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Old 03-09-2020, 13:59   #976
Senior Member

Re: Corona Virus

Originally Posted by cashman View Post
It killed my old mate and he had no underlying crap in fact he was still doing Marathons. so odd off trying to stir it up.
I am with you Cashy, in an earlier post I stated that a good mate of mine,(a ju-jitsu master) had to be put into a coma through Covid 19 and then spent another couple of weeks in hospital before being allowed home with a walking frame, which he inched about with for many, many weeks until he gradually regained, (some) of his they can sod off from me as well.
Regards Taddy.
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Old 03-09-2020, 16:53   #977
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Re: Corona Virus

Originally Posted by kestrelx View Post
.... So what's going on?
Here’s one doctor’s summary...
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Old 03-09-2020, 18:06   #978
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Re: Corona Virus

That is a very illuminating article and one which is echoed by other emininent medical authorities.....though none are to be found in mainstream media(that is probably by design).
We, the general public are being hoodwinked, bamboozled and manipulated into surrendering our freedoms.
We are doing nothing about it.....just accepting what we are being told....though it does not add up and is illogical.
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Old 03-09-2020, 18:48   #979
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Re: Corona Virus

Originally Posted by Exile on Spencer St View Post
Here’s one doctor’s summary...
read it and as he works in a care home he says, then how qualified is the guy to evaluate,? cos to me what happened in care homes gives him a loaded gun.!
N.L.T.B.G.Y.D. Do not argue with an idiot, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.
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Old 04-09-2020, 07:25   #980
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Re: Corona Virus

Cashy this man is s Scottish I reckon he has some idea about what he wrote.
He might work for Care Homes as their GP.....and in that role he had no part in what the hospitals did...other than perhaps mopping up the mess that the hospitals made by sending residents back there with the infection and neglecting to inform the homes.

It looks like it was just a case of hospitals offloading patients.....and yes, I do understand that. But to send them into homes where there were other vulnerable people....well, I am not permitted by decency to tell you what I think of that.
But Malcolm Kendrick had nothing at all to do with what the hospitals,loaded gun there at all.
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Old 04-09-2020, 07:45   #981
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Re: Corona Virus

of coarse he had some idea more than me or anyone else on here in my view, but different docs have different views on this so what makes him right or wrong?
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N.L.T.B.G.Y.D. Do not argue with an idiot, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.
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Old 04-09-2020, 09:20   #982
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Re: Corona Virus

Well, I suspect there are more like him out there who are staying silent because their jobs depend on it...he is also a well respected author, so has an alternative form of income
As to what make him right.....well, I don't know about you but if something makes no sense at all then in my opinion (and I know that this counts for very little) it has to be suspect.

I know this I have been swimming against the tide on this subject, but I doubt everything that I am being asked to accept....I have provided referenced evidence from eminent scholars, scientists, medical professionals.....all of whom question the 'experts' that have had their hand on the tiller of this country.

Has it ever occurred to you that these 'experts' might be the wrong ones?..By that I mean that they are not virologists or epidemiologists.....and therefore their expertise is not relevant....and yet we are being asked to follow their advice.

Have you ever asked yourself what nderlying agenda there is in this whole fiasco?
Have you read the documents in the public domain by Professor Mark Woolhouse(an epidemiologist and virologist...hence his expertise is recognised)...if you haven't then I recommend you look at what he has to say on all this.
I have previously posted links to this stuff, but you may have missed them.

Only time and history will tell....and I think that you and I Cashy may not see the final we are both getting a bit long in the tooth
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
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Last edited by Margaret Pilkington; 04-09-2020 at 09:22.
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Old 04-09-2020, 09:34   #983
Coffin Dodger.

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Re: Corona Virus

i certainly have looked at much stuff i dont think is correct, i look at everything i can, but i am convinced no-one knows the outcome of this all i know is my owd mate died of it so i will stick to what i think is right. cos there is no explanation to me of how his death came about.
N.L.T.B.G.Y.D. Do not argue with an idiot, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.
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Old 04-09-2020, 10:15   #984
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Re: Corona Virus

Cashy, losing a mate is a very upsetting event.
It really does affect underlines your own mortality.

I have not said that anyone knows the outcome...the outcome depends on what we do....whether we believe the stuff we are being fed.
That said, I have read stuff that does not support what we are being told....and the stuff is from trusted sources.
Also I have seen evidence (in the information released on world government meetings...I am thinking specifically of the PDF on Global preparedness) that tells me that this has been engineered for the purposes of control of populations, control of money, etc.
Now if that doesn't worry should.
Not for your future, but for the futures of those who come after us.
We need to wake up to the dangers....and I mean Wake...not WOKE.

