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Old 17-07-2020, 17:49   #601
Beacon of light

Margaret Pilkington's Avatar
Re: Corona Virus

No it isn't about saving time by putting it down to Covid.
There has been a report in the media that states that the figure MAY have been exaggerated due to a statistical flaw.

A lot of people that have been counted as Covid deaths have not been killed by the virus...they have died of other causes but were positive on test for Covid goes down as the cause of death.

This situation with the rising numbers of positive Covid patients in the South Asian population is primarily because they have not followed the rules about not mixing with other families.
Asian young boys have been seen in Blackburn playing football and not social distancing.
Where were the police in this situation, because they were dishing out fines to others.
This is not is factual.
It doesn't sit well when the majority of us have been following the advice.
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
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(a paraphrase on a quote by Albert Einstein)
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Accrington Web
Old 17-07-2020, 18:07   #602
Beacon of light

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Re: Corona Virus

Originally Posted by Exile on Spencer St View Post
Here’s an alternative statistical view to the self-serving doomsayers of PHE and SAGE, which you will not see, hear, or read about anywhere in the MSM.
Another very interesting read.
Thank you for that.
I think that PHE and SAGE have been deliberately misleading us to enhance the control of the population.
There have also been reports that the UK may already have a degree of herd immunity.
That many of us have been in contact with other types of coronavirus and this has given us some protection....which maybe why some people have had only very mild/or no symptoms at all.

Which then begs the question....why are we being told to use masks.
Is it because it will look like this has worked when the true figures are published?
And the politicians can give themselves a pat on the back....and maybe an independent review can be brushed under the rug?

Look at the protests that took place around the BLM social distancing, very few wearing masks but no elevation in the figures of infections in those areas as a result of these gatherings.

There is no doubt that for some people, this is going to be a very serious infection(and it makes me ask if there was some other mutation of the virus at play in the cases where complications like clotting disorders, occurred).

I do not believe what I am being told by government sources. I fear that we are being manipulated into giving up our freedoms.
These may be very difficult to claw back....and instilling fear means that many people are happy to trade their freedom for what they see as doesn't mean it is safe.
All life comes with risks...I want to manage my risks my age I feel I have earned that right.
I do not take information on face value....I like to find out things for myself
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
It will be destroyed by those who stand by and do Nothing.
(a paraphrase on a quote by Albert Einstein)

Last edited by Margaret Pilkington; 17-07-2020 at 18:09.
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Old 17-07-2020, 18:18   #603
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Re: Corona Virus

Originally Posted by Margaret Pilkington View Post
No it isn't about saving time by putting it down to Covid.
There has been a report in the media that states that the figure MAY have been exaggerated due to a statistical flaw.

A lot of people that have been counted as Covid deaths have not been killed by the virus...they have died of other causes but were positive on test for Covid goes down as the cause of death.

This situation with the rising numbers of positive Covid patients in the South Asian population is primarily because they have not followed the rules about not mixing with other families.
Asian young boys have been seen in Blackburn playing football and not social distancing.
Where were the police in this situation, because they were dishing out fines to others.
This is not is factual.
It doesn't sit well when the majority of us have been following the advice.
round where we live its the young lads who are out playing etc but to me thats down to the parents allowing it,! all generations live in their houses, its crazy to me. you never see the females out like this, i would imagine cos they aint allowed.? yeh never hear any of this on the news they are afraid of being called RACIST, it sod all to do with that its common sense,
N.L.T.B.G.Y.D. Do not argue with an idiot, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.
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Old 17-07-2020, 18:22   #604
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Re: Corona Virus

Of course they aren't allowed....but have the police been and rounded them up and fined them?
If the answer is NO, then you have to ask......WHY NOT?

I have posted the link to the report of the yet unpublished Oxford study regarding the possibility of herd immunity.
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
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Old 17-07-2020, 19:22   #605
Senior Member

Re: Corona Virus

Originally Posted by Margaret Pilkington View Post
Really glad about that Cashy(not that I thought you would be anything other than you always are)
You are a good egg!
I hope that comment does infer that you class me as being a bad egg.
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Old 17-07-2020, 19:34   #606
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Re: Corona Virus

[QUOTE=Margaret Pilkington;1242107]Of course they aren't allowed....but have the police been and rounded them up and fined them?
If the answer is NO, then you have to ask......WHY NOT?

Maybe because we do not have enough police to round up all the people who are breaking the lockdown rules. How many police officers would be needed to stop ever person entering every shop without wearing a mask ?
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Old 17-07-2020, 19:46   #607
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Re: Corona Virus

Originally Posted by Exile on Spencer St View Post
Here’s an alternative statistical view to the self-serving doomsayers of PHE and SAGE, which you will not see, hear, or read about anywhere in the MSM.
If you can read and understand those graphs then you are a better man than I am old lad.
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Old 17-07-2020, 20:09   #608
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Re: Corona Virus

Originally Posted by taddy View Post
I hope that comment does infer that you class me as being a bad egg.

