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16-04-2007, 20:01
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Re: Councillor Kazi Siddique - fir for public office
It was an accusation and given this site is not really the vehicle for the sort of accusation made then I think it was correctly deleted tp protect the site and indeed the accused until such time as it gets in to the public domain through the 'proper' channels.
My guess is that most people enjoy Accyweb as a community forum and like to discuss and form an opinion on any decisions made by official bodies, the post made took it beyond that boundary.
I also realise that I need to be quicker off the mark in copying and saving so I can make a fast buck out of deleted posts 
16-04-2007, 20:07
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Re: Councillor Kazi Siddique - fir for public office
I also read the deleted post, & totally agree with the decision to remove it.

"It wasn't me, you can't prove a thing"
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16-04-2007, 20:13
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Re: Councillor Kazi Siddique - fir for public office
Does anyone want to enlighten me via PM about the deleted post? I am intrigued 
formerly cyfr
16-04-2007, 20:33
Beacon of light
Re: Councillor Kazi Siddique - fir for public office
C'mon Cyfr......admit it.....you aren't intrigued, just nosey 
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
It will be destroyed by those who stand by and do Nothing.
(a paraphrase on a quote by Albert Einstein)
16-04-2007, 20:34
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Re: Councillor Kazi Siddique - fir for public office
I have to say I know nothing and missed the deleted post. If there was an allegation of Council impropriety I would take it up if it merited it.
I want to vote for the Mayorality based on hard work, length of service and honesty. However since the late 90's when shenangans have dominated the position, it has become 'non-political' with a small p. In others words no-one is allowed to make criticisms and we all vote the same way.
I don't agree with this but Labour colleagues believe it is for the greater good that we accept the rules of one Tory one Labour in alternate years (as laid down by PB), chosen by that years party, and fully supported by the other side whatever their feelings happen to be. This way the office of Mayor is not dragged down by politics.
Kazi Siddique is down to be the next Mayor. However the selection for Mayor should have taken place as per usual in January. I suspect the Tories have held off till after the election because they can gain votes Central Ward to gain votes by word of mouth, but by not being published in the press pre-election, the Tories will not lose votes everywhere else where people would be against it in all probability.
Last edited by g jones; 16-04-2007 at 20:38.
16-04-2007, 20:35
Beacon of light
Re: Councillor Kazi Siddique - fir for public office
I missed it too. But I had a sneaking suspicion that this thread was going to be like the last one, and keep us hanging on for very little substance.
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
It will be destroyed by those who stand by and do Nothing.
(a paraphrase on a quote by Albert Einstein)
16-04-2007, 20:37
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Re: Councillor Kazi Siddique - fir for public office
Originally Posted by Margaret Pilkington
C'mon Cyfr......admit it.....you aren't intrigued, just nosey 
Intrigued/Nosey.. same thing? 
formerly cyfr
16-04-2007, 20:43
Beacon of light
Re: Councillor Kazi Siddique - fir for public office
Yeah...but nosey sounds more honest. 
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
It will be destroyed by those who stand by and do Nothing.
(a paraphrase on a quote by Albert Einstein)
16-04-2007, 21:24
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Re: Councillor Kazi Siddique - fir for public office
Finally, he's come out and actually named the person he's gunning for - shame it's got him banned. I presume he's been banned because of the potential libel. Wish I'd seen what he wrote - just out of curiosity you understand.
The views expressed within this post are mine and mine alone.
16-04-2007, 21:33
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Re: Councillor Kazi Siddique - fir for public office
Originally Posted by Gayle
Finally, he's come out and actually named the person he's gunning for - shame it's got him banned. I presume he's been banned because of the potential libel. Wish I'd seen what he wrote - just out of curiosity you understand.
Its called being nosey apparently
No PM's yet, everyones keeping silent! 
formerly cyfr
16-04-2007, 21:36
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Re: Councillor Kazi Siddique - fir for public office
I'm also nosey.
16-04-2007, 21:49
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Re: Councillor Kazi Siddique - fir for public office
g jones, Kazi Siddique is down to be the next Mayor. However the selection for Mayor should have taken place as per usual in January. I suspect the Tories have held off till after the election because they can gain votes Central Ward to gain votes by word of mouth, but by not being published in the press pre-election, the Tories will not lose votes everywhere else where people would be against it in all probability
Can you as you say, you have a sheep like vote, inform this forum of the said candidate for Mayors suitablity or non suitability for office? In the absence of gondola!
16-04-2007, 21:54
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Re: Councillor Kazi Siddique - fir for public office
Originally Posted by lancsdave
There was substance but it has been deleted presumably because nobody knows if it's truthful substance or rumour. 
i heard about this today and the news seems to have spred across the town believe it or no. anaway in wen i cheked the post the allegations were specific and i have also heard of these allegations about siddique a few months ago. there was a lot of suspicion about this man within the asian community and from gondolas posts it was v. specific. siddique has got a nasty reutation as a well known malicious fraudster -ask anyone in the asian community. i bet gondola is right. i hope graham jones has the guts to investigate.
16-04-2007, 22:04
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Re: Councillor Kazi Siddique - fir for public office
Originally Posted by spinner
i heard about this today and the news seems to have spred across the town believe it or no. anaway in wen i cheked the post the allegations were specific and i have also heard of these allegations about siddique a few months ago. there was a lot of suspicion about this man within the asian community and from gondolas posts it was v. specific. siddique has got a nasty reutation as a well known malicious fraudster -ask anyone in the asian community. i bet gondola is right. i hope graham jones has the guts to investigate.
I doubt it spinner, thank you for your post most helpfull, come on Councillor Jones say what is common knowledge in this town, god help Hyndburn, If he prevails.
16-04-2007, 22:04
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Re: Councillor Kazi Siddique - fir for public office
Originally Posted by Ianto.W.
Can you as you say, you have a sheep like vote, inform this forum of the said candidate for Mayors suitablity or non suitability for office? In the absence of gondola!
oh i could tell you a few things !!! im sure graham knows a few more
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