Originally Posted by accybeme
A question for you Margaret; being a former NHS worker, (Dr. David Lloyd on early ITV news this morning reported that another problem with the coronavirus was blood coagulation causing clotting) is this a normal complication with other forms of influencer
I think what this Doctor was discussing was a condition known as Disseminated Itravascular Coagulation.(though I did not see the interview)
This is a complicating factor in
many severe illnesses, Injury or trauma of any description can cause this condition to occur.
So I guess that it could arise from a very severe influenza....except that during a time of winter flu, because the situation is not a pandemic, you would not hear anything about it...you would just hear that someone had died from flu.
Around 13,000 deaths occur each year from the winter flu....and this is in spite of vaccinating those considered to be vulnerable....this figure rarely makes the news in the way Covid-19 has...and again this is because it is a pandemic.
I have said throughout this thread....it is a serious infection, but it needs to be seen in dispassionate terms and without all the journalistic hyperbole....the scary language that reports contain....that it is a killer, with no cure
Yes, it has the ability to kill, but then so do many other infections....it has no cure, but then neither does the common cold or the winter flu.
Many more people may have had it or have got it and are suffering only mild or even no symptoms.
The panic that has ensued and engulfed the health service has largely been manufactured.
The lack of ability to test has meant that we cannot accurately determine exactly the size of the problem.
The WHO advice was to 'test, test, test' yet this advice has been largely ignored.
Germany is doing something in the order of ten thousand tests every day....other places are testing so they have a better idea where the viral hot spots are.
Accybeme, I hope this answers your question satisfactorily.