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Old 14-08-2020, 09:20   #871
Beacon of light

Margaret Pilkington's Avatar
Re: Corona Virus

This is what I know about mask wearing.
Now this research goes back decades and it comes up with the same conclusions from a wide variety of research studies.
Those who are in favour of wearing masks should make use of this evidencebased research(as against anecdotal evidence) and this is why I will not be wearing a mask, but you judge for yourselves.

Studies of Surgical Masks Efficacy ? 12160 Social Network

It is all there if you WANT the information to make an INFORMED choice, rather than believing what government wants you to believe.
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
It will be destroyed by those who stand by and do Nothing.
(a paraphrase on a quote by Albert Einstein)
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Accrington Web
Old 14-08-2020, 10:09   #872
Coffin Dodger.

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Re: Corona Virus

i never choose to believe what any government says, all i know is what kept me safe when i worked and thats fine with me, anyone else can please thereself i aint really bothered about that.
N.L.T.B.G.Y.D. Do not argue with an idiot, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.
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Old 14-08-2020, 10:39   #873
Senior Member

Re: Corona Virus

Originally Posted by Margaret Pilkington View Post
As for conspiracy theories.
The definition of a conspiracy theory is:-
'A belief that a covert influential organisation is responsible for an unexplained event'
That is a dictionary definition.
You have said that my information posted is a conspiracy theory.
Clearly this cannot be true as I have posted information that came from a global government conference where 196 governments signed up to a 'drill' of what to do in a global a pandemic.
There is documentary evidence of this and I have posted a link to it.....but maybe you did not read it.
There are videos of US politician Mike Pompeo mentioning cannot be seen as a conspiracy.

You may think I am labouring a point here, but you need to know that I post honestly and there are certain things that I am passionate about.
A future for our children is one of these things, jobs, education, homes and the possibility of a better life.
All of this has been trashed.
Not by a virus, but by a short sighted set of politicians and a nanny state.
Wake up we are being lied to.
Please let me attempt to put reason to my post about your comments as to why you are not prepared to wear a mask, which as you rightly say is your right and is not breaking any laws.
A couple of days before I drafted that post my better half who had not been feeling so well, asked me to nip down to one of the German supermarkets in town to pick up a few things but asked me to wear one of the masks that she has been making for other people,(without charge I may add).
As I was getting out of the car at the said Supermarket, I did as asked and donned the mask. I was then approached by three late teenaged youths singing, "We won't do what were are asked and we won't wear our masks"; harmless enough, a jokey little ditty, until the biggest and presumed leader of the group noticed that I was wearing a mask.
The singing stopped and the so called leader whom I will refer to as Mickey Mouth came up to me with the two Minnie Mouths behind him and said "I have got the virus and I am going to cough in your face. O/K, I replied but let me sing you a little song first, Oh, eh, wot you on about old man, the mouth said.
I then proceeded to sing,"lean on me and I will be your friend but cough on me and I will kick your A---". "There are three of you so you may be able to give me a good hiding but you, the one with the mouth will and I repeat will go down and what's more you will not get back up", he looked me in the eye with a snarl on his face and then turned to the two Minnie Mouths and said,"Come the old git is not worth it.
To be honest, I felt rather deflated probably wrongly, as in my mind at the time, for the first time in over fifty odd years I was looking forward slapping down another person.
Ok, it is not an excuse for my post but maybe a way of calming myself down after reading your post and others proclaiming that the public at large do not have to wear masks. My policy is that ok they may not do you any good but then again they will not harm you.
Rant over but I doubt, not saying won't that I will be putting any more posts under the Corona Virus heading.
Stay Happy, a back to calm old Luddite.
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Old 14-08-2020, 10:51   #874
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Re: Corona Virus

Originally Posted by Jimmy Clitheroe View Post
I think a lot of the people who wear the face nappies should continue to do so forever so we don't have to listen to the excrement exuding from their gobs.
With a post like that have you received your parents permission to be on this site.
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Old 14-08-2020, 10:56   #875
Beacon of light

Margaret Pilkington's Avatar
Re: Corona Virus

Taddy, you are entitled to your views.
I do not argue with that at all...and I really thought you knew that.
There are always going to be young fools in the world.
Remember we were once where they are now...but perhaps our foolery was more benign.

