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19-08-2020, 09:04
Beacon of light
Re: Corona Virus
It is easier to fool people than it is to convince them they are being fooled.
It hit the papers yesterday that more people are dying from Flu and pneumonia right now than from the virus.....but this has been true for weeks if you look at the ONS statistics.
There will be many more people die from other things because they have not been able to see a GP...they might have had a telephone appointment, but you cannot see pallor or jaundice, or see clubbed fingernails by a telephone call....you cannot see if someone's walk is affected or if they sit down gingerly...you cannot palpate an abdomen or listen to breath sounds, check a BP or an ecg by phone.
So many life shortening conditions will have been missed as a result of us being duped.
Very sad. Very damaging and really unnecessary.
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
It will be destroyed by those who stand by and do Nothing.
(a paraphrase on a quote by Albert Einstein)
19-08-2020, 09:41
Beacon of light
Re: Corona Virus
I should have said that my quote at the start of my last post can be attributed to Mark Twain.
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
It will be destroyed by those who stand by and do Nothing.
(a paraphrase on a quote by Albert Einstein)
19-08-2020, 10:23
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Re: Corona Virus
Originally Posted by Margaret Pilkington
It is easier to fool people than it is to convince them they are being fooled.
It hit the papers yesterday that more people are dying from Flu and pneumonia right now than from the virus.....but this has been true for weeks if you look at the ONS statistics.
There will be many more people die from other things because they have not been able to see a GP...they might have had a telephone appointment, but you cannot see pallor or jaundice, or see clubbed fingernails by a telephone call....you cannot see if someone's walk is affected or if they sit down gingerly...you cannot palpate an abdomen or listen to breath sounds, check a BP or an ecg by phone.
So many life shortening conditions will have been missed as a result of us being duped.
Very sad. Very damaging and really unnecessary.
surely others must know this. said right from the outset that other illnesses are still available. why is one virus so much more deadly than anything else known to man. has there ever been any disease ever that has had so much publicity and fear associated with it. will any winter flu outbreak be classed as corona virus. we do not know but there,s one here who has a feeling it will.
19-08-2020, 10:55
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Re: Corona Virus
Originally Posted by Margaret Pilkington
It is easier to fool people than it is to convince them they are being fooled.
It hit the papers yesterday that more people are dying from Flu and pneumonia right now than from the virus.....but this has been true for weeks if you look at the ONS statistics.
There will be many more people die from other things because they have not been able to see a GP...they might have had a telephone appointment, but you cannot see pallor or jaundice, or see clubbed fingernails by a telephone call....you cannot see if someone's walk is affected or if they sit down gingerly...you cannot palpate an abdomen or listen to breath sounds, check a BP or an ecg by phone.
So many life shortening conditions will have been missed as a result of us being duped.
Very sad. Very damaging and really unnecessary.
I have to put a rider to this Marge, (if thats the right word).
Last weekend Hazel was suffering with terrible back pain and finding it hard to breathe,after ringing our G.P. surgery on Monday morning she received a telephone appointment in the afternoon with our G.P who told her to make an appointment with the practice nurse for the following day, Tuesday. The receptionist said that there were no appointments available until Hazel told her what the G.P. had said.
After having blood tests on the Tuesday morning, The telephone rang at 18-30 hours and our G.P. told her that she must attend A and E. immedeatly.
Hazel was given X rays, more blood tests etc and I brought her home around midnight; She has had to go back this morning for scans, she could not have had faster, better care anywhere, the only downside being that I was not allowed and am still not allowed to be with her because of the covid 19 rules.
so I am on tenterhooks at the moment not knowing what is going on.
19-08-2020, 11:03
Coffin Dodger.
Re: Corona Virus
a similar thing happened with us last week ange had something wrong so rang up, doc rang back and said come see nurse etc etc, she dont like going alone but i stood outside and waited yon.
N.L.T.B.G.Y.D. Do not argue with an idiot, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.
19-08-2020, 11:33
Beacon of light
Re: Corona Virus
Taddy, my thoughts are with you.
It is very worrying when someone who is the centre of your life is not well.
I hope things turn out well.
I am really glad that you were sorted out in a timely manner, and this maybe down to the particular practice as some are so much better than others.
Cashy, like wise. I am glad that Ange got to see someone.
All that said, it is putting a lot onto nurses.....and it is mooted that face to face consultations with doctors will be less common once all this has died down.
It causes me concern, not for me personally but for others who will avoid 'being a nuisance'
Or not feel confident about a telephone conversation with either a GP or a health care professional.
There is no substitute for seeing a patient....so much information can be gained from seeing how a patient walks into a consulting room.
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
It will be destroyed by those who stand by and do Nothing.
