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Old 23-04-2020, 12:50   #376
Beacon of light

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Re: Corona Virus

Originally Posted by Exile on Spencer St View Post
Becoming clearer by the day that the virus that is the main stream media (stay scared, keep watching/listening/reading your daily dose) is as big a threat to our country than any medical virus.

Here’s just one more example of statistics being misrepresented, either through ignorance or deliberately, by the MSM.

Exile...isn't this something we have been saying since the start of this thread?

with regard to the second link...again, this has bee a recurring theme on here to.
This is not because we are particularly astute, but because we can see through the smokescreen that is in place to befuddle do you make a popuation compliant?

Easy answer is you create a problem, then you ride in on a white charger and rescue those who were fearfull......except the Knight in shining armour is on foot and is carrying another knight in full battle gear...which is why it is taking somuch time to resolve.

And yet...doesn't every cloud have a silver lining....crude oil prices have 'tanked'...people are not going anywhere so Greta is happy that for a while the planet can breathe and pollution has her Swedish backers are pig sick!
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Last edited by Margaret Pilkington; 23-04-2020 at 12:52.
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Old 23-04-2020, 13:44   #377
Grand Wizard Of The Inner Clique
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Re: Corona Virus

Originally Posted by Margaret Pilkington View Post

Easy answer is you create a problem, then you ride in on a white charger and rescue those who were fearfull......except the Knight in shining armour is on foot and is carrying another knight in full battle gear...which is why it is taking somuch time to resolve.
Thank goodness for the NHS, they are portrayed as the ones on a white charger and to add to the drama lets keep them short of PPE (something I'd never heard of before this crisis). put them on 'the front line', have histrionics from some of the nurses crying on social media claiming they are putting their lives on the line.
It is enevitable unfortunatly if we use analogies to warfair that some of the troops will fall, every life lost is a great loss to society no more and no less than that of a nurse or doctor, we should not be putting them on a pedastal as superhumans.
Lets not forget they are as mortal as the rest of us and require as much care and attention and equipment as would be given to well, 'front line troops', but not used as propaganda to keep the rest of us in line.
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Last edited by Less; 23-04-2020 at 13:46.
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Old 23-04-2020, 13:56   #378
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Re: Corona Virus

Less you are spot on...and I know just what you mean.
Everyone who is doing their bit, be it nurse, doctor, cleaner, binman, shop fact anyone who comes into the contact with the general public,
They are doing a job....most nurses and NHS staff do not want to be lionised...they just want to do what they have to do.
They are not super-human but it is the media who keep on promoting this is becoming cringeworthy...and some of these people who are being put on a pedestal are starting to believe the myth.

It is grossly unethical to use them as pawn in a propaganda exercise.
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Old 23-04-2020, 14:05   #379
Grand Wizard Of The Inner Clique
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Re: Corona Virus

Originally Posted by Margaret Pilkington View Post
Less you are spot on...and I know just what you mean.
Everyone who is doing their bit, be it nurse, doctor, cleaner, binman, shop fact anyone who comes into the contact with the general public,
They are doing a job....most nurses and NHS staff do not want to be lionised...they just want to do what they have to do.
They are not super-human but it is the media who keep on promoting this is becoming cringeworthy...and some of these people who are being put on a pedestal are starting to believe the myth.

It is grossly unethical to use them as pawn in a propaganda exercise.
We are all allowed out every Thursday evening now, to clap the NHS, I do applaud their efforts but, you won't see me out there like some media created worshipper.
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Old 23-04-2020, 14:13   #380
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Re: Corona Virus

Me neither Less....I find this practice trite and condescending.
It does nothing practical to commend is for those who are clapping rather than those who are looking after people.
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Old 23-04-2020, 14:26   #381
Grand Wizard Of The Inner Clique
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Re: Corona Virus

Originally Posted by Margaret Pilkington View Post
Me neither Less....I find this practice trite and condescending.
It does nothing practical to commend is for those who are clapping rather than those who are looking after people.
Got to admit, I've felt this way ever since the beginning of the crisis and wondered how it would be received if I was to put forward such thoughts of mortality so far as the media gods in the NHS.

