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Old 27-01-2022, 09:45   #2431
Senior Member

Re: Corona Virus

[QUOTE=Margaret Pilkington;1263026]Taddy, I think you need not worry about .GCHQ….I feel that right now they will be fully taken up with listening to the intelligence that is going on re the situation in the Ukraine to be too bothered about the little people(that is you and me) in the UK.

Thanks for that Marge
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Old 27-01-2022, 13:09   #2432
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Re: Corona Virus

MH….this is called ‘distraction Politics’…..if the media can whip up some outrage….then it helps the establishment bury the bad news…..the fact that there is going to be rampant inflation if the NI rates are hiked….that there is a looming crisis that means some households are going to be thrust into fuel poverty….and that the rising cost of fuel means that it is inevitable that these costs for goods and services will reflect this.
Council tax will go up and yet wages are not keeping pace with these rising prices.
Yes, it will be true that some pensioners will be making the choice whether to put on two more layers so that they can eat…or heat their home but miss a meal.

The green levies on bills need to be pruned back…..and maybe the standing charges need to be reduced……every time the energy bills go up….the government are laughing because it puts a windfall of tax into their coffers for doing bu88er all.
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Old 27-01-2022, 13:10   #2433
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Re: Corona Virus

Taddy you are welcome…..and if they came for you…..then sure as eggs are eggs they would come for me too.
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Old 27-01-2022, 13:27   #2434
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Re: Corona Virus

as sure as eggs are eggs people tell me the msm news dont bother mentioning the UKRAINE but focus on Birthday Cakes etc,all they are attempting is get rid of B.J. the remoaners and cummings. people have either short memories or are totally stupid imho.
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Old 27-01-2022, 17:06   #2435
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Re: Corona Virus

Cashy, they are brain rinsed….hard of thinking……they swallow what they are fed without chewing it over
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
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Old 27-01-2022, 19:00   #2436
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Re: Corona Virus

Originally Posted by Margaret Pilkington View Post
Cashy, they are brain rinsed….hard of thinking……they swallow what they are fed without chewing it over
you put it nicely but STUPID will do for me.
N.L.T.B.G.Y.D. Do not argue with an idiot, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.
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Old 27-01-2022, 19:10   #2437
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Re: Corona Virus

Thank you Cashy….I went to the school of diplomacy…..I only forget myself sometimes.
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Old 27-01-2022, 22:18   #2438
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Re: Corona Virus

Originally Posted by cashman View Post
you put it nicely but STUPID will do for me.
Cashy…..what have you been drumming into me since…well forever……
You can’t put sense where there is none.
Spit for brains.
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
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Old 28-01-2022, 10:41   #2439
God Member

Re: Corona Virus

new one came out yesterday. sainsbury,s wanting the muzzles to continue in their stores. well at least we know where not to shop now.
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Old 28-01-2022, 15:10   #2440
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Re: Corona Virus

Looking around today in both Accrington and Blackburn there seemed to ba as many wearing masks as there have been at any time….and not just in enclosed spaces, but out in the open air.
Yes, I know it is their choice, but have these people been so scared that they will continue to wear these things forever more?
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Old 28-01-2022, 15:30   #2441
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Re: Corona Virus

i noticed the same when i went down accy, the bus was near full everyone bar 1 had a mask on, i did myself cos it was very busy, accy was the same.
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Old 28-01-2022, 20:55   #2442
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Re: Corona Virus

Originally Posted by Margaret Pilkington View Post
….and not just in enclosed spaces, but out in the open air.

Out & about on the Autobahns I see some folk alone in the car, driving along, fully muzzled???? What's that all about???
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Old 29-01-2022, 12:09   #2443
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Re: Corona Virus

Yes I have seen that here…lone people in cars wearing a face mask.

There is a repot out today which is highly critical of the Nudge Units policies to get the population to comply with government suggestions.
It cites posters with graphic images as being ‘grossly unethical’ and says they are akin to tactics used in communist China.
The question is…..Will anything be done about it.
And you can surely guess at the answer to that one.
The whole thing has been about exerting control over the population by using fear tactics.

I have not worn a mask.
I will not wear a mask…..we cannot build up our own immune responses by not being exposed to bacteria and viruses……and there is some crossover immune response from viruses that are NOT Covid, but help our immune systems build a response to the Covid.

The jab dies not encourage your immune system to make T Cells and B Cells.
These are the killer cells that seek out and hunt down the virus.
Maybe that is why the jab confers only a degree of protection against getting extremely sick and allow you to transmit the virus even though you might think you are protected.

Recently, both my husband and I had the virus…he has worn a mask since day one….he got sick enough to put him in bed for three and a half weeks….whereas I felt a bit ropey for two days, but was well enough to get up and care for him and do all the other necessary chores that go with running a house.

Perhaps my exposure to other airborne pathogens gave me the better immunity so that I had a milder version recovered fully sooner and was able to look after my other half.
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
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Old 29-01-2022, 12:23   #2444
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Re: Corona Virus

Originally Posted by DaveinGermany View Post
Out & about on the Autobahns I see some folk alone in the car, driving along, fully muzzled???? What's that all about???
N.L.T.B.G.Y.D. Do not argue with an idiot, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.
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Old 29-01-2022, 13:50   #2445
Beacon of light

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Re: Corona Virus

Cashy, they might be stupid, or they may just have been scared witless by the drip, drip, drip of media fear tactics driven by the government nudge until of behavioural psychologists.

There has been a lot of misinformation sowed by the propaganda machine….from the hiding of relevant peer reviewed research to the skewed figures of infections, graphs, the lies about those hospitalised with the virus(who have been misleadingly reported as being in hospital for the virus….when they contracted the virus while there for some other reason)
Deaths reported as being from the virus that were blatant lies.
A friend of ours is till trying to get her husbands death certificate amended because it was recorded as the virus being the primary cause of death when he died of Alzheimer’s and had NEVER ever had a positive test.
Fear is a great motivator….it is also a great divisive weapon.
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