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05-05-2010, 01:52
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Re: Conservative candidates promises anger residents
yep that video pretty much captures everything the torys are about.
god help anyone who gets seriously ill under their rule and dosnt have private health care because one of teh torys ways of saving money will be to let people die waiting for treatment just like they did the last time they were in power .
All comments above are everything to do with here and therefore the resposibility of the Accrington Web website owners admins and mods.
ive just started a relationship with a blind woman !Its quite rewarding but quite challenging ! it took me ages to get her husbands voice right
05-05-2010, 13:31
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Re: Conservative candidates promises anger residents
Readers of this forum need to be aware of the truth of what Conservative candidate Mrs Karen Buckley did or did not say at this meeting. The topics you refer to did come up in conversation at a meeting of local Asian men that I arranged, but at no point did she make any false promises. She set out her priorities for the constituency if elected and listened to the concerns of those present. She made it quite clear that she would hold regular local surgeries and would be willing to take up issues of concern whether they be relating to the neighbourhood watch scheme, gave her support to the suggestion of a community centre to benefit the residents and especially the youngsters.
Mrs Buckley comes across as an intelligent and articulate woman and knows full well the responsibilities of an MP and those of a councillor like yourself.
Graham, you weren't there at the meeting. I was, and there were others present who will confirm what I have said. If your source would like to contradict that I was at this meeting when he spoke to Mrs Buckley, then let him come forward and explain in person. Otherwise I suggest you make sure you get some additional evidence before making wild and misleading statements calculated to damage your opponent. They reflect badly upon yourself. County Councillor Mohammed Younis
05-05-2010, 14:58
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Re: Conservative candidates promises anger residents
05-05-2010, 15:39
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Re: Conservative candidates promises anger residents
Originally Posted by myounis
Readers of this forum need to be aware of the truth of what Conservative candidate Mrs Karen Buckley did or did not say at this meeting. The topics you refer to did come up in conversation at a meeting of local Asian men that I arranged, but at no point did she make any false promises. She set out her priorities for the constituency if elected and listened to the concerns of those present. She made it quite clear that she would hold regular local surgeries and would be willing to take up issues of concern whether they be relating to the neighbourhood watch scheme, gave her support to the suggestion of a community centre to benefit the residents and especially the youngsters.
Mrs Buckley comes across as an intelligent and articulate woman and knows full well the responsibilities of an MP and those of a councillor like yourself.
Graham, you weren't there at the meeting. I was, and there were others present who will confirm what I have said. If your source would like to contradict that I was at this meeting when he spoke to Mrs Buckley, then let him come forward and explain in person. Otherwise I suggest you make sure you get some additional evidence before making wild and misleading statements calculated to damage your opponent. They reflect badly upon yourself. County Councillor Mohammed Younis
Maybe Mrs Buckley may have picked up a few votes if she had come and explained all that herself 
05-05-2010, 16:04
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Re: Conservative candidates promises anger residents
Originally Posted by myounis
Readers of this forum need to be aware of the truth of what Conservative candidate Mrs Karen Buckley did or did not say at this meeting. The topics you refer to did come up in conversation at a meeting of local Asian men that I arranged, but at no point did she make any false promises. She set out her priorities for the constituency if elected and listened to the concerns of those present. She made it quite clear that she would hold regular local surgeries and would be willing to take up issues of concern whether they be relating to the neighbourhood watch scheme, gave her support to the suggestion of a community centre to benefit the residents and especially the youngsters.
Mrs Buckley comes across as an intelligent and articulate woman and knows full well the responsibilities of an MP and those of a councillor like yourself.
Graham, you weren't there at the meeting. I was, and there were others present who will confirm what I have said. If your source would like to contradict that I was at this meeting when he spoke to Mrs Buckley, then let him come forward and explain in person. Otherwise I suggest you make sure you get some additional evidence before making wild and misleading statements calculated to damage your opponent. They reflect badly upon yourself. County Councillor Mohammed Younis
Cllr Younis, I applaud you for being the only elected Conservative member to grace this forum with your views as it provides balance to debates. It is regrettable that it has only occurred the night before the elections as it may have allowed your party a better opportunity to put forward its views.
However, Ms Buckley is utterly reliant on advice in order to know Hyndburn to any sort of degree required to be an MP and I'm afraid that token gestures across the borough over the past six weeks are not enough. I personally feel rather sorry for a lady who has been helicoptered in at the eleventh hour and then received no support from the local party until quite late in the day.
The entire Conservative campaign in Hyndburn has been run on rather flimsy promises and attacks on the opposition so I would not take this as a personal attack on Ms Buckley, more on the advice she is being given.
