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18-11-2011, 15:34
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Re: Common Law
Kenny,you managed to get all stressed again, yet you did not answer ANY (see I can use capitals as well!!) Questions.
So am I to take it that you don't have any answer?
I am bored with this, if you persist with this I will be forced to ignore you.
Shame really, could have been a good discussion.
"your mind will find a way to be unkind to you somehow. But all we really have is happening to us right now. Happiness is the road"
Steve Hogarth, lead singer Marillion
22-11-2011, 17:15
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Re: Common Law
'If you're going to be a Kant, be the very best Kant there is my son.'
Johann Georg Kant, father of Immanuel Kant, philosopher.
22-11-2011, 17:20
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Re: Common Law
Originally Posted by garinda
Oh dear, you are getting yourself in a right giddy state, aren't you?
Try taking some deep breaths.
In...and out.
That's it.
Breath in...and out.
Out with anger, in with love.

Sounds harder that giving birth although the breathing does really help...
People get so worked up about parking these days ...a 78 yr old man was killed in a road rage incident yesterday in the center of Cremona - over a parking spot - the guy who ran him down in an Audi SUV killing him instantly was a 72 yr old...it's a crazy world.
“Beauty is an experience, nothing else. It is not a fixed pattern or an arrangement of features. It is something felt, a glow or a communicated sense of fineness.” ~ D. H. Lawrence
25-11-2011, 12:13
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Re: Common Law
Lenny, I have no idea why you posted those company numbers, but I am sure you have your reasons.....
The Bank of England has been a private Bank, not government owned since 1694 over 300 years, except for 52 years 1946-1998 when it was nationalised.
Have you bothered to answer my questions yet?
Cheers mate
"your mind will find a way to be unkind to you somehow. But all we really have is happening to us right now. Happiness is the road"
Steve Hogarth, lead singer Marillion
25-11-2011, 16:09
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Re: Common Law
Originally Posted by garinda
I hope you are not thinking of plonking that thing down on double yellow lines, Gary!
25-11-2011, 16:20
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Re: Common Law
Originally Posted by Michael1954
I hope you are not thinking of plonking that thing down on double yellow lines, Gary!
No need.
Hover a few seconds.
Beam 'em up.
Then return people to their own planets.
Job's a good un, and no nasty fines to pay...to anyone.
'If you're going to be a Kant, be the very best Kant there is my son.'
Johann Georg Kant, father of Immanuel Kant, philosopher.
02-12-2011, 10:45
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Re: Common Law
If you get "nicked" for speeding then who decides your "punishment"?
I can tell that you are a blind obedient slave of these corporate parasites who are hiring/renting office space in Magistrates Courts to fleece ordinary decent citizens out of every penny they can, so you carry on being fleeced, and carry on being part of the problem, because the more people they can fleece and con the happier they are.
When was the last time you got (and I'm not suggesting you have) a speeding ticket or a parking fine ?
Tell me - were the jury sworn in ? were you given a suspended sentence ? probation ?
community service ?
were you asked in the court to put your right hand on a bible and "swear to tell the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth" ?
Whats that you say ? you didnt go to court ? you did'nt need to go to court ?
Why not ? I'll tell you why not, because, here I go again, (soz) Parking fines, speeding fines, tv license, council tax, fines for putting cardboard in a plastics only tub for the binmen, smoking a cigarette in a pub, driving down a one way street in the direction that THEY say you cant ? dropping a fag end on the floor, not having a fishing permit, and a lot more believe me! are all STATUTES, dont you understand what STATUTES are ?
Statutes and/or Statutory Instruments only become law by CONSENT, they are a CONTRACT between the PROPOSER ie- the one trying to extort money from you and the intended individual, now, when you get a "ticket" slapped on your car windscreen it is an OFFER, it is the Council, Traffic "Warden", Police "Officer" making an offer to you to CONTRACT, now, IF, you either phone them up, write to them, go into their "place of business" in person or agree with what they demand and pay some of the "fine" then YOU have CONTRACTED with them, IF, you ignore them they will try again to CONTRACT you in the form of a threat that if you do not pay the amount within 7 days then you will have to pay more, if you then reply to this "demand with menaces" because that is what it is, then you are in a CONTRACT with them and you have to fulfill your end of the CONTRACT, and the only way that these "PRIVATE COMPANIES" can be stopped from this thievery is in the form of a simple letter to them, I could type the letter here for you to copy and edit your details in and send to them but I see from your correspondence to date that you already know everything about everybody and you know the law and .....
A few members on here have commented on the fact that if I dont like whats going on then I have to come up with an alternative, well, I'm shocked, do you not realise whats going on ? this corrupt, illegal (under common law) yellow lined, fined if you fart system IS the original allternative, YOU have been using the alternative since the 1920s/30s,
Once again, The law of this land is COMMON LAW as set out in the Magna Carta, Bill of Rights and Rights of Settlement, if you cannot understand these Documents thats not my problem, well it is actually, as long as you keep feeding these THIEVES with money they will get greedier and greedier until you wont be able to even breathe without having to pay "them" for the air we breathe, THESE POLITICIANS, CORPORATIONS, COUNCILLORS, POLICE OFFICERS will NOT tell you about any of this, its up to you as an individual, your choice, COMMON LAW "CAN NOT BE CHANGED BY ANYONE"
Here's a little test for you, COMMON LAW is simple, it always has been and always will be because politicians, local councillors, magistrates, judges, prime ministers and even Kings, Queens, Princes, Princesses AND ESPECIALLY FOREIGN COUNTRIES (I signed your petition some weeks ago) CAN NOT, I repeat CAN NOT change it, interfere with it, meddle with it, OR disobey it without CONSENT of the INDIVIDUAL.
