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Old 17-01-2021, 09:51   #1606
God Member

Re: Corona Virus

not sure the jab will give people new problems really. the thing is how affective will it end up being now they have gone away from manufacturers instructions. think again a lot of it is about giving people confidence again. when jabbed they will think they are immune now which is not the case. its what the individual thinks and feels is what will matter. its another extention to the face muzzle situation where i am sure that was brought in more as a confidence booster to many than any scientific reason.
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Old 17-01-2021, 09:58   #1607
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Margaret Pilkington's Avatar
Re: Corona Virus

Just what is the point of a vaccine that MAY not prevent transmission(well other than enhancing the bank balance of Big Pharma).

I noted today that all incoming passengers to UK shores will be taken to Quarantine hotels...just about ten months too late to help the situation.
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Old 17-01-2021, 12:52   #1608
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Re: Corona Virus

I have been looking on the Pfizer website for more information.
It seems tha the third part of any trial on a vaccine of this type takes 24 months from the first jab.(remember this type of vaccine has NEVER been used on humans before)

In the case of a pandemic governments can seek to use emergency regulations to use a vaccine that has not passed through this third stage.
This is what has happened here.
But Pfizer do not agree that the time between the two vaccinations should be lengthened to 12 week|( or there is some news from Dominic Raab that it could be even longer between vaccinations) as this was NOT in the terms of the trial.

It seems to me that pfizer are getting the population of the UK to be lab rats...not just with government permission, but with government encouragement...knowing full well that if anything goes wrong they will not have to fork out a single penny.

Don't you think there is something wrong in that?
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Old 17-01-2021, 17:58   #1609
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Re: Corona Virus

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Old 17-01-2021, 18:49   #1610
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Re: Corona Virus

Originally Posted by Margaret Pilkington View Post
Just what is the point of a vaccine that MAY not prevent transmission
Does the flu vaccine prevent transmission?
Do any?

Surely all a vaccine does is prevent the vaccinated from succumbing to the effects of a virus, surely you can still have and pass it on when you have the flu?
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Old 17-01-2021, 19:49   #1611
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Re: Corona Virus

Yes, I think the flu vaccine prevents transmission.....but the problem with the flu vaccine is that the variant of the flu that is prevalent might not be the one included in the vaccine.
This vaccine is not like the flu is a totally new type of vaccine.

The Covid vaccine does not guarantee you will not get the virus.....and it does not guarantee that you will not transmit the virus.
The whole raison d’etre for the vaccine is that it will stop people passing the virus on.(why else would you have it?)

But of course if you are happy with these uncertainties, then you have made your decision.
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
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Old 17-01-2021, 19:56   #1612
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Re: Corona Virus

Originally Posted by RainbowSix View Post
Does the flu vaccine prevent transmission?
Do any?

Surely all a vaccine does is prevent the vaccinated from succumbing to the effects of a virus, surely you can still have and pass it on when you have the flu?
The idea of the flu vaccine is so that you do not get the flu....if it works for you(and this depends entirely on what variant is prevalent, and if that is in the vaccine then you won’t get flu)....if you do not get flu, then it means you cannot transmit the flu to someone else because the vaccine has stopped you getting the virus.

I hope that makes sense.
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
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Old 17-01-2021, 22:09   #1613
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Re: Corona Virus

Just referring back to my post re the deaths in Norway (today being quoted at 29). They are now saying that some of the frail and elderly people who died shortly after receiving the jab already had serious medical conditions and most probably had only a very few weeks to live anyway, so why the heck did they give them the vaccine? I can't understand the reasoning behind this.
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Old 17-01-2021, 22:26   #1614
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Re: Corona Virus

There is no reasoning...just ticking boxes.
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
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Old 18-01-2021, 09:50   #1615
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Re: Corona Virus

I had my first vaccine last week, it was the Pfizer Biontech we where given, i have had no adverse reactions from it so far, we are being told that the second dose will be given after 12 weeks now so that they can get the first dose out to more people
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Old 18-01-2021, 10:23   #1616
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Re: Corona Virus

Nice to see you Flashy...stay safe.
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
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Old 18-01-2021, 10:24   #1617
God Member

Re: Corona Virus

Originally Posted by flashy View Post
I had my first vaccine last week, it was the Pfizer Biontech we where given, i have had no adverse reactions from it so far, we are being told that the second dose will be given after 12 weeks now so that they can get the first dose out to more people
yes, and thats whats now happening to everyone. its as if the government and their pet scientists actually know more than pfizer do about the vaccine they created. surely its better to have one million done properly than 10 million not who actually think they are now immune. its not my subject, but surely this must be the first time a government has not followed to the letter what manufacturers instructions are. think i,ll experiment a bit with my blood pressure tablets as its obvious the makers of em have no idea.
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Old 18-01-2021, 10:32   #1618
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Re: Corona Virus

[QUOTE=Margaret Pilkington;1249252]
But Pfizer do not agree that the time between the two vaccinations should be lengthened to 12 week|( or there is some news from Dominic Raab that it could be even longer between vaccinations) as this was NOT in the terms of the trial.

its certainly time for a proper debate on the whole vaccination subject. i mean a proper debate and not just those picked by the government. from their point of view if what they say is totally true and can debunk all anti vaccination talk then surely thats the way forward to get more people vaccinated. not everyone are sheep and there are still those around with a brain to use. still think we are not being told everything and the governments cards are not as good as some think they are on mass vaccinations.
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Old 18-01-2021, 11:02   #1619
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Re: Corona Virus

According to the latest news, the vaccine is being rolled out for the over 70s this week, if you need a lift to the "Acorn Centre" Marge, just ask, (please answer politely).
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Old 18-01-2021, 11:04   #1620
Beacon of light

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Re: Corona Virus

There is much to discuss regarding the government making the decision to use the vaccine produced by Pfizer, in a way that is different to how it was trialled.
1) doesn't this change invalidate the Emergeny use authority?

2) what knowledge do the JCVI have that enables them to use a vaccine other than in accordance with the manufacturers instructions(and which contravene's trial findings)?
3) has it been positively determined that this change of use will have no adverse effects?

alas, it seem like there is no place in thei society for any discussion, so dissent is definiteely not going to be welcome.
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