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Old 10-11-2011, 16:16   #1
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Question community radio

I am looking at the possibility of setting up a community radio station for accrington and it's surrounds. having spent some time presenting hospital radio in north wales i have become a great believer that none commercial community radio is a brilliant resource for communities, offering great opportunities for residents and groups alike. although there is still a long way to go with planning and putting it into practice, is this something that the people of accy would be interested in having/getting involved with.
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Old 10-11-2011, 16:37   #2
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Re: community radio

Groove admires your enthusiasm for cuch a venture, but thinks there are far to many local stations to ba able to compete. Dont let Grooves thoughts put you off your venture though as groove is sure there will be a market for such a station.
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Old 10-11-2011, 16:51   #3
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Re: community radio

the key to a project such as this IS local demand and the difference between a local station and a community station, is the community station is none commercial and none profit making, being run by the community for the community and as such is completely seperate to the likes of the bee and 2br. rossendale fm is a great example of such a project.
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Old 10-11-2011, 16:54   #4
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Re: community radio

Nice idea. I don't know much about it but Webcasting might be the the way to go. Probably cheaper to set up and you won't be using the airwaves so could broadcast further afield.
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Old 10-11-2011, 17:01   #5
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Re: community radio

Originally Posted by steve2qec View Post
Nice idea. I don't know much about it but Webcasting might be the the way to go. Probably cheaper to set up and you won't be using the airwaves so could broadcast further afield.

the only problem with webcasting is it is difficult to take it into the community with a community station however you can engage the community through workshops,training events and outside broadcasts etc. and this is the whole point to me doing this to engage the local community and to make it accessible.
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Old 10-11-2011, 19:07   #6
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Re: community radio

I have to admit that I rarely listen to radio these days.
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It will be destroyed by those who stand by and do Nothing.
(a paraphrase on a quote by Albert Einstein)
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Old 10-11-2011, 19:15   #7
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Re: community radio

The only time I ever listen to the radio was when I was in hospital, but with the intervention of bedside TV, I haven't even listen to the radio the last few times I've been in
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Old 10-11-2011, 19:38   #8
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Re: community radio


Your idea has been tried on numerous occasions. The power of a local forum or newspaper, kills the radio 10 fold. Radio = Music.

Local radio costs thousands, and you need the advertisers to pay these fee's.

Become the Accyweb roving reporter, in your spare time.
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Old 10-11-2011, 19:49   #9
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Re: community radio

accyweb radio
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Old 10-11-2011, 19:55   #10
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Re: community radio

Nice idea , but would the quality be there to lure people away from the commercial and bbc stations.
A lot of people today only listen to radio in the car, secondly there are plans to move all radio to digital transmissions. This will have the effect of only people who are real radio people will move over.
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Old 10-11-2011, 19:57   #11
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Re: community radio

Originally Posted by odders View Post

Your idea has been tried on numerous occasions. The power of a local forum or newspaper, kills the radio 10 fold. Radio = Music.

Local radio costs thousands, and you need the advertisers to pay these fee's.

Become the Accyweb roving reporter, in your spare time.

i say again NOT local radio but COMMUNITY radio, two very different animals
the latter is very successful in other areas and uses radio to benefit communities by providing workshops and skills training to the disadvantaged in the community. funding can be sourced based on the principals of the station and the fact that it is a community organisation.

as i said rossendale radio is the closest to us but there is also one in pendle,preston and several in manchester including the VERY successful all fm and radio regen.

radio is used as a tool to promote community engagement and can help young people,disabled people,elderly,vulnerable and the unemployed to better themselves and help the community as a whole.

so i don't believe it to be a waste of time but a potentially valuable community resource for the borough and it's residents. and advertising is out of the question as it is a none profit making organisation. I am merely trying to find out if you as members of the community would be interested in having this as a resource or getting involved with such a project
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Old 10-11-2011, 20:05   #12
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Re: community radio

Originally Posted by cmonstanley View Post
accyweb radio

there's nowt to say that involvement would'nt be a possibility
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Old 10-11-2011, 20:20   #13
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Re: community radio

Originally Posted by jedimaster View Post
i say again NOT local radio but COMMUNITY radio, two very different animals
the latter is very successful in other areas and uses radio to benefit communities by providing workshops and skills training to the disadvantaged in the community. funding can be sourced based on the principals of the station and the fact that it is a community organisation.

as i said rossendale radio is the closest to us but there is also one in pendle,preston and several in manchester including the VERY successful all
fm and radio regen.

radio is used as a tool to promote community engagement and can help young people,disabled people,elderly,vulnerable and the unemployed to better themselves and help the community as a whole.

so i don't believe it to be a waste of time but a potentially valuable community resource for the borough and it's residents. and advertising is out of the question as it is a none profit making organisation. I am merely trying to find out if you as members of the community would be interested in having this as a resource or getting involved with such a project

It has to be local, because it has to involve every community

Last edited by odders; 10-11-2011 at 20:23. Reason: Seen it too many times. trust me, to many folk have tried...
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Old 10-11-2011, 20:46   #14
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Re: community radio

Originally Posted by jedimaster View Post
radio is used as a tool to promote community engagement and can help young people,disabled people,elderly,vulnerable and the unemployed to better themselves and help the community as a whole.

so i don't believe it to be a waste of time but a potentially valuable community resource for the borough and it's residents. and advertising is out of the question as it is a none profit making organisation. I am merely trying to find out if you as members of the community would be interested in having this as a resource or getting involved with such a project

It's a noble though jedi - - - but the question has to be asked, who would finance such a project?

I would have absolutely no idea on the costs of setting up such an operation but I saw an advert along Blackburn Rd. advertising "Radio Ramadam" and just wonder.......... without advertising, how would people know that such a service exists? and how much would be required to tell "the people" that they should tune in?

I still remember some mug pushing a bike around Accrington advertising "Hyndburn Life" website which had less members than fingers on my hands
Pray that there is intelligent life somewhere up in space, 'Cause there's Bu""er all down here on Earth - (Eric Idle)
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Old 10-11-2011, 21:45   #15
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Re: community radio

Originally Posted by Busman747 View Post

It's a noble though jedi - - - but the question has to be asked, who would finance such a project?

I would have absolutely no idea on the costs of setting up such an operation but I saw an advert along Blackburn Rd. advertising "Radio Ramadam" and just wonder.......... without advertising, how would people know that such a service exists? and how much would be required to tell "the people" that they should tune in?

I still remember some mug pushing a bike around Accrington advertising "Hyndburn Life" website which had less members than fingers on my hands

there is funding available from several sources including lottery funding, for such ventures as it benefits target groups and rebuilds communities. there is a lot of interest in community radio and media projects. and as i say this is still in the ideas stage however i do have several media and community engagement contacts who have already pledged their assistance with a project such as this. as for advertising it well how did the bee do it or 2br (originally an offshoot of burnley hospital radio) the power of the people is a wonderful thing
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