FINE.
It is a STATUTE, a STATUTORY INSTRUMENT. How many times ???

Please read up about these things, its absolutely true.
Heres an example of how these parasites work, EVERY road,side street and back alley in Burnley centre has got yellow lines, you cannot park your car in Burnley town centre UNLESS you use one of the revenue areas (their car parks) for which they demand money.
And you think this is right ?
If you do think its right then carry on!
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Old 18-11-2011, 09:35   #102

Re: Common Law

So, if i am not in the club then I cant use the club facilities is that your argument ?

This is the trap that everyone falls into, just because WE (because I dont know the answer either) cant think of an alternative, do we have to put up with this modern day highway robbery?
Do you really think that all the taxes in whatever form they take go into the community?

If your answer is in the positive then I give up.
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Old 18-11-2011, 11:20   #103
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Re: Common Law

Originally Posted by kenny View Post
The only other question from you was about the area in Gt Harwood where you live,
you mention that you wish that some yellow lines on your street should be policed and penalties imposed on "those" who think "they" are above the law and "you" can choose whichever law you like, (suddenly its ME parking on HIS yellow lines)
READ THIS CAREFULLY PLEASE - If people are parking on yellow lines on your street it is probably because the whole damned area is blanket covered with yellow lines
You obviously don't know Great Harwood. Within two minutes walk of the street I was referring to, there are two free car parks, and the town is not blanket covered with yellow lines at all.

Last edited by Neil; 21-11-2011 at 00:38. Reason: fix quote
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Old 18-11-2011, 11:25   #104
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Re: Common Law

Originally Posted by Michael1954 View Post
The purpose of yellow lines is to allow the free movement of traffic so that everyone can go about their business. If we had a free for all about parking then there would be chaos. The street I mentioned is not policed. If it were, I suspect parking tickets would be issued. Would this be wrong? Would it not act as a deterrent to illegal parking? If the existing system is wrong then what alternatives and solutions would you suggest?
Kenny, if you are going to criticise the current system then you really ought to come up with alternatives and solutions.
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Old 18-11-2011, 11:38   #105
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Re: Common Law

When you were taking your driving test, did you raise these issues with the examiner? As a driving licence holder do you not think you should obey the rules of the road? If you can safely run a red light, is that all right? If you drive your car at 70mph in a 30mph area is that OK as long as you don't run over anyone?
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