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Old 25-06-2021, 14:29   #1981
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Re: Corona Virus

i reckon hancock being the health sec has got something on boris to remain in his job? all that cummings said about him i have no doubt at all now.
N.L.T.B.G.Y.D. Do not argue with an idiot, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.
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Old 25-06-2021, 14:58   #1982
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Re: Corona Virus

daughter and I have just been discussing this and she said exactly the same.

Boris is hardly in a position to criticise though is he?
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
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Old 25-06-2021, 21:39   #1983
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Re: Corona Virus

Originally Posted by Margaret Pilkington View Post
No, I did nothing of the sort.
Conventional vaccines work...but all of the current jabs being rolled out do not fit that category....and the companies who make them warn that you may still get the infection and pass it on...a true vaccine prevent that.
The evidence does not come from comes from those who manufacture this product.As to the I do not think they do anything other than give people s sense of security(whether that is real or not...I let you decide that one because you will anyway.

And as to the last question...well did you not take note of the last time you asked this?

I do not care if the person caring for me in my hour of need has had either.
I just hope they will be competent, kind and compassionate.

And so glad you managed to fill your keepnet...because without your so called ‘bait’ forums like this would die....and you have stimulated something of a debate.
The 'keepnet' was about me using Kate and Megan as pseudonyms for good guy/bad guy carers..and most of you missed the joke.

I'm going to bow out of this debate because too many minds are made up, all I ask is that the anti-vax and concerned look at the current evidence from MHRA...yep it's a government website but its the MHRA findings
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Old 26-06-2021, 06:24   #1984
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Re: Corona Virus

I doubt anyone actually 'missed' your joke, Guinness, the reason that this doesn't seem to have evoked much laughter is probably because it wasn't that funny. After all you were using the comparison in what could be seen as a reasonably sensible question.
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Old 26-06-2021, 06:36   #1985
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Re: Corona Virus

Monkey hanger, I’m right there with you - everyone should be able to voice their opinion, whether it is a popular one or not. Who is to judge whether our individual way of thinking is the right one, the only one? Of course we should not set out to offend (if ever I do this it is not intentional and I apologise) but we should be allowed to have our say and we should also listen respectfully as to the opinion of others, be open-minded. Who knows – they might be right.

Regarding having to ‘walk on eggshells’ why are we allowing this? Who are the ones who decide what we should be allowed to say (or write)? Mainly people who have nothing better to do than find offense where no offence is intended. Often no one has thought it offensive previously. I think it is a terrible shame that we even feel we have to walk on eggshells – and sadly it is getting worse, but only if we allow it to.

By the way, I will never be banned from Facebook because I have no intention of joining it. Why would I even try to when it is of no interest to me. There are far more important badges to wear than a ‘I am banned’ one. You are worth more than that.
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Old 26-06-2021, 08:21   #1986
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Re: Corona Virus

the only reason i joined facebook dotti, is to keep in touch with friends i made when i lived in spain, its easy and cheap to keep in touch with them. otherwise i would not have bothered.
N.L.T.B.G.Y.D. Do not argue with an idiot, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.
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Old 26-06-2021, 08:49   #1987
God Member

Re: Corona Virus


Regarding having to ‘walk on eggshells’ why are we allowing this? Who are the ones who decide what we should be allowed to say (or write)?

the ones who seem to decide this are all the different minorities. back in the old days where my views on the monarchy and religeon where regarded as minority ones i had to fight my cause without others with similar views all getting together being offended and stating our mental health may suffer if you did not join us.
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Old 26-06-2021, 09:00   #1988
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Re: Corona Virus

Originally Posted by Guinness View Post
The 'keepnet' was about me using Kate and Megan as pseudonyms for good guy/bad guy carers..and most of you missed the joke.

I'm going to bow out of this debate because too many minds are made up, all I ask is that the anti-vax and concerned look at the current evidence from MHRA...yep it's a government website but its the MHRA findings
No...I did not miss your point at all...I chose to ignore it as I do not consider this subject to be one of levity.

If someone showed me some evidence that I could SEE had not been manipulated....then I might change my mind about SOME things.

You quote the MHRA as a source...because it is a government supported body.

I am supposed to trust this am I?(that is a rhetorical question, as you no doubt realised)
Who was it, I wonder, who persuaded Doctors not to report the common or garden flu and pneumonia last winter?
So that Flu was not recorded as a cause of death for anyone during the flu season.

