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General Chat General chat - common sense in here please. Decent serious discussions to be enjoyed by everyone!

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Old 26-08-2014, 21:52   #1
Senior Member


Council tax 'scam'?

My wife took a phone call last week from someone claiming that they knew we were in the wrong band of council tax, and 'could be' entitled to as much as £10000 refund!
Me, being a cynical old git, was actually looking forward to their rep. turning up at 1130 today, so I could expose his company for what they are, preying on the elderly & vulnerable.
Just a simple check on Google tells us that, although these may be legitimate companies, you can easily do for yourself, free, what these people charge a not inconsiderable fee to do on your behalf....whether they are successful or not!
Legit companies, maybe, but ethical? No way!
I hope that nobody on here has fallen for what I believe to be no more than a scam akin to PPI claims companies.
Actually, their rep never turned up at the appointed time, thus denying me of one of the few pleasures remaining in life!

Last edited by KiTChener; 26-08-2014 at 21:57. Reason: Sp mistake!
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Accrington Web
Old 26-08-2014, 22:51   #2
Senior Member

Re: Council tax 'scam'?

You are right: this can be done independently without the help of external companies. Several of us in our neighbourhood successfully applied to have our rating bands corrected a few years ago. It just took an initial phone call and follow-up letter.
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Old 27-08-2014, 07:28   #3
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Re: Council tax 'scam'?

Two of my neighbours got thes calls, and wer told they should be in band A and not B. When we moved in our present house in 2002 ,we were in band C. I looked on the paperwork that accompanies the Council Tax Demands and after I had read through I contacted the authorities and explained we were in the wrong banding. We were dropped to band B. Our neighbours on the same block as ours applied fro a reduction. The one's that had been in the properties since they were built got a decent rebate.The rest got a pro rata rebate.
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Old 27-08-2014, 08:01   #4
Senior Member+

Re: Council tax 'scam'?

I wrote to appeal against my banding and received a letter telling me that my case was without merit.
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Old 27-08-2014, 13:44   #5
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Re: Council tax 'scam'?

Funnily enough a woman I work with was telling me about an identical phone call she received when we were having a brew this morning. They also didn't turn up and when she rang them the person on the phone started quoting how much it would cost ,(a hundred and odd pounds). She became suspicious and told them not to bother. Sounds like a scam to me too.
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