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Old 15-01-2021, 19:23   #1591
Coffin Dodger.

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Re: Corona Virus

i agree should have been done sooner but at the start to me was crazy, there was 100s of schoolchildren on ski hols in italy for a start as well as many others away on holiday,etc, they to me could not be abandoned like that surely.?
N.L.T.B.G.Y.D. Do not argue with an idiot, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.
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Old 15-01-2021, 21:05   #1592
Full Member

Re: Corona Virus

I wonder if - if I built 30 snowmen in the garden at the weekend (when we get the snow) and then get some decks out and play dance music with some lights.. (just me and 30 snowmen) will I get a visit from the plod telling me I have broken covid restrictions?

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Old 15-01-2021, 21:11   #1593
Beacon of light

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Re: Corona Virus

I am not suggesting that they should have been abandoned, but that they should have been put into Quarantine for two weeks like those who came in off a cruise and were immediately transported to Arrowe Park where they stayed until it was clear that they had not brought in any infection.
I am sure that there could have been enough facilities commandeered for this to happen,
But to wait until the third lockdown and 300+ days into a pandemic is just plain lunacy.

I have said this from the very start, and other major mistakes were made too.

Simple common sense strategies that could have helped prevent transmission were not employed.
Yes, Cashy....this was an unprecedented event, but I am not brainy, but way way back I could see things that were glaringly why could these Elton educated men, university professors and the like, not see these things too?

It is like when we are told of the daily death one has asked if these are deaths in addition to the normal deaths that occur every single day of every single year.
So it occurs to me that they do not want us to know what the true figures are....because they want to exert more pressure, more fear on the population.
We are given figures with no real frame of reference...this makes it sound as if all the current deaths are as a result of the virus....when in actual fact this is the time of year when seasonal flu and pneumonia claim many lives.

Speaking of seasonal flu....the PCR test does not discriminate between Covid and flu.
So some of the positive tests may be from seasonal flu rather than Covid, because the only way to truly determine whether you have had/got Covid is an antibody test....where a specimen of blood is required.

Covid is, without doubt, for some people a very serious infection, but for some it will be similar to the seasonal illnesses that come around every year.
This year because of limited contact with others, our immune systems are very likely to be less effective in coping with whatever is doing the rounds.

So do what you feel comfortable with, to protect yourself....but keep a sense of perspective.
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
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Old 16-01-2021, 09:35   #1594
God Member

Re: Corona Virus

[QUOTE=RainbowSix;1249150]I wonder if - if I built 30 snowmen in the garden at the weekend (when we get the snow) and then get some decks out and play dance music with some lights.. (just me and 30 snowmen) will I get a visit from the plod telling me I have broken covid restrictions?

they would if you constantly keep calling them snowmen and not snowpeople and your lights could also mean the end for the planet. covid and climate change denier, they,ll throw away the keys.
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Old 16-01-2021, 09:38   #1595
God Member

Re: Corona Virus

Originally Posted by cashman View Post
i agree should have been done sooner but at the start to me was crazy, there was 100s of schoolchildren on ski hols in italy for a start as well as many others away on holiday,etc, they to me could not be abandoned like that surely.?
not abandoned, but if i remember correctly the virus was bad over there at the time so the opportunity to go there should not have been allowed in the first place.
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Old 16-01-2021, 09:42   #1596
God Member

Re: Corona Virus

Originally Posted by Margaret Pilkington View Post
I have not watched the news on any channel for ten months.
you have not missed a thing. its same every day with the same type of people on it giving all the same handpicked views.
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Old 16-01-2021, 10:47   #1597
Beacon of light

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Re: Corona Virus

I know that I have missed nothing because people keep telling me.....and I do try to find other news in online sources....we also get a daily paper(someone likes to keep abreast of sports results) there really is no escape.