What do you think Taddy?
Especially as in an earlier post I had said I respected our differences...and it was differences that stopped life from being boring.
If you though for one moment that I considered you a bad egg...then truly I would be disappointed.
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The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
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Old 17-07-2020, 20:13   #609
Beacon of light

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Re: Corona Virus

Originally Posted by Margaret Pilkington View Post
Of course they aren't allowed....but have the police been and rounded them up and fined them?
If the answer is NO, then you have to ask......WHY NOT?

Maybe because we do not have enough police to round up all the people who are breaking the lockdown rules. How many police officers would be needed to stop ever person entering every shop without wearing a mask ?

I really do not know how many would be required to do this...but I do know that they were fining people (not being racist, but they were white girls) for what the police considered to be infringements of the lockdown rules...and they could find someone to collar a hang glider on top of Pendle I think maybe they could round up these people(who are in the high risk South Asian ethnic group) well except there would be howls of protest that they were being targetted.
These people of colour want to be treated shouldn't they be taken to task about their infringement?
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
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Old 17-07-2020, 20:17   #610
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Re: Corona Virus

Originally Posted by taddy View Post
If you can read and understand those graphs then you are a better man than I am old lad.
Taddy I can understand them..rocket science isn't in it.

As I have said before you can learn anything you want to learn.
If you don't want to learn something then you won't bother trying(I know because I have a husband who only learns what he needs to learn...the rest he leaves to m....and he has never in his life read an instruction manula)
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The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
It will be destroyed by those who stand by and do Nothing.
(a paraphrase on a quote by Albert Einstein)
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Old 17-07-2020, 20:19   #611
Senior Member

Re: Corona Virus

Please point me to the post where i tell you that i know it all....I would be very interested in reading it.

There is no post to say that you know it all but as you dispute the advice from the chief medical personel of this country and others, it does come across that you seem to think that you know better than they do, just an observation.
Stay masked, Stay safe, Stay happy. Taddy.
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Old 17-07-2020, 20:40   #612
Beacon of light

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Re: Corona Virus

and you trust these people Taddy?
You believe what they tell do not question what is being done under the guise of keeping us safe.
They(the government) is not interested in keeping us safe...they are just interested in covering their hides and so far they seem to be making a right dogs breakfast of things.
There is no sense to what has been done. no is all knee jerk stuff.

Did you answer the question I posed about pubs and restaurants...and before you tell me that it is impossible to go for a pint and wear amask...I know this...but if the risk is so great that we need to wear masks now to shop then surely it was madness to open pubs and eating places.

And as for disputing the advice of the Chief Medial Officer...that is not what I am doing...I am questioning the sense of it...and from where I stand there is none.

Taddy, you have your views on this issue...and I have mine...they are never going to meet.

I have as much to stay safe for as fact I have far more because I have a family member who is recovering from cancer...but I will still not be wearing a face mask unless I am drafted to work in a hospital theatre...and then the mask I wear will be suitable for purpose and I know how to put it on sefely and take it off without contaminating anything and I know how to dispose of it safely without risk to anyone else.

I have clearly outlined my rationale for my views....I post moderately, and by that I mean I consider WHAT I am posting.
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
It will be destroyed by those who stand by and do Nothing.
(a paraphrase on a quote by Albert Einstein)
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Old 17-07-2020, 21:03   #613
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Re: Corona Virus

It is interesting to note that as of yesterday there were six patients being treated in the Royal Blackburn Hospital for the I am unsure what the population of Blackburn is, but it is somewhere in the region of 120,000...yesterday 19 people tested positive for the if the numbers were lumped together....25 people out of 120,000...Taddy I was rubbish at maths but I know this is an infinitesimal amount in percentage terms.

I know percentages mean nothing oif you have a family member with this infection...but does this number warrant locking down a town?
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The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
It will be destroyed by those who stand by and do Nothing.
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Old 18-07-2020, 07:33   #614
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Re: Corona Virus

Originally Posted by cashman View Post
i have always been of opinion that many deaths sad as they are are NOT COVID. ok they had it but they have put it down to covid for does to me save a lot of work and they were flat out.
think everyone can tell their own story about people who have died in that citcumstance. know of someone with a terminal cancer, gone into a hospice due to that, yet his death was recorded as covid 19. there must have been some miracle of biblical proportions where he recovered from cancer but got the virus in a few days. without doing stuff like this the government could not have started their project fear.
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Old 18-07-2020, 07:39   #615
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Re: Corona Virus

Originally Posted by Margaret Pilkington View Post

I know percentages mean nothing oif you have a family member with this infection...but does this number warrant locking down a town?
thats why they have never used percentages from the outset. giving out numbers sounded mote serious than saying something 0.01 of the fact the blackburn outbreak is about 0.005.
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