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15-01-2013, 05:55
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Conspiracy Theories
I've never really been big on these things, preferring to think that the world, messed up and crazy as it is, is pretty upfront. But this Mali thing? Where did it suddenly spring from? Of course I do realize that news from Mali has been smouldering on the sidelines for some time ... maybe less visible than news of Jodi Foster's sexual preferences, or Lance Armstrong's upcoming cofession to, OMG, Oprah  But, all of a sudden, it's all Mali. From a background irritation, it's become the prime battleground for the War Against Terror. So, is there a conspiracy to manipulate the news? I don't know; but the whole thing is a tad surreal ... and the frogs taking the lead in combat  Or maybe it's something simple ... like journalists would rather avoid dumps like Mali where the per capita share of the GDP is less than a thousand bucks a year ... it's not the asshole of the world, but you can sure smell it from there. Maybe I'm alone in thinking this, but there is something not quite right about it.
15-01-2013, 10:00
Resting in Peace
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Re: Conspiracy Theories
Originally Posted by Eric
I've never really been big on these things, preferring to think that the world, messed up and crazy as it is, is pretty upfront. But this Mali thing? Where did it suddenly spring from? Of course I do realize that news from Mali has been smouldering on the sidelines for some time ... maybe less visible than news of Jodi Foster's sexual preferences, or Lance Armstrong's upcoming cofession to, OMG, Oprah  But, all of a sudden, it's all Mali. From a background irritation, it's become the prime battleground for the War Against Terror. So, is there a conspiracy to manipulate the news? I don't know; but the whole thing is a tad surreal ... and the frogs taking the lead in combat  Or maybe it's something simple ... like journalists would rather avoid dumps like Mali where the per capita share of the GDP is less than a thousand bucks a year ... it's not the asshole of the world, but you can sure smell it from there. Maybe I'm alone in thinking this, but there is something not quite right about it.
Any reports of Gold Silver or oil being found yon Eric 
15-01-2013, 12:39
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Re: Conspiracy Theories
The news dished up from mainstream media is unreliable , so I look for other sources.
I have found "AFRICAN NEWS AGENCY. The only independent news agency dedicated
exclusively to Africa."
There are eight news articles about Mali -
afrol News - Mali
From reading some of them I have gleaned that -
The country's main source of income is gold mining.(80% of GDP)
The wealth it generates is not benefiting the general population.
Aid from overseas for health projects was suspended due to corrupt misappropriation.
The 'insurgants' are the mercenaries who returned, armed, from fighting for Ghaddafi in Lybia.
They have been given the label 'Al Qaeda' and 'muslim insurgents', but they may well be just disgruntled population who do seem to have plenty to be upset about.
15-01-2013, 13:02
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Re: Conspiracy Theories
PS further reading reveals USA armed the government last October
"Mali armed to fight al Qaeda insurgents afrol News, 20 October - The US military has handed over millions worth of military equipment to the Malian government to help them fight al-Qaeda's North African branch. Mali has already received a back-up from Algeria and Libya to fight the Islamists.
Local reports said trucks, powerful communication devices and clothing are among $5m worth of equipment being handed over to the Malian government.
Analysts said the gift from the US government and talk of co-operation with other countries in the region may mean the battle is about to begin in Mali, where rebellion has been on the rise in recent months."
15-01-2013, 14:18
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Re: Conspiracy Theories
MargaretR, you really are a mine of misinformation.
Mali GDP- 39% agriculture, 39% services,22% industry(including mining).
Gold generates 56% of export value, 27% is agriculture, mainly cotton.
While gold mining is 80% of mining, it is not 80% of GDP.
Sources- various but probably all more reliable than yours.
Your post 3-'they may well be just disgruntled population'.
Your post 4-'Mali armed to fight al qaeda insurgents'- same source as post 3(afrol News).
Make your mind up!
As the stated aim of the insurgents is to impose Sharia Law on the whole of Mali I doubt if they are merely 'disgruntled population'.
Last edited by Gordon Booth; 15-01-2013 at 14:26.
15-01-2013, 14:52
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Re: Conspiracy Theories
The version you read may well be true - it is not possible to get any unbiased version unless you are part of it.
The discrepancies serve to illustrate that you should not believe what any news sources say.
