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10-08-2020, 12:36
God Member
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Re: Corona Virus
True, Cashy.
But it’s Governments indemnifying untested vaccines that is the worry, not how much money is there to be made from people’s (stoked up) fear.
We’re both old enough to remember thalidomide. That scandal was supposed to have changed the way all drugs etc were to be tested. But, now, apparently no longer the case.
Just like Dr. Shipman’s antics were supposed to have changed the way deaths are recorded by doctors. But, again, no more, apparently.
10-08-2020, 12:37
Beacon of light
Re: Corona Virus
The media are currently trumpeting the fact that a thousand and dome odd people have developed the virus.....trying to tell us that this is a second wave.....but the level of deaths is 8.
Spouting these figures is pointless as we do not know...because we are not told
1) how many are hospitalised
2) how many are sick but not hospitalised.
3) how many have no symptoms.....but most of all
4) how many were tested to produce these figures.
It is all bull dust....aimed at bambozzling us.
There are a variety of ways to mislead people...ways of lying by using statistics.
It stinks.
Come another lockdown and I will not be joining.
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
It will be destroyed by those who stand by and do Nothing.
(a paraphrase on a quote by Albert Einstein)
10-08-2020, 12:50
Beacon of light
Re: Corona Virus
Why would anyone accept a vaccination where the company who produced it are given legal protection against any kind of litigation?
What kind of organisation has so little confidence in their product that they will not accept responsibility for consequence that may arise??
A shonky company that is only interested in generating money(not the health of those it is providing a service for).
Big pharma really has no interest in protecting you. They quite like the idea that they might make you ill 20 years down the line...they are ensuring that you will need more of their expensive drugs to keep you alive.
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
It will be destroyed by those who stand by and do Nothing.
(a paraphrase on a quote by Albert Einstein)
10-08-2020, 13:33
Beacon of light
Re: Corona Virus
This scientific article is about the effectiveness(or not) of masks in relation to preventing the virus from being spread by those who are infected.
It looks at the variety of masks on the market and is an interesting read.
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
It will be destroyed by those who stand by and do Nothing.
(a paraphrase on a quote by Albert Einstein)
10-08-2020, 13:38
Coffin Dodger.
Re: Corona Virus
yeh but funny that firms use them and swear by em for the workers.
N.L.T.B.G.Y.D. Do not argue with an idiot, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.
10-08-2020, 13:39
Beacon of light
Re: Corona Virus
The article is fully referenced with the scientific studies that were used to validate this information.
The article mentions 'dyspnea(dyspnoea)...this is the medical term for shortness of breath...breathlessness.
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
It will be destroyed by those who stand by and do Nothing.
(a paraphrase on a quote by Albert Einstein)
10-08-2020, 13:46
Beacon of light
Re: Corona Virus
Originally Posted by cashman
yeh but funny that firms use them and swear by em for the workers.
No, it is definitely NOT funny at all.
They have been brainwashed and are being bamboozled by politicians.
(No-one is challenging what they tell us)
When this pandemic began, the scientists said that masks were ineffective.....and the evidence is there to prove it(backed up by randomised controlled trials...good science, but something that will not be happening with vaccines because they...the scientists know that they would fail in RCT).
The reasons the politicians want you to wear a mask is so that they can see that their fear tactics are working.....and it is to look like they are doing something...they are, but it is useless and could be damaging....read the article (at the bottom)about the dangers associated with mask wearing.
I have provided the information...what anyone does with it is entirely up to them.
I am not a natural rebel, but I hate being duped.
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
It will be destroyed by those who stand by and do Nothing.
(a paraphrase on a quote by Albert Einstein)
10-08-2020, 13:53
Beacon of light
Re: Corona Virus
This says it all.
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
It will be destroyed by those who stand by and do Nothing.
(a paraphrase on a quote by Albert Einstein)
10-08-2020, 14:11
God Member
Join Date: Apr 2009
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Re: Corona Virus
Originally Posted by cashman
yeh but funny that firms use them and swear by em for the workers.
Firms are just desperate to stay in business.
If one of the Government’s so-called experts thought standing on one leg would help, firms would implement it.
10-08-2020, 14:26
Coffin Dodger.
Re: Corona Virus
yeh but masks protected me from arsenic, and various acids and chemicals so i think they are very useful.
N.L.T.B.G.Y.D. Do not argue with an idiot, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.
10-08-2020, 15:52
Beacon of light
Re: Corona Virus
Cashy, those masks are specific to the risks that these chemicals pose.
I too spent a portion of my working life wearing a mask, but they were worn appropriately, disposed of carefully and were for the patients protection against and BACTERIA that I might have.
They would not protect the patient against any virus that I might have because these are smaller than 300 nano-microns(Covid is 190 nano-microns)
If you have read the scientific paper, it also states that once a mask is moist it allows for passage of both bacteria and viruses from inside the mask and outside the mask....so it provides a good environment for multiplication and an open door for transmission of the same.
Not sensible, not safe, but let's you think that you are doing something....and is a badge of compliance....which the politicians love.
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
It will be destroyed by those who stand by and do Nothing.
(a paraphrase on a quote by Albert Einstein)
10-08-2020, 16:54
God Member
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Re: Corona Virus
Originally Posted by Margaret Pilkington
...Not sensible, not safe, but let's you think that you are doing something....and is a badge of compliance....which the politicians love.
It seems to me that we have moved from “Save the NHS” to “Obey the Rules”.
Those are totally different demands.
Although it was abundantly clear that NHS was never in that much danger it is now as ‘safe’ as it ever can be.
But the Government and it’s behavioural ‘experts’ know just how much Brits love enforcing the rules no matter how pointless they may be.
Just think of all those times we abided by EU directives that everyone else ignored.
Look at the way Wee Krankie Sturgeon is strutting around every time someone dares to contravene her rules.
It seems now we are being harangued to obey, and not even question, ‘the rules’ for the sake of saving various Governments from admitting they have over-reacted or made the wrong judgements.
11-08-2020, 08:05
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Re: Corona Virus
Originally Posted by cashman
yeh but masks protected me from arsenic, and various acids and chemicals so i think they are very useful.
doubt they were similar to the ones the general public are wearing in shops. the ones used in car spray booths are far remote from buying the cheapest thing possible to get over the regulation to buy a pint of milk.
11-08-2020, 08:13
God Member
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Re: Corona Virus
Originally Posted by Margaret Pilkington
Not sensible, not safe, but let's you think that you are doing something....and is a badge of compliance....which the politicians love.
people could have worn them anyway before they became compulsory. i imagine the vast majority that didn,t are really only ticking their own box to comply in something they do not want to do. just wonder if these masks are re cycable as bins throught the country will be full of em once compulsory mask wearing is finished sometime in the next decade.
12-08-2020, 07:41
God Member
Join Date: Apr 2015
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Re: Corona Virus
as from next monday face coverings will be required in hairdressers in england. you have been warned.
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