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18-05-2008, 20:41
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Re: corner shop
This closure sounds like a blessing for all in the Bold Street area.
Shops that sell ale to kids are a real menace. I don't live anywhere near there but I'm still glad it's closed.
Old aunts used to come up to me at weddings, poking me in the ribs, cackling and telling me
'You'll be next.' They stopped when I started doing the same to them at funerals.
19-05-2008, 09:44
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Re: corner shop
When I was young there were very few off licences, but I must admit that I was going in pubs hen I ws sixteen, mind you when your six fet four tall not many people check yur age. Plus in those days the police used to check pubs for underage drinkers and used to take landlords to court if they were caught serving them, you never here of that today
19-05-2008, 11:05
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Re: corner shop
Beat me then derek.......last time I was asked my age was in Glasgow when I was 21......wasn't a bit amused
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19-05-2008, 14:55
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Re: corner shop
Originally Posted by Royboy39
Good for you Graham.
If complaints from the public were so strong why was a survelance unit or CCTV from the outside not set up to identify the yobs?
Is this not a case for rounding up the ones involved by the police and reading them the riot act?
Peel's problem is crime/ASB moves so we needed a mobile camera which was refused by the local Council. (There is one now but for the rest of the Borough).
If you remember last year, The Conservatives took away the CCTV camera allocated to Peel and printed derogatory story in the newspaper against me and for Stan Horne in Rishton at election time - where Peel's only (fixed) camera allocation was moved to. (There are now 49 and still none in Peel) They think they are gaining an advantage over the Labour Party by doing this.
That camera would have helped prevent a lot of crime, saved countless police hours outside K's.
Last edited by g jones; 19-05-2008 at 14:58.
19-05-2008, 15:05
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Re: corner shop
The enviromental health team have a waterproof, small suitcase sized, mains or battery operated piece of camera equipment which they can hide in bushes, or even bury!, to catch out flytippers and dog fouling.
You can watch and record without anyone knowing.
20-05-2008, 11:42
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Re: corner shop
I was listening to someone the other day lambasting off-licenses as a whole, and as a Trading Standards Officer, very few people can lecture me on how difficult it is to have this process carried out.
The view being articulated to me was that “off-licenses didnt exist years ago” and “if you wanted a drink, you went to a pub - you want to stop the problems, stop booze being sold in off licenses”. It is I suppose true that the pub trade, for a number of reasons, is dieing on its feet and booze at off-licenses and supermarkets is getting cheaper and cheaper.
The pub offers many an advantage - firstly, its a reasonably controlled environment. People are contained, and as is the case when I first snuck in a pub at 17, there are usually people there to keep you in check. Its also a great industry - a traditional English pub which offer's fine ales, food and company is perhaps something to be cherished.
Playing devils advocate, I can see the point and the attraction. Though I like to get a bottle of wine if I am having people round of a weekend and taking Booze off everyone means that the masses get punished for the crimes of a few. Pubs are expensive so there would have to be a revised tax system to make going to pubs cheaper than drinking at home and consideration may also be offered for those drinks that would be unattractive to those wishing to use it as cheap rocket fuel on a street corner - a fine wine or champagne for instance.
Social contract theorists in the political sciences believe we voluntarily sacrifice some freedoms in order to acquire greater protections and structure in our society - is it perhaps then the case that we structure the consumption of alcohol to direct those who wish to consume it to such places that are suitable and surrender that little bit of personal freedom? Not a decision I would like to make but a thought worthy of mulling - perhaps over a pint in the pub

Cos it rocks!!!
"I have often regretted my speech, never my silence." - Xenocrates (396-314 B.C.)
Last edited by MikeSz; 20-05-2008 at 11:47.
20-05-2008, 11:54
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Re: corner shop
The comment you made about making the alcohol in pubs cheaper than staying in.... and then saying about the controlled environment
Don't you think this will make things worse?