I know that you do not subscribe to this way of seeing it.....but I cannot tell you in any other way.....that you do not believe it is your choice.
Only time will tell.
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The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
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Last edited by Margaret Pilkington; 04-09-2020 at 10:18.
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Old 05-09-2020, 07:26   #985
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Re: Corona Virus

Originally Posted by cashman View Post
i certainly have looked at much stuff i dont think is correct, i look at everything i can, but i am convinced no-one knows the outcome of this all i know is my owd mate died of it so i will stick to what i think is right. cos there is no explanation to me of how his death came about.
so many conflicting outlooks on one single subject. its become more like politics now than a health issue. you just pick the ones that suit your point of view. you can get 2 experts with the same experiance giving two opposite views. no wonder people are confused with totally opposite camps on a health subject.
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Old 05-09-2020, 17:13   #986
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Re: Corona Virus

Riddle me come Sweden has had no lockdown, no disruption to life, economy or jobs, no masks, no social fact absolutely no special measures driven by the virus.....and there have not been millions of deaths.
Do their scientist work differently.? the science different in Sweden ?
Or is the virus different.....?
Or was it that they have known from the outset that this is not the disease that has been portrayed here.

And if the government had wanted to be pro-active why aren't they using testing on people who fly into this country instead of putting everyone into blanket quarantine.
If Blanket quarantine is appropriate now, why wasn't it appropriate at the start of the pandemic? It definitely would have made sense then, but less so now.

They parrot on about the number of people who have the virus, but do not tell you how many tests have been carried out......the other thing is that the tests do NOT determine whether you have Covid 19.....they will pick up any coronavirus....the common cold is a coronavirus...there is NO cure or vaccine for the common cold.
What they also do not tell you is that some of those people have been counted more than once.

They do not tell us how many of those proving positive for the virus are in hospital, or intensive care beds.....they tell us how many have died...whether thatnis FROM the virus....or with the virus, or from something entirely different(because they are still doing that) is unclear.
The establishment want it to be unclear to continue controlling the population

So these things all pose questions that no-one is answering.....because many of the answers would be inconvenient.
If things do not add up then it arouses suspicions....well, it does for me.
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
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Last edited by Margaret Pilkington; 05-09-2020 at 17:18.
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Old 05-09-2020, 17:34   #987
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Re: Corona Virus

Travelling about as I do, one sees all kinds of things, the Germans, being good little individuals that they are follow orders & traipse about all over masked up, a trollys distance or 2mtrs (Which for the Germans is shocking, because even before the "Scamdemic", personal space was something that other people did.

On my ventures into the land of the Grenouilles, once again all wearing masks, but social distance Meh, optional it seems, but then if you are unwise or unfortunate you go through some of the more "choice" suburbs none of the previous are in evidence.

From what I saw of the Danes, keep your distance 1.5mtr, but no masks & as to the Clogglets "What are you talking about, we are not needing these things!", anyone with a muzzle on in Holland was a rather nippy Mutt or a German ...... no real difference there then!

I come & go, flitting in & out of various establishments 99% of the time "Sans Muzzle" & that's a lot of flitting, those I speak to are seldom covered but on ocassion there's one or two & even rarer I have the misfortune to run into a mask-Nazi, needless to say I'm usually out of there sharpish when that happens.
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Old 05-09-2020, 17:59   #988
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Re: Corona Virus

I had the need to go into the bank recently.
There was no-one in there except the teller(behind a full glass screen as they have been for donkey's years) and me.
I was the first in there.
I went to put my cheque in, to be told 'you should be wearing a mask'.
'Why' I asked.....'you are protected from me by the glass, I am protected from you by the glass.....and I am exempt from wearing a mask'
He asked me why I was exempt....I told him that I need not answer that question.
There was still no one in there when I left.
I have been out very little since the mask wearing came into practice....but I am told that only a few places challenge I might just venture out now the children are back at school.
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Old 06-09-2020, 08:24   #989
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Re: Corona Virus

It was in October2015 Cashy that all this plot was hatched.....but it goes back even further(to 2000).
196 countries signed up to a 'drill'....for that is what it was called.
The scenario was that a very virulent infective virus would escape(and they actually said from a Lab in China) and then they went on to discuss how the countries would handle this planned that was PLANNED.
This drill HAD to be carried out before September of this year.
The proof of this is linked below

If you look at this document you will see that it is from a website that ends in .org.....this means that it is a document published onto the Internet by government.

There is also a PDF of the actual work that was carried out at this conference in Vienna.....and it has a list of those who were in attendance.
I have posted a link to this document previously but I don't think you will have read it.
Maybe you think I am a conspiracy theorist....but conspiracy theorists rarely quote stuff that has been supplied by governments...or a group of countries governments.

How else would Anthony Fauci be able to predict a 'surprise' pandemic in was because to him it would be no surprise....he was in on the planning of it.
The WHO, the CDC, the American War department(why would they have a hand in this...well because they contracted bioengineering of viruses to the Wuhan lab, that's why)the World Bank was involved and Bill Gates was in on this it was no surprise to any of these.

The WHO suppressed information from China until they were sure that there were enough virus carriers released into the world population.

The establishment do not want us to know this stuff and daily stuff that was there, disappears.

Have you seen on the news the barbaric way that dissenters have been treated in the city of is reminiscent of the gestapo tactics.
Inform yourself......information and knowledge is the only armour we have....poor as it is.....and unless we take notice then future generations will be paying the price for our lethargy.
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
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Old 06-09-2020, 08:45   #990
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Re: Corona Virus

The above link is wrong, it is an earlier document I was looking at.

This is the meeting in 2019.....well before the pandemic hit.
One of the board members is Anthony Fauci.
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