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30-03-2010, 13:03
Grand Wizard Of The Inner Clique
Re: Conservative candidate named.
Originally Posted by andrewb
Can make damn good fries though. 
You probably can, so stick to what you know.

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30-03-2010, 13:42
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Re: Conservative candidate named.
Originally Posted by garinda
Just explaining why perhaps you personally didn't see any candidate at the last election, besides your ineligibily...you might have been playing out when they called, or tucked up in bed at the time.
You needn't have bothered trying to explain. The explanation is very simple; there wasn't a knock from any of the candidates. That or everyone was out, and they failed to leave a calling card or come back.
formerly cyfr
30-03-2010, 14:04
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Re: Conservative candidate named.
Originally Posted by andrewb
You needn't have bothered trying to explain. The explanation is very simple; there wasn't a knock from any of the candidates. That or everyone was out, and they failed to leave a calling card or come back.
Perhaps the responsible adult at your home foolishly threw away any political literature that was posted through your door, along with pizza and Indian takeaway menus etc.
I remember someone once posting on here that they'd never had any literature regarding even the local elections, and therefore had no idea who her council candidates were, leaving them dreadfully confused, because they didn't know how to find out, until I helpfully gave advice about how to find out this important information.
'If you're going to be a Kant, be the very best Kant there is my son.'
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30-03-2010, 14:16
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Re: Conservative candidate named.
Originally Posted by andrewb
You needn't have bothered trying to explain. The explanation is very simple; there wasn't a knock from any of the candidates. That or everyone was out, and they failed to leave a calling card or come back.
Or perhaps you were all upstairs, listening to nursery rhymes too loudly on a casette recorder, and couldn't hear them banging away.
It might be the case that your's was the only house in Hyndburn not to be disturbed by canvasers, or campaigners posting election pamphlets through your door, and for some reason you're on a blacklist.
I had a couple of friends, one banged up for murder, and the other who thought he was a bird, who were similarly undisturbed at the last General Election.
'If you're going to be a Kant, be the very best Kant there is my son.'
Johann Georg Kant, father of Immanuel Kant, philosopher.
30-03-2010, 14:18
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Re: Conservative candidate named.
Originally Posted by garinda
Perhaps the responsible adult at your home foolishly threw away any political literature that was posted through your door, along with pizza and Indian takeaway menus etc.
I remember someone once posting on here that they'd never had any literature regarding even the local elections, and therefore had no idea who her council candidates were, leaving them dreadfully confused, because they didn't know how to find out, until I helpfully gave advice about how to find out this important information.
Perhaps you would bother to find out personal circumstances before ploughing head first and making links into something you know nothing about. Not that it has a place on these forums.
I think I'm best suited to know what happens in my own home, without needing you to pass judgment trying to explain what might of 'actually' happened. 
formerly cyfr
30-03-2010, 15:25
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Re: Conservative candidate named.
Originally Posted by andrewb
Perhaps you would bother to find out personal circumstances before ploughing head first and making links into something you know nothing about. Not that it has a place on these forums.
I think I'm best suited to know what happens in my own home, without needing you to pass judgment trying to explain what might of 'actually' happened. 
Like everyone else on Accy Web, I arrive at my conclusions, gained from information helpfully supplied by other members, as evidence of whatever circumstances they might like to share with us.
However, back to the thread's subject...
I eagerly await the chance to ask the Conservative candidate, Karen Buckley, a member of a church which apparently thinks homosexuality is something to be, and can be,'cured' by exorcism, whether or not she supported the the repeal of Sextion 28, the most homophobic piece of legislation of the twentieth century, introduced by the Tories in 1988.
I'd also like to know if she supports, and would have voted for the introduction of Civil Partnerships, and would she support further change towards total equality, and that every citizen should have the right to be legally married, in a church if they so wish, irrespective of gender.
I await my questions being answered, face to face, in hopeful anticipation.
'If you're going to be a Kant, be the very best Kant there is my son.'
Johann Georg Kant, father of Immanuel Kant, philosopher.
30-03-2010, 15:29
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Re: Conservative candidate named.
Originally Posted by andrewb
Perhaps you would bother to find out personal circumstances before ploughing head first and making links into something you know nothing about. Not that it has a place on these forums.
I think I'm best suited to know what happens in my own home, without needing you to pass judgment trying to explain what might of 'actually' happened. 
...or as stated earlier, perhaps you were playing out at the time, and no one bothered to tell you when you came home for your bedtime story, thinking it was of no interest, or concern of your's, because of your ineligibility to vote.

'If you're going to be a Kant, be the very best Kant there is my son.'
Johann Georg Kant, father of Immanuel Kant, philosopher.
30-03-2010, 17:33
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Re: Conservative candidate named.
Originally Posted by garinda
Very true.
Unfortunately I never got to ask the last Conservative candidate my questions face to face, but had to email poor James Mawdsley, because he never came a knockin'.
You can't beat meeting someone face to face, to help further judge their sincerity.
I'll give this candidate a little longer, before having to settle for finding out answers to my questions, in a less personal way.
Yes, but bear in mind that canvassing 8 weeks before an election is a waste of time and energy.....so I'm told.
30-03-2010, 17:42
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Re: Conservative candidate named.
Originally Posted by Ken Moss
Yes, but bear in mind that canvassing 8 weeks before an election is a waste of time and energy.....so I'm told.
Perhaps some candidates are planning to speak to us all the night before the election.
So we won't forget who says what.