As in the sense of those people who can afford little (but can still afford to get hammered everyday) will then more easily be able to afford to go and sit in a pub and get smashed (maybe causing trouble) rather than sitting in the comfort of their own home
Which then would change the atmosphere for those who just want a nice quiet pint
It may well aid in children finding it harder to drink, but not for everyone else
20-05-2008, 12:03
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Re: corner shop
I would think it depends on the pub and those in it - I am only going from my own experiences, as can anyone else. When I first started going to the pub, I and a few friends obviously were as boisterous as any group of 17+ year olds, though in the particular pub we went in the environment dictated that you respected others in the pub – you were quickly made to understand by the established regulars and locals that they had been coming there longer and weren’t going to have their pub ruined by any rowdy upstarts. I noticed that very quickly. It was a case of “you behave yourselves and leave us to our quiet pint and in turn you’ll be left alone to enjoy the same and your game of pool”.
The same is true of my current haunt – yes of course there are a few rowdy characters, but there is always someone to keep them in check, even if it’s a “settle down” said in banter.
Like I said, I am being devil’s advocate with this and am merely presenting the arguments as they were relayed to me. I quite like being able to nip to the shop to get a few beers of a weekend, so apparently, do a lot of other people and they seem to be outweighing those who would cause trouble in a pub after too many ‘pops’

Cos it rocks!!!
"I have often regretted my speech, never my silence." - Xenocrates (396-314 B.C.)
20-05-2008, 13:13
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Re: corner shop
As you said, depends where and who is in it
As with anything there is always someone to spoil a good thing
I just don't think it fair at all, taking away being able to drink at home from loads that do no harm, just because certain people, whether it be the shop assistants or shop owners, parents of those children, the children themselves or adults that are buying on behalf of the youngsters
These are the ones to be punished, I know punishing costs money but all the same, if they want this kind of behaviour to stop then they should enforce something that would certainly make them think twice
Someone was using Challenge 30 (off licence) they seem to think that works really well, if they introduce something like this, then instead of giving 2 chances?? (is that what it is? can't remember) then licence revoked, they could just revoke licence as there could be no mistake as to selling underage when they have to look 30
For the parents/adults/sales assistants, aswell as a fine (which should be put to something useful, don't know what it is used for now though) they should be made to give back to the community, for not being responsible enough and allowing children alcohol
20-05-2008, 20:24
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Re: corner shop
i work in a shop that sells alcohol, we are very strict on the underage ruling, and i agree that the licencee should be fined, but what about the adults the kids pester to go in and buy them booze, they get away with a fine as they never get caught
20-05-2008, 21:34
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Re: corner shop
Is this the same shop where the owner got attacked not long ago?
20-05-2008, 21:44
Coffin Dodger.
Re: corner shop
Originally Posted by AccyLass27
The comment you made about making the alcohol in pubs cheaper than staying in.... and then saying about the controlled environment
Don't you think this will make things worse?
As in the sense of those people who can afford little (but can still afford to get hammered everyday) will then more easily be able to afford to go and sit in a pub and get smashed (maybe causing trouble) rather than sitting in the comfort of their own home
Which then would change the atmosphere for those who just want a nice quiet pint
It may well aid in children finding it harder to drink, but not for everyone else
don't think that arguement stands up, if ya got a good landlord the troublemakers are soon going elsewhere. to some fool that will tolerate em, i am saying that from having had me own boozer.
N.L.T.B.G.Y.D. Do not argue with an idiot, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.
20-05-2008, 21:47
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Re: corner shop
Originally Posted by WillowTheWhisp
Is this the same shop where the owner got attacked not long ago?
I think it is, Willow.
Old aunts used to come up to me at weddings, poking me in the ribs, cackling and telling me
'You'll be next.' They stopped when I started doing the same to them at funerals.
20-05-2008, 21:48
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Re: corner shop
Originally Posted by cashman
don't think that arguement stands up, if ya got a good landlord the troublemakers are soon going elsewhere. to some fool that will tolerate em, i am saying that from having had me own boozer.
Ooooh I can't see you tolerating any troublemakers. 
Which pub did you have?
Old aunts used to come up to me at weddings, poking me in the ribs, cackling and telling me
'You'll be next.' They stopped when I started doing the same to them at funerals.
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