The glum Chris Whitty also keeps popping up between TV programmes to frighten the children to death.
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The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
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Old 16-01-2021, 11:04   #1598
God Member

Re: Corona Virus

Originally Posted by Margaret Pilkington View Post

The glum Chris Whitty also keeps popping up between TV programmes to frighten the children to death.
imagine him and his old mate cummings doing a good old comedy stand up routine. more facial expression than a pair of death masks.
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Old 16-01-2021, 11:10   #1599
God Member

Re: Corona Virus

[QUOTE=Margaret Pilkington;1249174]I know that I have missed nothing because people keep telling me.....

then you get what i,ve had this morning with someone who works in the news industry having a dig at me on another platform for being a critic of the media and its frightening the population. even the deny of the death being at our door statement now. i,m in the media so i should know arrogant attitude again.
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Old 16-01-2021, 13:07   #1600
Coffin Dodger.

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Re: Corona Virus

Originally Posted by Margaret Pilkington View Post
I am not suggesting that they should have been abandoned, but that they should have been put into Quarantine for two weeks like those who came in off a cruise and were immediately transported to Arrowe Park where they stayed until it was clear that they had not brought in any infection.
I am sure that there could have been enough facilities commandeered for this to happen,
But to wait until the third lockdown and 300+ days into a pandemic is just plain lunacy.

I have said this from the very start, and other major mistakes were made too.

Simple common sense strategies that could have helped prevent transmission were not employed.
Yes, Cashy....this was an unprecedented event, but I am not brainy, but way way back I could see things that were glaringly why could these Elton educated men, university professors and the like, not see these things too?

It is like when we are told of the daily death one has asked if these are deaths in addition to the normal deaths that occur every single day of every single year.
So it occurs to me that they do not want us to know what the true figures are....because they want to exert more pressure, more fear on the population.
We are given figures with no real frame of reference...this makes it sound as if all the current deaths are as a result of the virus....when in actual fact this is the time of year when seasonal flu and pneumonia claim many lives.

Speaking of seasonal flu....the PCR test does not discriminate between Covid and flu.
So some of the positive tests may be from seasonal flu rather than Covid, because the only way to truly determine whether you have had/got Covid is an antibody test....where a specimen of blood is required.

Covid is, without doubt, for some people a very serious infection, but for some it will be similar to the seasonal illnesses that come around every year.
This year because of limited contact with others, our immune systems are very likely to be less effective in coping with whatever is doing the rounds.

So do what you feel comfortable with, to protect yourself....but keep a sense of perspective.
i do, but in the early days of this virus no scientist or health specialist knew enough about it to deal with it in my view,so how you did is totally beyond me,
N.L.T.B.G.Y.D. Do not argue with an idiot, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.
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Old 16-01-2021, 14:02   #1601
Beacon of light

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Re: Corona Virus

Cashy, that is quite frankly rubbish.
Coronaviruses have been around for a long time as have other much more dangerous Ebola.
The strategy for rampant infections is not new.
It is a matter of common sense...keep the infected away from those who are not infected.
And if infection is suspected then you isolate those who MAY be infected.

You stop people from coming into the hard is that....seeing as 301 days down the line it has dawned on them as a good idea.
Those who are out of the country but want to come back do so knowing that Quarantine is essential.
There were NO Checks on people coming into the temperature checks, no airport of embarkation checked, no stop off points checked.
Other countries like Australia were doing these checks and were taking incoming passengers to hotels where they were monitored.

How do I know this?
My niece was working in Belgium at the start of this pandemic. On returning to Australia she was taken directly from Brisbane Airport to a hotel and was not allowed out for 14 days.....and she had to pay for this stay.
There were other errors made too....and I have expressed what they are in other posts.

You do not need to be a scientist or a professor to know how to deal with transmission of disease.

