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Old 19-05-2007, 18:27   #16
Passed away 25-11-09
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Re: Complaining

I'll complain about bad service or faulty goods. I'm paying for it so I expect it to be right. I also compliment when it's due and I have twice, in the past, emailed the AA to praise their repair men, not for getting my car going but for their courtesy, politeness and helpfulness. I dealt with the public for many years, in my job, and it was always very nice to get a word of appreciation so I make sure I do it for other people.
Some cinemas let the flying monkeys in............and some don't.
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Old 19-05-2007, 22:09   #17
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Re: Complaining

I recently found out I could get a re-fund/credit on a DVD movie rentals from Blockbuster , told them the movie was a load of crap and I wanted a credit (it was something with big names in it but had never had cinema release a 'straight to video' ) the attendant looked at me like I was crazy, but the Manager gave in , thing to remember though make sure you take it back within 2 days , don't wait 5 days til its due back
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Old 19-05-2007, 22:21   #18
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Re: Complaining

I complain if i feel strongly about something but normally my hubbys the one to put his gob into action if he feels something is wrong ...i walk away when he starts sometimes with embarresment and sometimes almost wetting my self cus its soo funny...
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Old 19-05-2007, 22:26   #19
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Re: Complaining

i tend to complain if the need arises, in fact i rang my internet provider to complain on friday about loss of connection, after a couple of phonecalls i got a months free connection, plus there sending me an offer of a much cheaper rate and its all because i asked to be put through (and was) to the cancellation dept. also told them that if the service did not improve during my free month- they could shove it anyway.
N.L.T.B.G.Y.D. Do not argue with an idiot, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.
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Old 19-05-2007, 22:31   #20
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Re: Complaining

Originally Posted by cashman View Post
i tend to complain if the need arises, in fact i rang my internet provider to complain on friday about loss of connection, after a couple of phonecalls i got a months free connection, plus there sending me an offer of a much cheaper rate and its all because i asked to be put through (and was) to the cancellation dept. also told them that if the service did not improve during my free month- they could shove it anyway.
omg same thing here cashy....ive been offline for 3 weeks cus my ip told me i would have to wait at least a month for repairs so i went with the ones that supply my phone who also co.ked up and made me wait an extra week till i phoned and groaned to which i got a reduction for 12 months.. and finally back online..
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Old 19-05-2007, 22:56   #21
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Re: Complaining

Originally Posted by cherokee View Post
omg same thing here cashy....ive been offline for 3 weeks cus my ip told me i would have to wait at least a month for repairs so i went with the ones that supply my phone who also co.ked up and made me wait an extra week till i phoned and groaned to which i got a reduction for 12 months.. and finally back online..
wondered where you were cherokee,shows it pays to bitch.
N.L.T.B.G.Y.D. Do not argue with an idiot, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.
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Old 19-05-2007, 23:00   #22
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Re: Complaining

aaye its so good to be back cashy lol ive been pulling my hair out without my internet.... such a grave experience i never want to encounter feel like ive just woken from a nasty dream
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Old 19-05-2007, 23:36   #23
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Re: Complaining

jambutty. Just a tiny point Ianto.W. If “The trouble with us Brits we do not complain enough,” why do the Aussies call us whinging poms?
Ausies are the most ignorant race on the face of the earth, 'You are
supposed to be a much travelled man jambutty' and you ask me a stupid question like that. There is a great deal of difference between as you call it whingeing and complaining, I have probably been to that backwater more times than you have, as my sister who as I type has lived there since 1965, at present she is at my house on a 2 month visit, her partner is an Ausie he is the biggest pain in the backside I have ever met. Do you know what poms stands for? if you do not I will enlighten you should you so wish. If Anyone is dissatisfied with a service, product or even the attitude of people that are there to serve you they should COMPLAIN, and furthermore this country would be a far better place if they did!
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Old 19-05-2007, 23:40   #24
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Re: Complaining

Originally Posted by Ianto.W. View Post
Ausies are the most ignorant race on the face of the earth, 'You are
supposed to be a much travelled man jambutty' and you ask me a stupid question like that. There is a great deal of difference between as you call it whingeing and complaining, I have probably been to that backwater more times than you have, as my sister who as I type has lived there since 1965, at present she is at my house on a 2 month visit, her partner is an Ausie he is the biggest pain in the backside I have ever met. Do you know what poms stands for? if you do not I will enlighten you should you so wish. If Anyone is dissatisfied with a service, product or even the attitude of people that are there to serve you they should COMPLAIN, and furthermore this country would be a far better place if they did!
I'd like to make a complaint...about the racist overtones in your post towards those down under.
'If you're going to be a Kant, be the very best Kant there is my son.'
Johann Georg Kant, father of Immanuel Kant, philosopher.

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Old 19-05-2007, 23:45   #25
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Re: Complaining

Just a tiny point Ianto.W. If “The trouble with us Brits we do not complain enough,” why do the Aussies call us whinging poms? -- these aussies (not the brits who went out for a tenner in 60s) are nothing but descendents of OUR CRIMINALS who were deported out there in the good old days, i never heard an aborigine call us whinging poms! they are the REAL AUSSIES.
N.L.T.B.G.Y.D. Do not argue with an idiot, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.
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Old 19-05-2007, 23:55   #26
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Re: Complaining

Originally Posted by cashman View Post
Just a tiny point Ianto.W. If “The trouble with us Brits we do not complain enough,” why do the Aussies call us whinging poms? -- these aussies (not the brits who went out for a tenner in 60s) are nothing but descendents of OUR CRIMINALS who were deported out there in the good old days, i never heard an aborigine call us whinging poms! they are the REAL AUSSIES.
Just a tiny point cashy they are P.O.M.s Prisoners Of Her Majesty, raped and piliaged the poor down -trodden Abbo's, made them into alchoholics and to this day treat them with derision, Anyway lets get this thread back on topic and b*******s to the chainslingers.. Do you know cashy I do love a good old moan .
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Old 19-05-2007, 23:58   #27
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Re: Complaining

Originally Posted by garinda View Post
I'd like to make a complaint...about the racist overtones in your post towards those down under.
I don't even like Rishtoners so there.
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Old 20-05-2007, 00:00   #28
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Re: Complaining


A British person. Also pommy. First recorded in 1912, the term was originally applied to an immigrant from Britain, and was formed by rhyming slang. A British immigrant was called a pommygrant, from the red fruit pomegranate, perhaps referring to the complexion of the new arrivals, which was then abbreviated to pommy and pom. Although some argue otherwise, it is not an acronym of prisoner of mother England.
'If you're going to be a Kant, be the very best Kant there is my son.'
Johann Georg Kant, father of Immanuel Kant, philosopher.

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Old 20-05-2007, 00:04   #29
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Re: Complaining

Originally Posted by Ianto.W. View Post
Just a tiny point cashy they are P.O.M.s Prisoners Of Her Majesty, raped and piliaged the poor down -trodden Abbo's, made them into alchoholics and to this day treat them with derision, Anyway lets get this thread back on topic and b*******s to the chainslingers.. Do you know cashy I do love a good old moan .
thought i was on topic- complaining about aussies. they aint top of my pops.
N.L.T.B.G.Y.D. Do not argue with an idiot, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.
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Old 20-05-2007, 00:16   #30
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Re: Complaining

GARINDA you have more useless information than jambutty these days. What happened?
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