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19-07-2020, 08:15
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Re: Corona Virus
just one for those thinking of going to haven etc. for a holiday in this country this year. sorry i should call it a staycation to be BBC correct. we have a free holiday to pick up from park resorts but all the rules and regs involved just to book into the place for a start before the rules to obey once you are in has put us right off. we could not actually book in because we have no smart phone for a start. stay at home. do not even bother.
19-07-2020, 08:31
Beacon of light
Re: Corona Virus
I said in an earlier post that 'You are NOT required to wear a mask if you have medical issues that would make this difficult for you'
Now this is information from the government.....and you do not need to provide proof of what your medical condition is....you can just 'self declare'.
I was speaking to two managers of shops in Accrington and both of them knew of this.
I have a neighbour who has health issues....she is worried about other people in shops complaining that she is not following the rules, so I have made her a badge that tells everyone she is exempt from wearing a face mask. This will just pin onto her coat or cardigan....she was in tears when I gave it to her.
She wants to be able to do her own shopping and not rely on others....she is 81 and throughout all of this she has done everything that is required of her...but was getting very anxious about wearing a face mask to shop.
When I gave it t
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
It will be destroyed by those who stand by and do Nothing.
(a paraphrase on a quote by Albert Einstein)
19-07-2020, 08:34
Beacon of light
Re: Corona Virus
Post 632 is to tell you of the rules...it is not to encourage you to break the rules....just in case anyone was in doubt.
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
It will be destroyed by those who stand by and do Nothing.
(a paraphrase on a quote by Albert Einstein)
19-07-2020, 09:06
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Re: Corona Virus
What I’m waiting for is the backlash (not that the govt subsidised media would report it) from retailers that:
(a) footfall declines again after the mandatory mask madness, and
(b) shoplifting has increased exponentially from some of those who do wear masks.
All those expensive CCTV systems and surveillance cameras are now useless.
Welcome to life in Londanistan
19-07-2020, 09:36
Beacon of light
Re: Corona Virus
The wearing of masks is not down to new vidence that they now work, but it is because the WHO(not blameless in this pandemic as they hid the information about transmissibility.....that Chine knew about, from the rest of the world...the head of this organisation is in thrall of the Chinese) have been lobbied by political factions.
You can only be sure if masks work if there have been randomised controlled trials.....there have been none of these.
The evidence for the wearing of masks is full of holes.....the scientists will use flaky term like 'could' 'maybe' 'possibly'...nothing about the scientific advice is based on solid evidence....and I thought that scientists liked to have such evidence to back up their claims....and so that the 'stick of blame' could not be used against them.
Much of the evidence that suggests the wearing of masks is detrimental to healthy peopl has quietly and mysteriously disappeared from the Internet....I wonder why and who sanctioned it?
But it is alright because millions of us have seen it and know what it said.
Mask wearing is NOT going to protect you.
It is just a knee jerk reaction and visible evidence that the general public is compliant.
Maybe Boris looked at the figures from Scotland(their deaths from Covid are at zero) maybe he was told that this was because Wee Krankie had implemented mask wearing and had not lifted lockdown....of course....all rubbish, it is down to the way Scotland records the figures.
They do not record all deaths that had previously had a positive Covid test, as being from Covid...they have a 28 day cut off period....So if you recover from Covid and get knocked down by a bus.....it will NOT be recorded as a Covid death...whereas in England it WOULD.
People we are being misled and taken for fools.
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
It will be destroyed by those who stand by and do Nothing.
(a paraphrase on a quote by Albert Einstein)
19-07-2020, 09:43
Beacon of light
Re: Corona Virus
Oh yes...the gyms are opening soon.
Guess what?
You need not wear a mask to go to the gym. You can spend a couple of hours there....on the treadmill, the Exercycle, the ropes, the weights.
You can exert yourself, you can grunt and sweat....you can exhale to you hearts content....but you do NOT have to wear a mask.
Yet I cannot stroll,around Asda for my twenty minute shop....not breaking a sweat, no puffing or panting....but I have to wear a mask.
Now tell me....doe this make sense to you?
If it does, please explain it to this dummy.
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
It will be destroyed by those who stand by and do Nothing.
(a paraphrase on a quote by Albert Einstein)
19-07-2020, 10:05
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Re: Corona Virus
Originally Posted by Margaret Pilkington
Post 632 is to tell you of the rules...it is not to encourage you to break the rules....just in case anyone was in doubt.
HaHa, what a cracker Marge, or as Frank Carson used to say, It's the way I tell em.