COMMON LAW :-) to keep within the laws of this land you must NOT cause Harm, Injury or Loss to anyone. THATS IT!!! well almost, you cannot go into DISHONOUR, (if you sign a contract with someone (parking services?) once signed, you have to fulfil the contract or go into DISHONOUR which IS a criminal offence under COMMON LAW.
If you do not understand this then I suggest that the sand is well and truly concealing your head. with respect, Kenny of the Nield Family.
02-12-2011, 10:49
Re: Common Law
What is and who made and agreed to common law?
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02-12-2011, 12:09
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Re: Common Law
I'm sorry but I have to reply to this person,
Are you totally void of common sense ?
You accuse me of not subscribing to "what the rest of us call government"
Modern Laws ? what are these "modern laws" ?
I totally agree with STATUTES, but Statutes are a CONtract, if I dont like the contract on offer I wont agree or sign, and not you or anybody else will badger me into it.
But what 'your' brain seems unable to grasp (or maybe its a choice) is whats going on so you have to resort to having a dig at me and are trying to undermine what I'm trying to discuss with people.
No I am not a Freeman, I am a human being with a soul,
Taxation and Laws that are NOT common law ?
You can talk about "Modern Laws" till the cows come home THEY ARE ALL CONTRACTS.
If this CORRUPT TO THE RAFTERS Government put a "fine" on say, kissing in public, would you STOP kissing in public ?
Or, would you say ? "huh! theyre not stopping me from kissing in public!
so I'm going to KEEP kissing in public and pay the fines!
Your problem is that these are the only two options you with your intelligence can see,
But, why dont you instead look at how and why these fines have been introduced and who will benefit from the proceeds,
I'll tell you now that NONE of the proceeds from such a fine will ever, ever go into YOUR club, (remember YOUR street lighting, etc!)
If you agree with a private corporation taking money from you in this way that's your right to do so, but I certainly wont,
Dont try to make me out to be some sort of oddball as I deserve more respect than that as I will respect your opinions too,
Approximately 110,000 of these so called laws have come from the EEC, EU call it whatever you want, and they are NOT legal in this Country, NO OTHER COUNTRY, KING, FOREIGN POWER OR QUEEN shall impose ANY laws on this KINGDOM.
Any person man woman or child enabling/trying to allow this to happen are GUILTY OF TREASON no ifs no buts NO "YOU CANT BE IN OUR CLUB THEN" attitudes can change this, NOT YOU, YOUR CRONIES (if you have any) or the POPE, EVEN OUR QUEEN cannot force FOREIGN LAWS upon her subjects without their INDIVIDUAL CONSENT.
There have been numerous attempts to arrest Tony Blair and his cohorts STRAW etc by a citizens arrest, but Blair changed the law (illegally) so that you CANNOT perform a citizens arrest IF there is a policeman in the vicinity, so now, you would have to catch these people literally with their pants down because I think that the loo is the only place that these war criminals can possibly be alone without special branch putting 6 or 7 bullets into your head (RIP Jean Charles De Menezes).
I am trying my best to educate you a bit here so please dont come back with crass remarks or I'll treat them with the contempt they deserve.
02-12-2011, 12:12
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Re: Common Law
No Comment, Exept, YOU SUBSIDISE ME ?
I have been paying for the likes of you all my life but NO MORE.
02-12-2011, 12:16
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Re: Common Law
Argument is it ? I suggest you look at my ORIGINAL question, and I can see you have ZERO knowledge on the subject. perhaps Accyweb can start a club for beginners, you know, start off on Janet and John books and working your way up the ladder of how to respect others and their opinions without resorting to bringing decent people down to your level.
02-12-2011, 12:40
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Re: Common Law
OK, Why was the driving test introduced in the first place ?
Why do you have to PAY for a Driving License ?
What is a Driving License for ?
OBEY ???????? who the HELL should I OBEY ????
Who has the POWER to make me OBEY ? some CORPORATE ENTITY ?
I OBEY NOBODY because nobody is better than me AND I am no better than ANY other human being,
You might OBEY bucko but NOT ME, I will OBSERVE the rules of the road, and should I make a mistake like driving too fast (who decides the speed?) I will hold my hand up and I will even "confess" to such an horrendous abhorent abuse of the "rules" but PAY MONEY TO A CORPARATE ENTITY with shareholders and profits as their MANTRA ?
And as I said to Boeing Guy, If YOU dont have the intelligence to understand (or maybe its a choice) The Magna Carta, Bill of Rights etc! thats not my problem its yours, so dont accuse me of not answering your questions when the answers are there for you to see. Please dont insult me any more, all I ask is that you look at my ORIGINAL question
and if you dont like the question then go and learn about British History, get educated, (get your parents to help you if necessary) and then we might be able to debate this very serious question, dont just try to goad me. With Respect Kenny of the Nield Family, A human being with a soul and a passionate compassion for the ignorant like yourself and the Boeing Guys of this world.
02-12-2011, 12:45
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Re: Common Law
The "solution" has been with us for 400 years (the sheer ignorance of the law is horrific)
COMMON LAW, get it ???? penny dropped ???? woken up to it yet ???
CAUSE NO HARM,LOSS or INJURY , Have you read ANY of my replies ???
Like I said before, ASK AN ADULT to explain!
02-12-2011, 12:47
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Re: Common Law
I wish ;0)
02-12-2011, 13:11
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Re: Common Law
Kenny mate, you still sound very stressed.
I would try to relax, all this Common Law stuff is not doing yourself any favours.
"your mind will find a way to be unkind to you somehow. But all we really have is happening to us right now. Happiness is the road"
Steve Hogarth, lead singer Marillion
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