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Old 06-09-2020, 08:48   #991
Grand Wizard Of The Inner Clique
Less's Avatar
Re: Corona Virus

Originally Posted by Margaret Pilkington View Post
I went to put my cheque in, to be told 'you should be wearing a mask'.
'Why' I asked.....'you are protected from me by the glass, I am protected from you by the glass.....and I am exempt from wearing a mask'
He asked me why I was exempt....I told him that I need not answer that question.
I don't thInK I could have been so polite, my reply would have been somethIng like, MYOFB!
“I am a Bear of Very Little Brain, and long words bother me.”
Winnie the Pooh
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Old 06-09-2020, 09:36   #992
Beacon of light

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Re: Corona Virus

Less, i really wanted to tell him that, but I felt that my mother would disapprove.
She could tell people to go to hell in such a way that they woul look forward to the packing for the trip.....I am working on that technique but haven't quite got her expertise yet.....give it another 20 years(!) and I might have it sorted.
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The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
It will be destroyed by those who stand by and do Nothing.
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Old 06-09-2020, 18:59   #993
Senior Member

Re: Corona Virus

Originally Posted by Margaret Pilkington View Post
Less, i really wanted to tell him that, but I felt that my mother would disapprove.
She could tell people to go to hell in such a way that they woul look forward to the packing for the trip.....I am working on that technique but haven't quite got her expertise yet.....give it another 20 years(!) and I might have it sorted.
If you can have it sorted in the next twenty years then please tell me the formula and I will halve you at the cost.
Stay happy, yours, the Luddite.
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Old 06-09-2020, 21:24   #994
Beacon of light

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Re: Corona Virus

Taddy it should not cost anything....I just have to hone the skills to the sharpness my Ma
achieved....that only takes opportunities....and the way things are right now I think there might be a few to test me.
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
It will be destroyed by those who stand by and do Nothing.
(a paraphrase on a quote by Albert Einstein)
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Old 07-09-2020, 10:10   #995
God Member

Re: Corona Virus

Originally Posted by Margaret Pilkington View Post
Less, i really wanted to tell him that, but I felt that my mother would disapprove.
She could tell people to go to hell in such a way that they woul look forward to the packing for the trip.....I am working on that technique but haven't quite got her expertise yet.....give it another 20 years(!) and I might have it sorted.
just wish i could develop :the look: that my parents posessed without having to say a word. was certainly a good think in their attempts to turn strangers into stone. teachers at school also had it in their ammunition which has beeb completly lost over time.
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Old 07-09-2020, 10:15   #996
God Member

Re: Corona Virus

the mention of parents and grandparents long dead makes me wonder what they would have thought and their reactions on the present virus situation. could not imagine my ma and granny harker popping down to the co-op masked up.
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Old 07-09-2020, 11:43   #997
Grand Wizard Of The Inner Clique
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Re: Corona Virus

Originally Posted by monkey hanger View Post
the mention of parents and grandparents long dead makes me wonder what they would have thought and their reactions on the present virus situation. could not imagine my ma and granny harker popping down to the co-op masked up.
Are you sure?
I was brought up in the 50's and I remember that (married?) women wouldn't dream of leaving the house unless they wore a head scarf or some other covering, convention, and it's effects are still seen today and they're trying to make wearing face masks seem like convention.

What I find irritating is, that before face masks were made compulsory those of us that didn't wear face masks didn't poke our noses in and try to make those that wished to wear them feel uncomfortably, we allowed for the fact that they felt better for wearing them, I don't feel comfortable wearing this useless article so should be allowed to go about my business without interference from the willing volunteers of the mask fascist brigade.
“I am a Bear of Very Little Brain, and long words bother me.”
Winnie the Pooh
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Old 07-09-2020, 15:24   #998
Beacon of light

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Re: Corona Virus

You are right Less...women of that era did wear head scarves...or some wore hats.
It was convention.
You are right to about the mask you, I have never poked my nose in for those who feel compelled to wear a mask. It is their business if they want to breathe in the bacteria they have exhaled mixed with some that others have donated to them.

The other thing is I see people come out of shops wearing a disposable mask....a one use mask, they put it into their pocket and get it out at the next shop they enter.
Their pocket is riddled with bacteria from the mask....I have seen some put these disposable masks in their shopping bag on top of the shopping they have just bought.

