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Old 11-01-2022, 12:33   #2386
Beacon of light

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Re: Corona Virus

Originally Posted by Less View Post
It means nothing, nobody knows how each individual will react, their severe could be mild in someone else, his near death experience might mean, had he not had the jab, he wouldn't be here to tell the tale, WE just don't know.
It means nothing to you…or even to me, but it means a lot to these two people.
Both said they would not be having any more boosters.
As far as they are concerned they both had a bad experience…..yes, who is to say it would not have been worse had they not been jabbed.
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Old 11-01-2022, 13:57   #2387
Beacon of light

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Re: Corona Virus

Less when I mentioned divisive and disparaging language used for those who choose not to have the jab, was not aimed at you.
I have never noted you using such language.
I was referring to the main stream media and journalists and those who feel that we should be influenced by their views…the celebs.
I just wanted to make that point clear.
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
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Old 11-01-2022, 14:03   #2388
Grand Wizard Of The Inner Clique
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Re: Corona Virus

Originally Posted by Margaret Pilkington View Post
the celebs.
Good grief! Does anyone listen to those people? If so they want their bumps testing.

We can't even trust our so-called experts and they don't play pretend for a living which our celebs do.
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Old 11-01-2022, 14:25   #2389
Beacon of light

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Re: Corona Virus

Yes…Less, unfortunately they do…or so it seems.
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
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Old 19-01-2022, 08:32   #2390
Senior Member

Re: Corona Virus

Regarding THAT party, don’t be too hard on Boris, he said he didn’t know that holding that party was against the rules, and why should he…oh, that’s right he’s the Prime Minister and isn’t a PM supposed to know what the rules are? Doesn’t a PM have a say in establishing them?

Poor Boris, that rule probably came into place while he was at his hairdressers….it must take a long time to get those locks looking like that.

Last edited by dotti34; 19-01-2022 at 08:34.
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Old 19-01-2022, 10:14   #2391
Coffin Dodger.

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Re: Corona Virus

its cummings thats caused this simple as.
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Old 19-01-2022, 12:05   #2392
Beacon of light

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Re: Corona Virus

Yes, I am pretty sure that it is DC who is stirring the pot.
I believe those that stir the sh1T pot should have to lick the spoon clean!

When they have ousted the PM, which lying twisted politician will they put in his place?
Those who go into politics do it for their benefit….not ours…..and they will lie cheat and do whatever is required to keep their snout in the trough.

I was never a fan of BJ, but he has had the most difficult premiership since the war.
While he is not perfect…..I cannot see a likely, plausible replacement.

If a vote of ‘no Confidence’ is provoked then look at those who are forcing this through and ask yourself if their motives are to improve the party…or to improve their own chances of getting a foothold in the cabinet of cronies
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The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
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Old 19-01-2022, 12:22   #2393
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Re: Corona Virus

Thats the problem to me at this point there is NO REPLACEMENT for B.J.BUT to me all LABOUR are doing is playing Politics, along with the SNP who have really Beggered scotland up,
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Old 19-01-2022, 14:09   #2394
Beacon of light

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Re: Corona Virus

While it is regrettable that these things happened….which grown up is surprised that these hooray Henry’s did what they did?
Does raking over the ashes of these events change anything?
Does it bring back those who died….or make a difference to those sad funerals….and events over which Boris had little choice.
It was not him who decided what the rules were…it was those in the SAGE group.
Maybe those who went against the rules did not believe in those rules…more importantly they thought that they would not be discovered…..and if we look back DC was one of the first to FLOUT these rules….and Neil Ferguson (doom monger in chief) was another of these.

Apologising is all that can be done….but it CHANGES NOTHING.
Replacing BJ would not solve anything and might make things worse…..and it is all driven by the media drip feeding poison.
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
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Old 19-01-2022, 14:29   #2395
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Re: Corona Virus

i am convinced if they replace B.J. they will end up regretting it. thats a near certainty.
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Old 19-01-2022, 14:41   #2396
Grand Wizard Of The Inner Clique
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Re: Corona Virus

Originally Posted by cashman View Post
i am convinced if they replace B.J. they will end up regretting it. thats a near certainty.
It may move them down a few pegs in popularity, however they would have to put someone really terrible in charge to make Labour a viable alternative.
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Old 19-01-2022, 14:45   #2397
Coffin Dodger.

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Re: Corona Virus

they have already got someone terrible in charge Less. thing is though if many ex-labour voters go back to labour that should make a difference? i will never return but many will i reckon.
N.L.T.B.G.Y.D. Do not argue with an idiot, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.

Last edited by cashman; 19-01-2022 at 14:48.
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Old 19-01-2022, 14:47   #2398
Grand Wizard Of The Inner Clique
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Re: Corona Virus

Originally Posted by cashman View Post
they have already got someone terrible in charge Less.
Terrible yes, but I did say Really terrible.
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“I am a Bear of Very Little Brain, and long words bother me.”
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Old 19-01-2022, 15:28   #2399
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Re: Corona Virus

[QUOTE=cashman;1262734]they have already got someone terrible in charge Less. thing is though if many ex-labour voters go back to labour that should make a difference? i will never return but many will i reckon.

I am in the same mind as you Cashy, I was for many years a staunch Union man until the likes of Derek Hatton and his "militant tendency" scouse scum hijacked the unions and split what was once a Labour and socialist party into what is now a Labour come communist party. The new so called labour party are now in the clutches of an offshoot of militant tendency now known as "momentum", Boris achieved what the labour louts failed to achieve, I.E. getting us out of the clutches of a federation of european Britt haters.
I have never been a "God Botherer" but by God I needed that rant. (Hobgoblin time).
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Old 19-01-2022, 15:31   #2400
Coffin Dodger.

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Re: Corona Virus

know what yer saying taddy i was a branch sec, for years also a labour party member for over 20 years.
N.L.T.B.G.Y.D. Do not argue with an idiot, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.
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