19-07-2020, 10:12
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Re: Corona Virus
why has your name been deleted from your posts Marge? or is the accy web being updated or whatever.
Last edited by taddy; 19-07-2020 at 10:17.
19-07-2020, 10:52
Coffin Dodger.
Re: Corona Virus
whist you say masks dont protect you, i am under impression they help protect other people.?
N.L.T.B.G.Y.D. Do not argue with an idiot, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.
19-07-2020, 11:25
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Re: Corona Virus
Originally Posted by cashman
whist you say masks dont protect you, i am under impression they help protect other people.?
That was my point also Cashy, it has been proved that you can have the virus without even knowing that you have it,as such you could pass it to others unconciously; surely it must be better to be safe(er) than sorry(er) but other's may disagree.
Stay safe, Stay masked, Taddy.
19-07-2020, 11:50
Beacon of light
Re: Corona Virus
Originally Posted by cashman
whist you say masks dont protect you, i am under impression they help protect other people.?
Not necessarily, the N95 mask will filter out particles(this includes bacteria) above 300 nano-microns, but viruses like the Covet 19 are 190 nano-microns...so they will not stop these from escaping through the mask.
This is information from an instructor in the military on biological warfare.
Not only are you not protecting others, you are leaving yourself at risk.....because you are thinking that the mask makes things safer for you.
All this u turn has not been because scientists believe that masks are now safer...it is because of political lobbying of the WHO.
But if you feel that you can wear a mask, put in on and take it off and dispose of it safely(once used it becomes a biohazard).
I have seen people with single use masks take them off and put them in their pocket....does this mean they are going to re-use it?
I hope not, but how do you know?
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
It will be destroyed by those who stand by and do Nothing.
(a paraphrase on a quote by Albert Einstein)
19-07-2020, 11:51
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Re: Corona Virus
Do mask do what they are designed for ? I am no scientist but what I do think is if they dont do their job , they certainly wont be doing any harm , I will be wearing one as I did at the hairdressers, I admit I was glad to remove it once outside but if that is what we are being asked to do then so be it.
19-07-2020, 12:03
Beacon of light
Re: Corona Virus
Originally Posted by taddy
That was my point also Cashy, it has been proved that you can have the virus without even knowing that you have it,as such you could pass it to others unconciously; surely it must be better to be safe(er) than sorry(er) but other's may disagree.
Stay safe, Stay masked, Taddy.
If you have the virus and have no symptoms then there is a strong likelihood that you have immunity.
Masking up will not prevent you from passing any viruses on....they can get through the masks.....nurses who wear masks in a clinical setting are doing so to prevent them breathing out BACTERIA onto a sterile surface...or onto a wound.
It will not prevent viruses from escaping.
Once a mask has been used for 15 minutes it is moist enough to allow the passage of pathogens in both directions...from someone else to you....and from you to someone else.
This I have pointed out numerous times, but my influence is obviously rubbish as this point has not been taken notice of.
Believe what you like...wear a mask...don't wear a mask...it is your choice bearing in mind that had they really believed that mask wearing was useful we would have been required to do it at the outset of the pandemic....which has been over exaggerated....the numbers that is...not the disease.
The other thing is in the areas where there is more testing the figures will be higher for positive results...if you are not looking for something, then you won't find it.
But here I am talking to myself...soon they will take me away.
I am not a rebel.....but I do not trust what I am being asked to accept as the truth.
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
It will be destroyed by those who stand by and do Nothing.
(a paraphrase on a quote by Albert Einstein)
19-07-2020, 12:07
Beacon of light
Re: Corona Virus
Originally Posted by Greeny
Do mask do what they are designed for ? I am no scientist but what I do think is if they dont do their job , they certainly wont be doing any harm , I will be wearing one as I did at the hairdressers, I admit I was glad to remove it once outside but if that is what we are being asked to do then so be it.
They prevent the spread of bacteria breathed out by you....but are ineffectual when dealing with viruses.....so in this instance No...they do not.(and scientists know this)
Greeny, if that makes you feel safer then do it.
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
It will be destroyed by those who stand by and do Nothing.
(a paraphrase on a quote by Albert Einstein)
Last edited by Margaret Pilkington; 19-07-2020 at 12:09.
19-07-2020, 12:11
Beacon of light
Re: Corona Virus
Originally Posted by taddy
why has your name been deleted from your posts Marge? or is the accy web being updated or whatever.
I don't know...wasn't aware that it had been.
Which post is it that it has been deleted from?
Maybe I am being watched for my dissident views.
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
It will be destroyed by those who stand by and do Nothing.
(a paraphrase on a quote by Albert Einstein)
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