No - one should be expected to be subjected to the treatment you received.
I would have involved the police because they were intimidating and harassing you with their behaviour.

All that said, you know my stand point is different(or at least I hope you do).
I am not a thug(young or otherwise) I consider my actions....and these 'mouths' as you termed them, were in their late teens.
So do you think they were acting as they were because they had read my posts about not wearing masks?
Because if that is what you are thinking, I have to say I think you are way off beam.
My posts are not remotely interesting to people such as this.

If they had decided they were not going to wear masks, but were going to threaten to cough on members of the public, then I can say that this was not my influence.

I post MY views....I back up my views with information which is science based.
I do not ask others to follow my lead.
All I do is provide INFORMATION.
You cannot make an informed decision if you do not have information, or if you are being fed bogus information.
As for the comment that the mask might not do you any good, but it won't do you any harm.
Well, that is not exactly true either.
There is a risk of breathing in bacteria and viruses that a moist mask is loaded with....and should you be unlucky enough to have fungal spores trapped in your mask then that is an incurable can be managed , but not cured.
Again this is from scientific journals

Taddy, you have to do what you consider is appropriate....that way you know that at least one person is happy.
I am glad you have returned to calm....Hobgoglinised
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The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
It will be destroyed by those who stand by and do Nothing.
(a paraphrase on a quote by Albert Einstein)

Last edited by Margaret Pilkington; 14-08-2020 at 11:03.
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Old 14-08-2020, 10:57   #876
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Re: Corona Virus

Originally Posted by monkey hanger View Post
your first paragraph shows that something is needed to keep the sheep from following every single message it puts out without any thought whatsoever. if those with similar views to you are looked at their subscibers and viewers have gone through the roof over the last few months. keep going margaret, accy web needs you.
The Lass does not need any encouragement, M.H. she does rather well on her own.
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Old 14-08-2020, 11:08   #877
Beacon of light

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Re: Corona Virus

Taddy, I think Jimmy Clitheroe might struggle to get parental approval....I get the impression that he is at least our generation....might even be a tad older....but I am quite happy to be corrected by Jimmy once he is on here again.
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
It will be destroyed by those who stand by and do Nothing.
(a paraphrase on a quote by Albert Einstein)
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Old 14-08-2020, 11:10   #878
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Re: Corona Virus

Marge, in no way am I insinuating that the yobs I described were influenced by your posts, as as you say it is highly unlikely that they have even heard of Accy Web; and as for them threatening to cough on other people again that is down to their upbringing not your posts.
I was always taught to express my own views but to agree to differ with the views of others.
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Old 14-08-2020, 11:24   #879
Beacon of light

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Re: Corona Virus

Taddy, that is something that is rare.
Today it is about 'cancel culture'...if you have a view that differs from the 'woke' in this world then they will maliciously shut you down...not realising that it is through diverse discussions that ideas and ideals evolve.

It sounds very much like these you 'soon to be' men were badly brought up...although I know that it does not always follow...children are not like dahlias....they grow their own way sometimes even after the best growing conditions.
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
It will be destroyed by those who stand by and do Nothing.
(a paraphrase on a quote by Albert Einstein)
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Old 14-08-2020, 11:45   #880
Coffin Dodger.