'If you're going to be a Kant, be the very best Kant there is my son.'
Johann Georg Kant, father of Immanuel Kant, philosopher.
30-03-2010, 18:37
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Re: Conservative candidate named.
Originally Posted by garinda
Like everyone else on Accy Web, I arrive at my conclusions, gained from information helpfully supplied by other members, as evidence of whatever circumstances they might like to share with us.
However, back to the thread's subject...
I eagerly await the chance to ask the Conservative candidate, Karen Buckley, a member of a church which apparently thinks homosexuality is something to be, and can be,'cured' by exorcism, whether or not she supported the the repeal of Sextion 28, the most homophobic piece of legislation of the twentieth century, introduced by the Tories in 1988.
I'd also like to know if she supports, and would have voted for the introduction of Civil Partnerships, and would she support further change towards total equality, and that every citizen should have the right to be legally married, in a church if they so wish, irrespective of gender.
I await my questions being answered, face to face, in hopeful anticipation.
Now that you have got the debate back on subject, excuse me if I take it off track again: I am more than a little surprised that, in the United Kingdom, gays do not have the right to be legally married (tho' who would want to, I don't know  ), and aquire all the legal and financial benefits that other married couples have.
30-03-2010, 19:52
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Re: Conservative candidate named.
Originally Posted by Eric
Now that you have got the debate back on subject, excuse me if I take it off track again: I am more than a little surprised that, in the United Kingdom, gays do not have the right to be legally married (tho' who would want to, I don't know  ), and aquire all the legal and financial benefits that other married couples have.
Like yourself, I remain happily unentagled, but that is a choice open to me.
You're correct, same sex partners can't legally marry in the UK.
The government did bring in the Civil Partnership Act, in 2004, which does give many of the same rights that civil union affords, except it can't be called a marriage.
So although a same sex couple might have been happily together for years, and might be both deeply religious, they can't legally be married.
'The Civil Partnership Act states that it will not allow any form of religious activity to occur during the process of registering the union. The act does not include a ceremony.'
Civil Partnership guide for gay and lesbian couples in the UK - CivilPartnershipInfo.co.uk
In an age of supposed equality, this unfair legal anomaly needs addressing.
The choice of what form a relationship officially takes, should be a choice that's available to all, regardless of gender.
I look forward to hearing the thoughts on this matter, of a candidate who is a member of a church which apparently 'cures' homosexuality via exorcisms.
'If you're going to be a Kant, be the very best Kant there is my son.'
Johann Georg Kant, father of Immanuel Kant, philosopher.
30-03-2010, 22:43
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Re: Conservative candidate named.
I don't think we should force religions to do things, but I think that anybody should be able to get married in the eyes of the state.
formerly cyfr
30-03-2010, 23:11
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Re: Conservative candidate named.
If people wish to cement their relationship by marriage, they should be afforded that choice, regardless of anything else.
What religions preach and practice, should be subject to the same laws governing every other body in the country.
Some faiths have their own laws, which can result in executions, maiming, amputations, and stonings, for those guilty of crimes against religion. In a civilised democracy these religious freedoms of expression are rightfully made illegal, by the laws that govern us as a whole.
Another question I'd like to ask Ms. Buckley, when she hopefully calls, is if she'd already been the M.P. for Hyndburn, given a free vote, would she have voted in favour of an equal age of consent? Which after years of injustice, when 21 and 20 year olds in a consensual relationship, were imprisoned because they happpened to be of the same gender, and which thankfully this government has now legislated against, and gender parity now exists in law.
There's so much I can't wait to ask, I'll have to keep a little list by the front door.
Being so keen on 'family values', her thought on repealing Section 28, and how she would have voted on that, might be worth yet another question.
If, and when...
'If you're going to be a Kant, be the very best Kant there is my son.'
Johann Georg Kant, father of Immanuel Kant, philosopher.
30-03-2010, 23:22
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Re: Conservative candidate named.
Originally Posted by andrewb
I don't think we should force religions to do things, but I think that anybody should be able to get married in the eyes of the state.
I agree. And this is the essence of Canada Bill C-38.
30-03-2010, 23:41
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Re: Conservative candidate named.
I'd like to thank this thread, for making me think of exactly what questions I'm going to ask the Conservative candidate, and hopefully illicit some answers, which I'll kindly share on here, just in case not everyone's so lucky.
It's a good idea to be prepared, given there's so little time left, at least compared to the time I've had to grill and question the other prospective candidates.
'If you're going to be a Kant, be the very best Kant there is my son.'
Johann Georg Kant, father of Immanuel Kant, philosopher.
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