05-05-2010, 17:02
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Re: Conservative candidates promises anger residents
Originally Posted by myounis
Readers of this forum need to be aware of the truth of what Conservative candidate Mrs Karen Buckley did or did not say at this meeting. The topics you refer to did come up in conversation at a meeting of local Asian men that I arranged, but at no point did she make any false promises................ County Councillor Mohammed Younis
just curious , did she also hold a separate meeting for "independent minded" local Asian women ? 
05-05-2010, 17:49
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Re: Conservative candidates promises anger residents
Mr. Younis further to "Steeljacks" question, I & I'm sure others here would be interested in your views on some of the other threads on this web site, in particular those geared towards "Muslim attitudes". It can't have escaped your notice that there are some very strong emotions in play when certain topics arise.
At present the "Ban on the Burkha" features prominently in quite a few European Countries, with the majority of those countries electorate endorsing this law. How do you personally view this subject ( I am presuming you are of the Muslim faith), do you expect your female Kith & Kin to abide by this affectation or are you more liberal ?
05-05-2010, 19:30
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Re: Conservative candidates promises anger residents
Mr Younis.
I wish you well but you also promised 20mph zone, humps and one way at that meeting.
Can I say as County Councillor it is unhelpful that Mrs Buckley with yourself seem to be of the opinion that you can wade into an area where the local county councillor has things in hand and begin setting a different agenda for votes.
As MP these are not maters you have any control over.
At last nights second meeting another resident confirmed from another conversation that you and Mrs Buckley were promising grants and he was frightened just how many promises were being made.
05-05-2010, 20:39
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Re: Conservative candidates promises anger residents
Karen Buckley did not promise anything, she clearly stated that she will try to help us with our local cllrs on the above issues. All the above is incorrect as I was at that meeting with the local residents.
You were asked by local residents to explain your policies are and if you were elected what you could do regarding our local issues aswell as national issues.
You at the meeting did not win any votes my making the above comments.
05-05-2010, 20:50
Coffin Dodger.
Re: Conservative candidates promises anger residents
Originally Posted by localad
Karen Buckley did not promise anything, she clearly stated that she will try to help us with our local cllrs on the above issues. All the above is incorrect as I was at that meeting with the local residents.
You were asked by local residents to explain your policies are and if you were elected what you could do regarding our local issues aswell as national issues.
You at the meeting did not win any votes my making the above comments.
Find it very odd that you n Mr Younis have crawled outa yer pits joined n made comments on the eve of the election?  be interesting to see if ya remain active members around here, would hope so, but won't be putting any money on it. 
N.L.T.B.G.Y.D. Do not argue with an idiot, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.
05-05-2010, 21:05
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Re: Conservative candidates promises anger residents
And they wonder why the British public has a lot of apathy towards voting 
05-05-2010, 21:19
Beacon of light
Re: Conservative candidates promises anger residents
I don't think it is just apathy. I think many of the electorate are disillusioned with all the political parties.
I don't really think the televised debates did them any favours either........it made it more about personalities than policies.
I am still waiting to hear which party can tell us truthfully how we are going to get out of the mess that this government has left us in.
We all realise that we are in for some financial pain, some tough measures, some unpopular policies.........but would someone give us and idea of how much pain, and for how long?
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
It will be destroyed by those who stand by and do Nothing.
(a paraphrase on a quote by Albert Einstein)
05-05-2010, 21:30
Coffin Dodger.
Re: Conservative candidates promises anger residents
very odd, localad has read onwards in the thread n then done one.  call me n owd cynic.  is this another 1 post wonder, i ask meself? pmsl.
N.L.T.B.G.Y.D. Do not argue with an idiot, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.
05-05-2010, 21:33
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Re: Conservative candidates promises anger residents
Originally Posted by Margaret Pilkington
We all realise that we are in for some financial pain, some tough measures, some unpopular policies.........but would someone give us and idea of how much pain, and for how long?
Not a chance, Marg...until they get into No 10. There's probably some good people at local level in all three parties, but the ones at the top are liars, charlatans and knaves...and that's putting it diplomatically! 
05-05-2010, 21:40
Beacon of light
Re: Conservative candidates promises anger residents
so it must be the atmospere in the 'smoke' that corrupts them then......Yes, I agree, there are some good local people, but the party rules them so that they lose their local identity, and I think perhaps they may actually forget that they are down in that big city to represent our little town and its' needs
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
It will be destroyed by those who stand by and do Nothing.
(a paraphrase on a quote by Albert Einstein)
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