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Re: Corona Virus

i would say 90% of the time its bad parenting, some may disagree with hat view but its mine simple as.
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N.L.T.B.G.Y.D. Do not argue with an idiot, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.
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Old 14-08-2020, 11:51   #881
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Re: Corona Virus

Originally Posted by Margaret Pilkington View Post
Taddy, I think Jimmy Clitheroe might struggle to get parental approval....I get the impression that he is at least our generation....might even be a tad older....but I am quite happy to be corrected by Jimmy once he is on here again.
The post was a sarcastic dig Marge, as you know doubt realised.
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Old 14-08-2020, 13:56   #882
Beacon of light

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Re: Corona Virus

I did think it might be tongue in cheek.
A diversity of view makes for interesting discourse....and everyone expresses it in their own way...some do it with diplomacy, some Fire straight from the hip.
I quite like those who do not mince their leaves you in absolutely no doubt as to where they stand.
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The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
It will be destroyed by those who stand by and do Nothing.
(a paraphrase on a quote by Albert Einstein)
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Old 14-08-2020, 19:20   #883
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Re: Corona Virus

Originally Posted by taddy View Post
With a post like that have you received your parents permission to be on this site.
I have been subjected to being called fascist by face rag wearers for not wearing one walking down a street - them not seeing the irony of their comments. I am NOT stopping them from wearing one I do want people to have a CHOICE but I get fed up of people laying down the law and trying to dictate to me when they are in the WRONG. That is why I would be quite happy for those who gloat and believe themselves to be 'heroes' for wearing a useless piece of rag on their face to be convinced by their 'rulers' to wear them forever.
Less and monkey hanger like this.
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Old 14-08-2020, 19:40   #884
God Member

Re: Corona Virus

Have just read a very lengthy interview given in 2015 by Robert Kennedy Jnr (yes, the son of his assassinated father) but had to stick with it because of what he was saying, and just how much it relates to our current global health madness.

He was talking about the impact of vaccines, particularly the effects of mercury used in them and its relationship to the ‘non-pandemic’ of autism and other neuro ‘diseases’ of the young.
But, given what he said, the implications of what we are going through now are put into focus.

Here are a few quotes:
The CDC is a subsidiary of the pharmaceutical industry. The agency owns more than 20 vaccine patents and purchases and sells $4.1 billion in vaccines annually. Congressman Dave Weldon has pointed out that the primary metric for success across the CDC is how many vaccines the agency sells and how successfully the agency expands its vaccine program—regardless of any negative effects on human health.

Pharma is the largest lobbyist in Washington. It now has more lobbyists on Capitol Hill than there are Congress people. The industry spends twice as much on lobbying as oil and gas and almost four times as much as the defense and aerospace industries.

The media is complicit in the cataclysm. At least part of the reason is financial. America is one of only two nations in the world that allows pharmaceutical ads on television. Drug companies are the largest advertisers on TV and radio. They spend $3-$5.4 billion annually to saturate the airwaves with 80 advertisements every hour. Anyone who watches network news quickly understands that it has devolved into a vehicle for selling pharmaceuticals. That lucre seems to have neutralized the news divisions at CNN, ABC, NBC and CBS. Fox News alone is uncorrupted, but only because its shameless purpose, from its inception, has been to promote the ascendancy of corporate power. Fox’s former CEO, Roger Ailes, was sympathetic with the cause but he told me that he would have to fire any of his hosts who allowed me on his network to discuss mercury in vaccines or autism if I cost them an advertiser. He said, “Bobby, if I let you on to talk about vaccines, Rupert would be on the phone with me in ten minutes.”

No doubt Robert Kennedy Jnr is dismissed by some with an axe to grind as just another conspiracy theorist. But I found what he said quite sickening given what we are being subjected to right now.
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Old 14-08-2020, 20:58   #885
a multieloquent Mule

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Re: Corona Virus

Originally Posted by taddy View Post
and even heysham B nuclear power station,

Pretty damn sure I'd be wanting more than just a face mask if I was fiddling round with "Instant Sunshine"!
I don't know half of you as well as I should like, and I like half of you, half as well as you deserve. (Bilbo Baggins)
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