This will be unloaded onto a kitchen counter and that will be contaminated, but it's alright because the shopper has washed their hands and used sanitiser gel.

I go about without a mask, (my choice)but I have not been shopping....but I am going to start, because I have been told that many of the larger shops are relaxed about not wearing a mask.
My husband has asked in some shops whether I would be challenged and most of them said I would not.
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
It will be destroyed by those who stand by and do Nothing.
(a paraphrase on a quote by Albert Einstein)
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Old 08-09-2020, 08:15   #999
God Member

Re: Corona Virus

Originally Posted by Margaret Pilkington View Post

I go about without a mask, (my choice)but I have not been shopping....but I am going to start, because I have been told that many of the larger shops are relaxed about not wearing a mask.
My husband has asked in some shops whether I would be challenged and most of them said I would not.
i,ll have to come over to accrington to do my shopping if thats the case. imagine that you being female{oh can i still say that nowadays** are more likely being stopped than a man. me and her in the kitchen went into morrisons keighley about 45 minutes ago. we wen t in asian formation, her behind me. no one said anything to me but an assistant asked her about having no mask.
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Old 08-09-2020, 08:22   #1000
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Re: Corona Virus

[QUOTE=Less;1244269]Are you sure?
I was brought up in the 50's and I remember that (married?) women wouldn't dream of leaving the house unless they wore a head scarf or some other covering, convention, and it's effects are still seen today and they're trying to make wearing face masks seem like convention.

no, it was called fashion same as blokes wore caps or trilby hats. women in those days would not dare venture out without their slap on the same as blokes having a shave. what you see nowadays are load of scruffy jean or trackie bottomed wearing sights where its hard to imagine how they managed to get their partners interested to have the gang of kids some have.
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Old 08-09-2020, 09:18   #1001
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Re: Corona Virus

I think that some people think that wearing a mask is a 'fashion statement'...far more so than a means of protection(which of course it isn't).
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The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
It will be destroyed by those who stand by and do Nothing.
(a paraphrase on a quote by Albert Einstein)
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Old 08-09-2020, 10:07   #1002
God Member

Re: Corona Virus

[QUOTE=Margaret Pilkington;1244301]I think that some people think that wearing a mask is a 'fashion statement'...

especially fans of stuff like casualty and holby city.
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Old 09-09-2020, 11:11   #1003
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Re: Corona Virus

[QUOTE=monkey hanger;1244298]
Originally Posted by Less View Post
Are you sure?
I was brought up in the 50's and I remember that (married?) women wouldn't dream of leaving the house unless they wore a head scarf or some other covering, convention, and it's effects are still seen today and they're trying to make wearing face masks seem like convention.

no, it was called fashion same as blokes wore caps or trilby hats. women in those days would not dare venture out without their slap on the same as blokes having a shave. what you see nowadays are load of scruffy jean or trackie bottomed wearing sights where its hard to imagine how they managed to get their partners interested to have the gang of kids some have.
For over 70years I was the same as you state above, wore a Deerstalker hat,kept my beard and hair well trimmed, would not think of going out without a shine on my shoes.
Now at the age of 73, I no longer wear a hat, my beard would give Santa Clause a good run for his money, my hair is over my collar and I dont really give a damn any more.
After being told what to do and where I can,(cannot) go for the past six months I have now decided to do what (I) want and to hell with convention or what other folk think. in other words, As I have told my other half; I am going to grow old disgracefully.
Stay safe, (if you want) stay happy, (if you want) drink Hobgoblin,(if you can). Taddy.
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Old 09-09-2020, 11:40   #1004
Beacon of light

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Re: Corona Virus

Taddy, growing old disgracefully is better than the alternative
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The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
It will be destroyed by those who stand by and do Nothing.
(a paraphrase on a quote by Albert Einstein)
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Old 09-09-2020, 17:59   #1005
a multieloquent Mule

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Re: Corona Virus

Originally Posted by monkey hanger View Post
in other words, As I have told my other half; I am going to grow old disgracefully.

Oooh, check you out! A rebel with an alcoholic brew!

Geron! give it some big licks mate!
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I don't know half of you as well as I should like, and I like half of you, half as well as you deserve. (Bilbo Baggins)
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