I read in one of the MSM yesterday that the MHRA are about to release figures of those poor unfortunate folk who have suffered myocarditis with a link to the Pfizer and the Moderna jab.
This has been noted in the US for months....but not a word mentioned here.
So forgive me for my distrust of those in government who wish to advise me of what is good for me.
Myocarditis may not cause any long term Ill health, but then again there is always the long term risk of heart failure.....something that is a life changing condition..
This is still a medicine in trial....with the whole of the UK being test subjects.
Whichever way you cut it, that is a fact.
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The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
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Old 26-06-2021, 09:07   #1989
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Re: Corona Virus

Oh yes, the Yellow Card reporting relies on Doctors sending these off.
Who knows what they have been told to do...for the right inducement of course.
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
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Old 26-06-2021, 09:15   #1990
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Re: Corona Virus

I question everything and believe very, very little the government want me to swallow.

According to the PM we should have been free of restrictions by now....’get vaccinated’ they a huge number of people have got vaccinated.
‘stay apart’ they we kept to social distancing (all the while Matt Hancock was playing tonsil hockey with his doxy) ‘wear Masks’ we were told....yet the G7 leaders did not follow those rules.
Because they are the ones making the rules and can choose to ignore them.

Still we are not free to go about our lives.....come the 19th of July......what are the chances that there will still be restrictions?
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
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(a paraphrase on a quote by Albert Einstein)
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Old 26-06-2021, 09:29   #1991
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Re: Corona Virus

[QUOTE=Margaret Pilkington;1254898]
Who was it, I wonder, who persuaded Doctors not to report the common or garden flu and pneumonia last winter?
So that Flu was not recorded as a cause of death for anyone during the flu season.

its really all down to trust yet again. people in general are more likely to put trust in people and believe those with a similar outlook on any subject. throught this whole affair we hear about those who die of the virus but very little of those who die of other things. then we are told that the average monthly death figures from the ONS are more or less the same as pre virus years. the two things just do not make any sense to me. any death has consequenses for family and friends but one that seems to be of a bigger sadness just does not seem right for me.
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Old 26-06-2021, 10:04   #1992
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Re: Corona Virus

MH, the sadness is that those who had life limiting diagnoses before the virus, have, by and large been ignored.....and as a result some that might have had a longer life, with appropriate intervention, have died.
Not WITH Covid, but because of it.
There are going to be many more consequences in the future.
I am not against Vaccinations....but this is not a vaccine(by definition).
Those who have had two jabs still need to do swab testing....and we have seen how trustworthy that is when schoolchildren are telling their friends that’if they want to avoid going to school....the just dip the swab in fruit juice and it will come back as positive....and they will be barred from school for ten days...or longer if they repeat the process’

This is a test that we are using to determine who is at it? now you see why life has made me so cynical....and why I think we are all being played....and played for gullible fools.
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The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
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Old 26-06-2021, 10:22   #1993
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Re: Corona Virus

once the vaccinations first came about i cannot remember the words like catching it stops you being very ill, lessons your chance of passing it on to others and so on. it was at the outset seen as a magic bullet to end the virus if the vast majority got jabbed and we,d be all back to normal eventually later in the present year. another unrealistic promise me thinks. suppose as well its only the unvaccinated thats getting the new variant. if that was the case the media would be shouting this from the rooftops where all refusers would be required to wear a muzzle of a different colour or a patch sown on our coats in pre war practise.
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Old 26-06-2021, 14:34   #1994
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Re: Corona Virus

The next time I need to whitewash the outside dunny I must get the MHRA to do it.

A summary entitled “Coronavirus vaccine - weekly summary of Yellow Card reporting” starts with “ At the time of this report, over 127,954 people across the UK have died within 28 days of a positive test for coronavirus (COVID-19)….Vaccination is the single most effective way to reduce deaths and severe illness from COVID-19”.

There’s an unbiased start then.

And further down we read that 1,375 Yellow Card reports of DEATH have been received (as Margaret and others suggest this is the ones doctors can be bothered to report) but “ The majority of these reports were in elderly people or people with underlying illness. Usage of the COVID-19 Vaccine AstraZeneca has increased rapidly and as such, so has reporting of fatal events with a temporal association with vaccination however, this does not indicate a link between vaccination and the fatalities reported. “

So, it doesn’t matter. They were old, they die, move on.

And yet, whenever the elderly, infirm, or otherwise compromised people died within 28 days of a positive test (another “temporal association” plucked from where?) it was definitely Covid what got ‘em.

Science, my arse.
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Old 26-06-2021, 15:12   #1995
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Re: Corona Virus

Exile, you nailed it. I love it....Science my Ar$€
And then, there were those who were elderly and died with NO positive Covid test and yet the primary cause of death was recorded as Covid 19.....and I personally know three families that this happened to.
Two deaths were in elderly gents who had dementia 84 and 86 years old...the third succumbed to cancer....again no positive test....ever, aged 62.

So do not trust what you are being fed.....I am not sure if the medical professionals are being paid for their lies....but lies they most certainly are.
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
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(a paraphrase on a quote by Albert Einstein)
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