I was using something called application of knowledge.
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
It will be destroyed by those who stand by and do Nothing.
(a paraphrase on a quote by Albert Einstein)

Last edited by Margaret Pilkington; 16-01-2021 at 14:06.
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Old 16-01-2021, 14:27   #1602
God Member

Re: Corona Virus

[QUOTE=Margaret Pilkington;1249193]

You stop people from coming into the hard is that....seeing as 301 days down the line it has dawned on them as a good idea.
Those who are out of the country but want to come back do so knowing that Quarantine is essential.
There were NO Checks on people coming into the temperature checks, no airport of embarkation checked, no stop off points checked.

only 21 flights due in today at manchester airport from abroad including from parts of the middle east where the virus is rampant. add that to the number in at other major airports and it really beggers belief. all the main stream media gives you is pictures empty planes stood at airports. just another example of being told what they want to tell you.
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Old 16-01-2021, 15:09   #1603
Beacon of light

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Re: Corona Virus

High hopes are being pinned on the vaccine.
That it will allow for people to go about their lives in a freer manner, yet they DO NOT KNOW if the vaccine will prevent transmission - and that is paramount to control of the spread.
They do not know if the vaccine will stop you from getting the virus - only that if you get it, it will be less severe and less likely to kill you...but you still might pass it to family may not stop you getting it twice.
They do not know how long the immunity will you may need this vaccine twice a year.
They keep going on about hospital beds being dull yet the 64 bed Nightingale Centre in London is currently accommodating just 6 patients.
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The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
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Old 16-01-2021, 22:46   #1604
Senior Member

Re: Corona Virus

Here I was worrying about the long-tern effects of the vaccine but maybe it’s also the short-term effects that are to be regarded with caution. 23 people have died in Norway and 10 in Germany, their deaths being linked with them having had the Pfizer vaccine. Now authorities are saying that maybe they were too frail to have the jab and that perhaps the frail and elderly should not be given it – but surely this is the group that have been targeted to have the vaccine in the first instance right from the beginning. These are the ones who have been quoted as being the most vulnerable for getting the virus and not being able to overcome it – not the ones who would die from actually having the vaccine.

Yes, I know that this is a small number compared to the vaccinations that have been done and yes, they probably had underlying medical problems, but try telling that to their loved ones, making excuses as to why the vaccine hastened their death.

By the way, I have read that ‘Pfizer and BioNTech are working with the Norwegian regulator to investigate the deaths and said that ‘the number is not alarming and in line with expectations’. It is? Again I say try telling that to those they have left behind.

Maybe these 33 old people should have been referred to as the most gullible and not the most vulnerable.
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Old 17-01-2021, 09:10   #1605
Beacon of light

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Re: Corona Virus

Dorothy, I am not too sure we should call these elderly, frail people ‘gullible’.
When confronted daily with a Medical Officer of Health who would make an excellent chief mourner....spewing out figures that mean very little because there is no context (if we were told the average number of deaths per day and then told the additional deaths and if they were truthful about how many of these were truly Covid deaths, rather than Covid linked....maybe we could find some perspective in this)

Elderly people are being encouraged daily to protect their lives.
Many of these will have no access to information other than what they see or read in the media....and they are part of the problem.

I hear people of my age say that they are too scared to go out....they feel that having this jab will give them their life back.
It is not made clear that there are ANY questionable aspects of the jab.
Like transmission, like immunity, like the fact that the vaccine MAY NOT stop you getting the virus....and what has definitely not been made clear is that if you have the vaccine and go on to get the virus you could have a very serious enhanced immune response(which may be what has killed off these older people in Norway).

I know that there will be some who naysay my post, but I read extensively and from different(reliable ) sources....(I consider the BMJ a reliable source).
It is possible that in the next couple of weeks my name might come up for me to roll up my sleeve.

For those who are convinced that the jab is right for them...then I have no issue with that.
You have made a choice which (hopefully) was informed....that means you know the drawbacks as well as the possible benefits.
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The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
It will be destroyed by those who stand by and do Nothing.
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Last edited by Margaret Pilkington; 17-01-2021 at 09:18.
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