The shortage of PPE does remind me of the emporors clothes though, all of officialdom promising the NHS the best of gowns, masks and gloves and yet when we see the nurses kitted out these items do seem a touch invisible.
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Old 23-04-2020, 14:43   #382
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Re: Corona Virus

Less, you know me...I tell it like it is....if others find this unpalatable, then that is their problem....I am speaking from the perspective of having been there.

As for the PPE......this is something that should have been sorted.
Nurses and doctors should not be expected to work without effective personal protection.
What I want to know is....where did the thousands of long sleeved cotton (washable)barrier gowns go....these gowns were used every time you made beds. Or did baths or washed patients...they were to,protect your uniform from contamination.
They were also used in barrier nursing patients.
These days nurses don plastic aprons to make beds or deal with hygiene and care needs, but these cover no more than 50 per cent of the uniform.
Plastic, to add to the disposed of plastic that we are encouraged to stop using.

The cotton barrier gowns were sent to the laundry each day, washed at high temperature and returned for further these would have been very effective in the current situation and not add to the disposal problems.

This is not rocket science.....and I am not a genius.....but these are relevant questions.
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The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
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Last edited by Margaret Pilkington; 23-04-2020 at 14:45.
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Old 23-04-2020, 14:48   #383
Grand Wizard Of The Inner Clique
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Re: Corona Virus

plastic= throw it away it becomes someone elses problem.
Cotton=employing staff to wash it, YOUR problem and must be avoided to keep the books straight.
“I am a Bear of Very Little Brain, and long words bother me.”
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Old 23-04-2020, 15:18   #384
Beacon of light

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Re: Corona Virus

The staff are already there....washing stuff.
But I think you might be right.....though the hospitals have to pay to dispose of stuff(or at least they did.....I can t see those costs diminishing).
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
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Old 24-04-2020, 09:41   #385
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Re: Corona Virus

[QUOTE=Margaret Pilkington;1239464]what escapes peoples notice is that every single day in this country there is an average of 1400 deaths.
These figures are never published, because there is no political motive behind these deaths.

Any death is means some family has lost a loved member...and their lives will be forever changed,

This current crisis haskilled fewer people, but created a colossal amount of misery.

be actually interesting to find out what the total deaths in this country are during this outbreak. might give the public at large a bit more information to how to regard the virus. at the moment i get the impression that there are no deaths apart from virus related ones.
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Old 24-04-2020, 09:57   #386
Beacon of light

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Re: Corona Virus
The above link I can take no credit for Exile posted this link on the previous page, but I think it might answer your questions.
So Thank you Exile.
Have a look at it.
It makes for interesting reading....because it gives a totally different story than the one we are being asked to swallow.
Which begs the Question.....what are the motives?
I will leave you to draw your own conclusions as I feel a MargaretR moment coming on.
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
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Last edited by Margaret Pilkington; 24-04-2020 at 10:01.
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Old 26-04-2020, 16:28   #387
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Re: Corona Virus

I had a little chuckle to myself when it started Margaret, it may seem cynical but all I could see was people clapping at their own silliness obeying the government line like sheep. I fully understand people taking full care not to contract/spread this awful disease but I don’t understand why everyone has to make a big show on their doorsteps. I am a domestic in a Care home and fully aware of the crisis we’re facing at the moment but I kind of find all this patronising for some reason.
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Old 26-04-2020, 16:47   #388
Grand Wizard Of The Inner Clique
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Re: Corona Virus

You find it patronising because it IS patronising, if I was part of the Government I would be sucking up like mad to the NHS and all other 'essential workers', what a mess we would be in if they went on strike.

But so long as we can keep them on side until the crisis is over a bit of brown on the tongue is worth it, we can go back to ignoring and underpaying them later. (I might have added keeping them short of resources, however the PPE calamity is still with us. Long may we ignore our own resourcefulness and keep buying cheap).
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Old 29-04-2020, 11:25   #389
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Re: Corona Virus

Interesting article from a ‘disinterested’ scientist...
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Old 29-04-2020, 13:44   #390
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Re: Corona Virus

I have to admit it is quite cringeworthy - can't we do anything more practical than break away from binge watching box sets of imported televisual garbage tripping past the piles of 32 pack bog paper that now clutter our homes to stand outside the front door and bang a pan once a week ? At least the Italians sang some opera out of their windows all we can manage is to clap and bang pans.
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