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27-01-2011, 20:21
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Re: could this be our watergate?
[quote=cmonstanley;878482.i think more revelations will be coming out all hail the guardian for keeping at it..[/quote]
Capital 'I', please cmonstanley.
As regards the Guardian, I seem to recall that it was only a couple of months ago that the oily rag was releasing thousands upon thousands of documents which detailed private conversations between various public individuals. Because of that and their association with Wiki leaks - whose boss is currently awaiting extradition on serious criminal charges of a sexual nature - people’s lives are now at risk.
The most that can be said of the News of the Screws hacking accusations is that a few politicians are found to be corrupt and a few 'celebs' are having a bit on the side. So what’s new about that?
When it was the Manchester Guardian, it was a good, radical campaigning newspaper; now it is no more a lesbian leaning, EU grovelling, terrorist apologising, pseudo-scientific, burka-loving piece of nonsense.
May I respectfully suggest that tomorrow morning, instead of running out to buy your daily dose of Guardian garbage, you save a quid by closely examining what is on your Andrex toilet paper. You will read far more sense out of that.
Last edited by Tealeaf; 27-01-2011 at 20:26.
27-01-2011, 20:40
a multieloquent Mule
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Re: could this be our watergate?
Originally Posted by cmonstanley
but some of the labour party policies helped
And quite a lot didn't ! Buying on the never never & locking the Country (more specifically the struggling taxpayers) into crippling repayment & maintenance costs ! But they aren't alone in that, the present shower are putting just as much a burden on the taxpayers & will be doing so for the foreseeable future.
But that's fine as "We're all in this together !" really ? In the words of Roylety, "My arse!"
And you might want to check the background of Watergate. It was the President taping people & not some media leech.
27-01-2011, 20:47
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Re: could this be our watergate?
Originally Posted by DaveinGermany
And you might want to check the background of Watergate. It was the President taping people & not some media leech.
He could always watch All the President's Men.
Starring Linda Lovelace.

'If you're going to be a Kant, be the very best Kant there is my son.'
Johann Georg Kant, father of Immanuel Kant, philosopher.
27-01-2011, 20:52
a multieloquent Mule
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Re: could this be our watergate?
Originally Posted by garinda
He could always watch All the President's Men.
Starring Linda Lovelace.

I'm not even going to go there ! 
27-01-2011, 20:53
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Re: could this be our watergate?
Originally Posted by DaveinGermany
I'm not even going to go there ! 
My lips are sealed.
'If you're going to be a Kant, be the very best Kant there is my son.'
Johann Georg Kant, father of Immanuel Kant, philosopher.
27-01-2011, 21:04
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Re: could this be our watergate?
Wonder whats going on in Dallas, we could ask Debbie
"your mind will find a way to be unkind to you somehow. But all we really have is happening to us right now. Happiness is the road"
Steve Hogarth, lead singer Marillion
27-01-2011, 22:57
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Re: could this be our watergate?
Originally Posted by Benipete
yep when it was the banks who created most of the debt what woul have been the alternative what was the gdp before labour and what was it after? or are you just believing what you read in the papers facts and figures would help.
27-01-2011, 23:33
Coffin Dodger.
Re: could this be our watergate?
the biggest fact of em all is whilst labour bailed out the banks, which imho was the correct thing to do, they cocked up big time by putting sod all in place to prevent em paying humongous bonuses to the cretins that put us in this mess, why i ask meself? cos they didn't have the balls to see it through proper. 
N.L.T.B.G.Y.D. Do not argue with an idiot, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.
28-01-2011, 08:41
Common Sense Member
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Re: could this be our watergate?
Originally Posted by cmonstanley
with david cameron having meetings with murdoch junior more than 5 times, did he discuss anything about phone tapping or about the employment of andy coulson and resignation,the alledged tapping of gordon browns phone the news station that leaked the conversation in rochdale, its getting rather juicy with culture secretary considering and trying to over ride the 6 month competition enquiry david cameron trying to distance himself and the dirty digger arriving in britain means its serious.i think more revelations will be coming out all hail the guardian for keeping at it..
Snitches always get found out for what they are and end up getting shunned, all for the sake of what they think is a bit of hot gossip. Politics is rife with it but you soon learn who you can trust and it isn't difficult to find out who.
From years of being behind a camera I would advise treating every microphone as if it's recording.
28-01-2011, 10:00
Resting in Peace
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Re: could this be our watergate?
Originally Posted by cmonstanley
yep when it was the banks who created most of the debt what woul have been the alternative what was the gdp before labour and what was it after? or are you just believing what you read in the papers facts and figures would help.
Sorry for my ignorance,I was under the misconception that we elected a government to run the country and It's economy.
Still you live and learn or at least some of us do.  
One fact is we are paying £120 million a day in interest some of which we are having to borrow. 

Some people think I'm a bit of an animal, but I'm quite tender really
28-01-2011, 10:07
Resting in Peace
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Re: could this be our watergate?
Originally Posted by cmonstanley
yep when it was the banks who created most of the debt what would have been the alternative what was the gdp before labour and what was it after? or are you just believing what you read in the papers facts and figures would help.
Maybe just maybe if good old Gordon hadn't deregulated the banks when he was chancer, oh sorry Chancellor the banks wouldn't have been allowed to run amok 
30-01-2011, 12:49
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Re: could this be our watergate?
the banks have always been de-regulated theyve never been bound by any law anything theyve done has been voluntary the only thing that i did see change was it was easier to get a loan mortgage etc for anybody even people who used their benefits as income which was stupid because they change with every goverment and that was when the tories were in the early nineties but i agree with you labour never discouraged it which was stupid because it was a ticking time bomb a country can only go on for so long on plastic money.anyway at least were not egypt.
30-01-2011, 18:05
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Re: could this be our watergate?
I started to read that but lost patience.
There are no capital letters and no punctuation other than two full stops near the end.
So I did look at all of it, but understand your message? - no.
If you want people to read your posts, please make them 'user friendly'.
12-07-2011, 17:07
God Member
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Re: could this be our watergate?
just to tell you i told you so 
12-07-2011, 17:22
Beacon of light
Re: could this be our watergate?
nobody likes a smarty pants.(I was going to put something else but the moderators would have pounced).
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
It will be destroyed by those who stand by and do Nothing.
(a paraphrase on a quote by Albert Einstein)
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