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Old 25-04-2021, 17:33   #1771
Beacon of light

Margaret Pilkington's Avatar
Re: Corona Virus

Originally Posted by cashman View Post
does that not work both ways?
Why do you have to ask that Question? You know the answer.

Well,of course it does if you have written the post...but I know what I wrote.
so I think I am in a better position to judge the meaning than you Cashy.

Anyway, why don't we leave it at that eh!
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The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
It will be destroyed by those who stand by and do Nothing.
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Accrington Web
Old 25-04-2021, 19:02   #1772
Senior Member

Re: Corona Virus

[QUOTE=Margaret Pilkington;1253195]Why do you have to ask that Question? You know the answer.

Well,of course it does if you have written the post...but I know what I wrote.
so I think I am in a better position to judge the meaning than you Cashy.

Anyway, why don't we leave it at that eh!

Why should we leave it at that? when an ex senior sister of the NHS, (yes) Margaret, since you wanted a name, I am prepared to give that name, be allowed to call people cowards, some of them ex forces personel who have served their country in war zones around the world; who are now wearing masks because they believe that they are more at risk of dying of Covid than they were in conflict be accused of being cowards; at least that is the way your post came across. (the ex forces personel that I refer to includes some of my relations and friends by the way) but whether this will make any difference to your all knowing mindset about Covid is more than debatable shall we say.
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Old 25-04-2021, 19:19   #1773
Beacon of light

Margaret Pilkington's Avatar
Re: Corona Virus

Well cart on Taddy. cart on!
I searched for that post of mine where I apparently called ex service personnel cowards.
Strangely, I could not find it.
The comments have been taken out of context in relation to my post and the post before it frome Exile...who I was answereing...But hey don't let that get in the way of you having your heart tugging rant.

Just cart on.
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The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
It will be destroyed by those who stand by and do Nothing.
(a paraphrase on a quote by Albert Einstein)

Last edited by Margaret Pilkington; 25-04-2021 at 19:25.
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Old 25-04-2021, 19:28   #1774
Senior Member

Re: Corona Virus

[QUOTE=Margaret Pilkington;1253198]Well cart on Taddy. cart on!

What a cracking answer from some one who purports to have taken extra english lessons afer leaving school.
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Old 26-04-2021, 00:29   #1775
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Re: Corona Virus

Taddy, is Margaret correct in thinking you haven’t actually read the original posting but have just read the follow-up from another member and assumed their (mis)interpretation was correct? It seems to me that this is the case otherwise you would have noticed the full stop at the end of the sentence referring to masks. As we all know, or should know, this signifies that the subject in that sentence is ended. Therefore, the sentence that followed about cowards is a general observation and the way I interpret it is that it refers to those who are not prepared to take that step forward and embrace life once again.

Cashie, what is it about full stops that you apparently don't like? It seems that for some reason, and to your way of thinking, you have eliminated the full stop that was in the original posting and so have made two unrelated sentences into one. It seems that you are unable to separate them. Just asking...

Margaret, your input into AccyWeb is always well thought out and backed by actual fact, not the falsehoods that are pushed on to and believed by the more gullible amongst us. Always interesting and thought-provoking, which is what a forum should be.
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Old 26-04-2021, 06:47   #1776
Beacon of light

Margaret Pilkington's Avatar
Re: Corona Virus

Taddy, seeing as you know so much about English,perhaps you would like to enlighten me as to what was wrong with my last post.
You know the one where you sneeringly mentioned my little o level English result...from way back in 1987...a full 25 years after I left school.

Was it the Grammar that you found wanting...or was it the punctuation...or maybe it was the sentence construction.
Whatever it was please feel free to correct it for me and I will head off to find the Brasso to buff up your halo(for the good deed)
If you are going to spend time correcting the English in these posts, be aware, you will have little time to consume Hobgoblin.

