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Old 11-12-2020, 17:08   #1456
Beacon of light

Margaret Pilkington's Avatar
Re: Corona Virus

The university of Edinburgh has found five genes which predispose to bad outcomes in Covid 19.
People with these genes are less likely to recover or are more likely to need ventilation and have long term effects if they do recover.
This discovery means that treatment can be formulated that cover these people....and will protect them.
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Accrington Web
Old 11-12-2020, 18:17   #1457
Senior Member

Re: Corona Virus

Surely the folk who are following this discussion, (the majority being not so young). can remember being given a lump of sugar at school that contained (whatever), vaccines in one form or another has, (I believe).Iradicated Polio worldwide, The vaccines have almost Iradicated Whooping Cough, Measles, Chicken Pox and many other killer diseases. WHAT IS THE PROBLEM. Take it or take your chanches.
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Old 11-12-2020, 18:21   #1458
Beacon of light

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Re: Corona Virus

Back then the vaccines were different Taddy.
I don’t think these were formulated in eight or nine months....and I will stand corrected, but I do not think the vaccine producers required legal indemnity.
So, I will take my chance.
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Old 11-12-2020, 19:02   #1459
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Re: Corona Virus

is it not the same for every vaccine? im under impression it is, i have had the flu since it was capsules, before it came a needle, i found it great for me, its like you say its whatever suits,
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Old 11-12-2020, 22:00   #1460
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Re: Corona Virus

Cashy the vaccines are different....which is why some of them have not yet gained emergency approval.
I am not aware of a flu vaccine in a capsule.
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Old 11-12-2020, 22:03   #1461
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Re: Corona Virus

The flu vaccine has been used as an injection since the 1930’s.
In 2018 there were moves to make an oral version of the flu vaccine....but I don’t know what happened to that.
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Old 12-12-2020, 09:30   #1462
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Re: Corona Virus

Originally Posted by Margaret Pilkington View Post
Cashy the vaccines are different....which is why some of them have not yet gained emergency approval.
I am not aware of a flu vaccine in a capsule.
yeh twas in the 80s margaret they used yo issue them at work i know they are different but as far as im aware all have a "Get out of Jail Free Card" with them i have looked at vaccines since the capsule and am happy as i can be with them, they were 2 coloured capsules a couple of one colour and the rest another,
N.L.T.B.G.Y.D. Do not argue with an idiot, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.

Last edited by cashman; 12-12-2020 at 09:34.
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Old 12-12-2020, 10:56   #1463
God Member

Re: Corona Virus

[QUOTE=taddy;1247829]Thirty odd years ago I was prescribed Salbutamol for a chest infection,after taking the first couple of them Hazel seemed to notice a glazed look in my eyes and a change in my personality, she followed me into the kitchen and watched as I picked up a knife and for no reason hurled it at the kitchen wall where it bounced off in stuck into a bowl of fruit.

have a mate who was at halifax town at the time so obviously fitter and healthier than most who took one of those Night Nurse things at night due to having a feaverish cold. something must have happened to his mind during the night as his wife found him in the kitchen having a pee on the floor. by all accounts he seemed wide awake and he said he was told he had to do it. how many thousands have taken this without reaction. i for one would be more happy taking a jab if there was recorded details of side affects than one at the outset where none were. as for belief in the product or any product. 5 years ago you might have believed much more than you do now after months of lies and half truths where you spend hours looking for the truth.
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Old 12-12-2020, 11:11   #1464
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Re: Corona Virus

The lies we have been told thus far is what makes me chary.

Anyway, mass testing is being rolled out in Blackburn what that will do to the infection rate is anybody’s guess...but I hardly think it will be a downward trend.
This is the same mass testing that they were using in Liverpool.

Also, it is being reported in the popular press that dozens of GP’s are declining to be involved in vaccinations...they are citing ‘pressure of time’.
I can only assume(never good to assume) that this might be because those having the jab have to be observed for fifteen minutes to check no undesirable events occur.
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Old 13-12-2020, 13:50   #1465
a multieloquent Mule

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Re: Corona Virus

Originally Posted by cashman View Post
so they have been passed in Canada and Merkel says Germany will be passed by xmas are all countries telling lies? somehow i doubt it.

I must say I've not seen that in the local news Cashy, I know they've organised several vaccination centre within the last week or so though.
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Old 13-12-2020, 14:02   #1466
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Re: Corona Virus

believe the yanks have passed it now? thing is i was listening to a debate the other week they where saying the reasons its took only a short while to formulate this vaccine, twas good enough for this kid anyway.
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Old 13-12-2020, 14:11   #1467
Beacon of light

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Re: Corona Virus

Well, of course they are going to give reasons why it was formulated so quickly....but if they consider it to be truly safe, then why are they insisting on indemnity from litigation...??.in all countries that are going to use it?
Big Pharma have no interest in keeping you safe Cashy...they are only interested in making a lot of money...nothing more.
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Old 13-12-2020, 14:45   #1468
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Re: Corona Virus

Originally Posted by Margaret Pilkington View Post
Well, of course they are going to give reasons why it was formulated so quickly....but if they consider it to be truly safe, then why are they insisting on indemnity from litigation...??.in all countries that are going to use it?
Big Pharma have no interest in keeping you safe Cashy...they are only interested in making a lot of money...nothing more.
dont dispute that but yeh aint answered my question, i asked aint that been the same with all vaccines
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Old 13-12-2020, 15:08   #1469
Beacon of light

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Re: Corona Virus

No, not all vaccines are given indemnity from litigation....unless of course you mean that are all Covid Vaccines immune from litigation and the answer to that is YES...of course they are, but that is the only way that they are similar.

And for you have said that long term consequences h@ve no fear for you because of your age, but for younger people we cannot know what the long term consequences will be.
The biggest worry for women will be any effect that it may have on their fertility.
There is some concern that it may affect the development of the placenta....and until there is more information about the safety in relation to this, then it may reduce the take up of the vaccine.
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Old 13-12-2020, 15:14   #1470
Beacon of light

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Re: Corona Virus

Cashy...I know that placental development will not be an issue for you.
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
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