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Old 01-10-2003, 21:45   #16
Senior Member+

Post Re: Conscription

[quote author=janet link=board=general;num=1064994222;start=0#3 date=10/01/03 at 11:37:56]I totally agree with you mik, a lot of young men seem to me to have no concept of values or discipline in there lives maybe this would install something that is lacking 2years national service is a good idea it never did my dad any harm.[/quote]
Okay Janet i agree along the lines of value and discipline
but things are more than likley a lot different now as it was in your fathers time.Back then i would think it was more of a peace keeping force.Cyprus and the such, but nowadays there is more chance of you being thrown in to a full scale war.
BigMikDick from krautland
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Accrington Web
Old 01-10-2003, 21:48   #17
Senior Member+

Post Re: Conscription

[quote author=cazzer link=board=general;num=1064994222;start=0#7 date=10/01/03 at 14:38:41]Totally against military conscription.

Maybe some kind of boot camp in certain cases.

Surely if we had anything like this it would have to be girls as well, not just boys?[/quote]

Boot camp sounds good Cazzer and why not girls too.I just think that if there was maybe some form of basic training like say 9 months then the outlook of a majority of young people could change.
BigMikDick from krautland
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Old 01-10-2003, 21:51   #18
Senior Member+

Post Re: Conscription

The thing that got me thinking about this topic was the comments of some of the Forum members talking about ' the layabouts hanging around street corners causing trouble'.Conscription or even Boot camp could be a better way of focusing their energies for better things???
BigMikDick from krautland
Mik Dickinson is offline   Reply With Quote
Old 02-10-2003, 07:09   #19
Full Member

Post Re: Conscription

I really suffered for ages cos of conscription. It stressed me out.
My hubby opted out at 18 cos he went to uni - you can put it off every year until you're 26. At 26, at which point we'd bought a house together, had been living together for 5 years and we're thinking of getting married, they were about to cart him off to military service. We really needed the dosh he would earn from a job - I was doing 2 almost full-time jobs to support him through his studies, but I didn't feel it fair to have to support him through military service as well. I really felt it was an infringement not just on his rights, but on mine too. I was stressed for months thinking he's have to go. In the end they changed the system, just in time, and I was allowed to keep my hubby at home.
It would also have been a nightmare for huim. A mature 26 year old, almost married graduate, being carted off to be given oreders by 19 and 20 year old sergeants - getting up at 5am and wasting two years of your life, while the girls from your class are merrily getting on with their career. Don't think it's fair at all really.
Jo is offline   Reply With Quote
Old 02-10-2003, 09:06   #20
Senior Member+

Post Re: Conscription

In Germany jo they do not take you in if you are married.Its like an expensive way out LOL!I realise that there are good and bad things to be said about the idea and that was why i posted the topic.Also i know of some lads over here who had started their own businesses and they still got pulled in to the army.Their businesses went down as well.Surely though along the lines it would be good for some people instead of trudging along every week to sign on.People given a chance to learn something new, instead of hanging around or being sent on work experience courses.Modern form of slaved labour
BigMikDick from krautland
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