(a paraphrase on a quote by Albert Einstein)
19-08-2020, 12:06
Coffin Dodger.
Re: Corona Virus
agree the nurse did a test on me about 2 weeks ago,then she did not know what it was, so she went and got the doc,to have a sneck, the doc only knew cos it was something that happened to her years back,or she wouldnt have known either. i was complaing of intense pain under my foot, was that bad i could not walk at all on the day before i went, she said when she had it she had never encounterd pain like it.  seems it was a blood vessel that had burst that caused it.i still have a smaller lump under my foot but it aint bothering me at all now, she said it would ease off and go,thank god.
N.L.T.B.G.Y.D. Do not argue with an idiot, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.
19-08-2020, 12:55
Grand Wizard Of The Inner Clique
Re: Corona Virus
Pleased to see disease ridden masks disposed of carefully! 
“I am a Bear of Very Little Brain, and long words bother me.”
Winnie the Pooh
Quotes & quoting
19-08-2020, 13:06
Coffin Dodger.
Re: Corona Virus
SCUM are everywhere Less cos they know they have little to fear.
N.L.T.B.G.Y.D. Do not argue with an idiot, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.
19-08-2020, 14:25
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Re: Corona Virus
Another good article in Spiked today.
I particularly noted that...
Back in March, the purpose of lockdown was to ‘flatten the curve’, to slow the spread of the disease – essentially, to prolong the epidemic – in order to prevent health systems from being overwhelmed. Of course, the hospitals in most developed countries were never overwhelmed in the end.... Since then, those who favour lockdown have retrospectively decided that lockdown should shorten the pain by suppressing the virus early. In other words, the same policy was supposed to achieve the precise opposite of its initial justification.
One might conclude we’re being governed by the gormless advised by charlatans funded by the avaricious.
19-08-2020, 14:33
Grand Wizard Of The Inner Clique
Re: Corona Virus
The avaricious never fund anything, they always play with other people's money so that their 'little' nest egg is always safe.
“I am a Bear of Very Little Brain, and long words bother me.”
Winnie the Pooh
Quotes & quoting
19-08-2020, 15:49
Beacon of light
Re: Corona Virus
That is spot on Less....absolutely spot on.
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
It will be destroyed by those who stand by and do Nothing.
(a paraphrase on a quote by Albert Einstein)
19-08-2020, 17:13
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Re: Corona Virus
[QUOTE=Margaret Pilkington;1243564]Taddy, my thoughts are with you.
It is very worrying when someone who is the centre of your life is not well.
I hope things turn out well.
I am really glad that you were sorted out in a timely manner, and this maybe down to the particular practice as some are so much better than others.
I always knew that Hazel had a big heart but it seems that the N.H.S. Consuultants are going to prove me right after damn near sixty years,after all the blood tests, x rays and whatever it seems that they have come to the conclusion that she (may have) an enlarged heart; she has to go back again tomorrow for another scan this time for her heart.
Please do not take this as a flippant comment but at the moment I am struggling to accept the diagnoses, Although Hazel (as always), is taking in her stride.
19-08-2020, 18:38
a multieloquent Mule
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Re: Corona Virus
Originally Posted by taddy
Please do not take this as a flippant comment but at the moment I am struggling to accept the diagnoses, Although Hazel (as always), is taking in her stride.
Mate, sometimes it is the only thing to help you come to terms with your world being turned upside down believe me.
I don't know half of you as well as I should like, and I like half of you, half as well as you deserve. (Bilbo Baggins)
19-08-2020, 18:57
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Re: Corona Virus
Originally Posted by Less
The avaricious never fund anything, they always play with other people's money so that their 'little' nest egg is always safe.
Maybe, Less, but I was thinking of, amongst others, Neil Ferguson and Bill Gates as examples of my latter two categories.
Here’s an extract from one article I came across.
You recall Ferguson’s much derided code was for a flu model made in 2005 for Taiwan. When he was rumbled, rather than open up the code for others in the field to review and help influence any actions governments were taking, Ferguson chose to go to Microsoft instead. Why? To re-write the code and make it better. So no one actually got to see the original bad code used to make a bad model that governments used to lock everyone down. Since when is Microsoft the experts to model epidemics? Fishy stuff.
Of all actions he could have taken, he went running to Microsoft, not other experts in field to properly model the pandemic. That’s interesting. Why?
Could it be due to some loyalty or influence related to Microsoft? Maybe the founder of Microsoft Bill Gates?
The Gates Foundation funded Imperial College at various times. Look at the coincidence of the timing for the 29-fold (29x) increase in funding.
In 2010, $2 million was given to Imperial College
In March 2020, $79 million was provided to Imperial College.
The avaricious may be happy to fund fund others when it will help them amass even more billions.
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