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04-02-2008, 11:29
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Re: confussed
I'm afraid there are those on here who will only see that you posted the link from the Daily Mail. The fact several other papers have reported it will not be sufficient to claim that racial propoganda is not being printed
I'm sure Blazey will tell us she knows loads of English people who have multiple spouses 
04-02-2008, 11:31
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Re: confussed
its not about being racist its about bein fair, blazey can say what she wants, its her opinion, just like every one else has one
04-02-2008, 11:33
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Re: confussed
Originally Posted by Yolanda25
Sorry I can't really comment on this as it could get me in bother with the mods.  they really are taking the p***
04-02-2008, 11:42
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Re: confussed
Another example of one group being above the law of the land, which can only sow the seeds of racial disharmony.
I wonder what Greg Pope and other Accyweb supporters of the present government have to say about this? Nothing, as usual, I would imagine.
Must say, though, I wouldn't want to be in the same position...the thought of four Mrs H's giving me grief when I roll in at midnight after going to watch the Stanley, fills me with dread! 
04-02-2008, 11:43
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Re: confussed
Many years ago when I worked administering Income Support I did see some claims where a 2nd wife was being paid for as an 'Adult Dependant'.
So this provision is nothing new
04-02-2008, 11:57
white rabbits
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Re: confussed
This country is "BARMEY.".....
04-02-2008, 12:10
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Re: confussed
Many years ago when I worked administering Income Support I did see some claims where a 2nd wife was being paid for as an 'Adult Dependant'.
So this provision is nothing new
I acually think this country where this could happen Margaret. I once worked with a German, he was living over here with is second wife but was claiming for two children from his first marrage who were still living in Germany, insidentally he used to brag that he never sent the money home but spent in on his fags every week.
04-02-2008, 13:02
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Re: confussed
Fifty years has made a huge difference. In 1960/61 immigration from the Asian/Indian countries really took off. Most of the immigrants were men and a lot of them had families back home. For the purposes of income tax allowances they could only claim for 1 wife, even if they had several, and they had to obtain an affidavit from a local magistrate in Pakistan or where ever to say this was their "first" wife. The wife usually made a thumb print on the affidavit as, usually, they couldn't read or write. This country didn't recognise polygamy at all and any other wives were considered illegal.
Some cinemas let the flying monkeys in............and some don't.
04-02-2008, 13:10
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Re: confussed
absolute rubbish!!
yet again one rule for one and another for us, and they wonder why we dont intregrate.
"Dont make someone a priority if your only an option!!"
04-02-2008, 14:29
Coffin Dodger.
Re: confussed
seems they are saying they will recognise it if they wed in countries were polygamy is legal, FINE,then they should sod off back to the country they wed em in n support em there, 
N.L.T.B.G.Y.D. Do not argue with an idiot, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.
04-02-2008, 17:50
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Re: confussed
Originally Posted by cashman
seems they are saying they will recognise it if they wed in countries were polygamy is legal, FINE,then they should sod off back to the country they wed em in n support em there, 
Quite right cashy wht ever happened to when in Rome
04-02-2008, 18:58
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Re: confussed
Originally Posted by Yolanda25
**!!** &#*!*#4! !*!*!*&
I really do despair. Here we have a government of supposedly intelligent people and they come up with this “CRACKPOT” idea.
How many more times do we have to remind this government that this is a Christian country? Meaning that one man can only have one wife in this country. If he happens to be a Muslim and has three more wives in his Muslim country then that is his responsibility and nothing to do with the state here.
It’s almost the same as migrant workers receiving Child Benefit for their kids in their home country. IT’S LUDICROUS!
The next election cannot come soon enough.
04-02-2008, 19:07
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Re: confussed
Muslim husbands with more than one wife to get extra benefits as ministers recognise polygamy | the Daily Mail
Omg that is terrible!
04-02-2008, 19:13
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Re: confussed
It defies belief doesn’t it…speechless
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