Cart on is a colloquialism, but then I am sure you know that...and it means get on with it.
So as I said, we will leave it there.
Cart on...but do it without me.
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The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
It will be destroyed by those who stand by and do Nothing.
(a paraphrase on a quote by Albert Einstein)
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Old 26-04-2021, 07:47   #1777
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Re: Corona Virus

Taddy, referring to your rant (posting 1772) where the heck did that come from? By the way, if we want to be pedantic I have to say that I ran out of fingers counting the punctuation (and other) errors in this posting – and couldn’t be bothered to take off my shoes to start on my toes. So, maybe before you start criticising other people’s English (please note – should be a capital E) as in your posting 1774, you should look in your own backyard.

Just saying….
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Old 26-04-2021, 08:12   #1778
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Re: Corona Virus

Margarets post says "what cowards we have become", that infers that people who take notice of goverment guidelines are all Cowards; at least that is how I and others have interpreted it. I hope this post is spelt to your satisfaction Dotti, as I did not take extra English lessons after leaving school.
Please carry on saying.
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Old 26-04-2021, 08:18   #1779
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Re: Corona Virus

I also hope that Margaret carries on saying whatever she wishes as long as she does not mind other peoples answers,
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Old 26-04-2021, 08:41   #1780
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Re: Corona Virus

Taddy, I have to be honest, whether or not your English is up to scratch does not really matter one iota to me, means probably as little as my opinions and observations matter to you. However, I have to say that you really are incorrect in the way you have interpreted some comments on this thread but this interpretation is stuck in your mind now and I don't think any words will make you see it any differently.
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Old 26-04-2021, 08:49   #1781
God Member

Re: Corona Virus

Jings, this was in danger of getting like Woke Central or Radio 4’s Today programme with some, for whatever reason, imputing a meaning into another’s words that wasn’t intended, and then making their misinterpretation THE issue.
What next, let’s all cancel Margaret?
Unless my O level in English was undeserved, I read it as “what cowards we have become”.
And I agree with that.
My take is that WE all have become cowards, allowing an authoritarian bunch of sleazy politicians to rule by diktat, unchecked by a supine opposition, a gagged medical profession, and a compliant judiciary, aided by a befuddled police force, and to deliberately scare us all witless (check out the transcripts from SAGE’s Behavioural Insights Team if necessary) by a manipulative media.

Here’s something that didn’t make it past the MSM’s censors....
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Old 26-04-2021, 09:22   #1782
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Re: Corona Virus

Originally Posted by Margaret Pilkington View Post

It is far easier to conform than it is to stand up and try to say what is not right.
must be just me, but i find its harder to conform than do anything else. must be a family trait where we always find flaws in the so called following the popular trends and thoughts of the day. even found my lads views getting closer if not the same as mine now he,s in his 30,s. i never did much with my life and neither will he. we,d rather say no than yes to those above us if we feel right on a subject. they do not like it when its proved they were wrong in the end and try to keep you in your place.
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Old 26-04-2021, 09:31   #1783
God Member

Re: Corona Virus

[QUOTE=Margaret Pilkington;1253158]These ‘idiots’ (they are not idiots at all...just scared people who do not want to take a risk)have been made that way by relentless scarification by Sage, government modellers(who, by the way have got NOTHING right so far), the mainstream media too have
done their share of seeding propaganda for the government.
These people who do these things believe that they are protecting themselves from a deadly virus.

never forget the ones who were like this pre virus. the people who helped to fill up doctors surgery,s every day with very little at the worst wrong with them. we all i imagine know quite a few like this who bore you to death with their new illness or showing off their new mobility scooter. the ones who are so ill and infirm that they are the first up for dancing. there lives have been a living hell for over a year now in fear of something that the ones we know have never contracted.
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Old 26-04-2021, 09:34   #1784
God Member

Re: Corona Virus

first words on the bbc news at 7 this morning. india is having trouble to breath. i really dispair i do.
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Old 26-04-2021, 09:50   #1785
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Re: Corona Virus

Exile, your O level was definitely well-deserved - an excellent posting about the cowards we have become. As I mentioned in a comment I made to Margaret's recent blog, the old lady in the series 'Years and Years' had it right when she blamed the people around her for the awful state of the world (this was supposedly in a few years time) and when they asked why did she say that when they hadn't done anything - she replied 'exactly, you didn't do anything'. That's how it is, we don't do anything but sit back and let it happen. Definitely a cowardly approach, we take the easy way out instead of trying to make a difference.
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