Where truth is in doubt, do not form any opinion.
It does raise doubts about the intentions of both sides in the conflict - so don't ally yourself to either - just be aware that
..there are two sides to any story
..history is written by the victors
...and why should you care anyway 
15-01-2013, 15:03
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Re: Conspiracy Theories

Originally Posted by MargaretR
...and why should you care anyway 
I don't, nor did I give an opinion or ally myself.
My info came from financial analysis of the Mali economy by various reputable bodies.
Yours, as usual , was incorrect and misleading.
Stick to conspiracy theories, we don't expect them to be believable.
Last edited by Gordon Booth; 15-01-2013 at 15:11.
15-01-2013, 18:35
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Re: Conspiracy Theories
Originally Posted by MargaretR
The discrepancies serve to illustrate that you should not believe what any news sources say.
Where truth is in doubt, do not form any opinion.
...and why should you care anyway
So why bother even looking at this kind of thing unless you have 1st hand knowledge - i.e. you ARE NOW or HAVE RECENTLY BEEN in Mali?
15-01-2013, 18:45
Resting in Peace
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Re: Conspiracy Theories
Originally Posted by davebtelford
So why bother even looking at this kind of thing unless you have 1st hand knowledge - i.e. you ARE NOW or HAVE RECENTLY BEEN in Mali?
Don't think she's been to Accy lately Dave 
15-01-2013, 19:16
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Re: Conspiracy Theories
accy web is a MI5 front for a trial information gathering organisation and will later be replaced by UKweb when launched on a national basis.
sorry i wasnt sure if you were aksing for a theory or discssing them 
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ive just started a relationship with a blind woman !Its quite rewarding but quite challenging ! it took me ages to get her husbands voice right
15-01-2013, 19:43
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Re: Conspiracy Theories
I really don't give a rat's ass about Mali ... what prompted me to open a thread was how the whole situation moved from walking pace to warp speed overnight. None of the ususal media speculation, none of the background, no fabricating of motives ... seems like all of a sudden the frogs are blasting the ever lovin' out of the "rebels" or whatever the hell they are, and it's front page news  If, all of a sudden, it's a battle to stop the spread of terror into volatile region, how come the omniscient media didn't let us know? Ok, so there is no oil in Mali ... but there ain't much in Afghanistan either. Governments seem to have known. Canada already had plans to help the French with logistic support ... a couple of C-17s for heavy lifting. And troops from Burkina Faso   were already on the way. Maybe the media didn't think it was "newsworthy". After all, the Oscar nominations are much more fascinating. It just appeared to me to be a little strange.
15-01-2013, 19:58
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Re: Conspiracy Theories
as soon as i read the french were taking the lead in combat i assumed it was a joke thread sorry
unless NATO'S new war policy is surrender upon arrival i cant see that happening
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ive just started a relationship with a blind woman !Its quite rewarding but quite challenging ! it took me ages to get her husbands voice right
15-01-2013, 20:16
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Re: Conspiracy Theories
Originally Posted by Eric
I really don't give a rat's ass about Mali
You're a hard man!
I think we're so used to Africans killing Africans that it's not news anymore.
Muslim Africans killing Muslim Africans- that's a bit more news worthy.
The French getting involved- that is news as they don't seem to like fighting very much. With their past record I wouldn't think the al Qaeda lot are too worried.
15-01-2013, 20:56
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Re: Conspiracy Theories
Originally Posted by Gordon Booth
The French getting involved- that is news as they don't seem to like fighting very much. With their past record I wouldn't think the al Qaeda lot are too worried.
Much as I slate the French (as any good Englishman worth his salt should) I have to disagree with you there Gordon, a certain grudging respect has to be given to the French military especially the foreign legion & their Airborne troops, who are normally the first in when France gets involved militarily. They don't always win but they are tenacious & give a good accounting of themselves.
"The last valley" by Martin Windrow is worth a read if you have an interest in such things.
History Guy:Military History of France (1945- Present)
( I still don't believe I'm saying something good about the frogs.) 
I don't know half of you as well as I should like, and I like half of you, half as well as you deserve. (Bilbo Baggins)
15-01-2013, 21:28
Re: Conspiracy Theories
Saying nice things about the French should be a ban able offence
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