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19-04-2007, 23:33
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Re: Councillor Kazi Siddique - fir for public office
Originally Posted by garinda
, show me where I have ever corrected any other member's grammar or spelling, and quote it for all to see, and I will gladly write you a cheque for a hundred pounds right now and post it to you.
liar liar your bums on fire
why should i sift through threads to prove it, im not wanting or going to get your money. i dont believe in your ego only you do
and as for the being giddy and hurt the above pointis truly apt. im not going to even bother responding to yor posts. u just want an argument and want to spoil the thread for your own ego. thats my impression im sorry if you feel giddy and hurt. now if you dont mind im going bak to the thread im not in theschool english class anymore
You can't quote it because nowhere on this forum have I ever pointed out any other member's spelling mistakes, or grammatical errors.
You were wrong...again.
Do not pass Go.
Do not collect cheque for two, oopsie, one hundred pounds.
Still waiting for you to post anything of interest about Cllr. Siddique though, text speak or not.
'If you're going to be a Kant, be the very best Kant there is my son.'
Johann Georg Kant, father of Immanuel Kant, philosopher.
19-04-2007, 23:47
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Re: Councillor Kazi Siddique - fir for public office
Originally Posted by spinner
You can't quote it because nowhere on this forum have I ever pointed out any other member's spelling mistakes, or grammatical errors.
You were wrong...again.
Do not pass Go.
Do not collect cheque for two, oopsie, one hundred pounds.
Still waiting for you to post anything of interest about Cllr. Siddique though, text speak or not.
ok i said i wont bother replying but you really seem concerned about correcting people, remarking on how poorly educated people are quite frankly a bit snobbish . thats why your so wound up because ive pointed out the truth and youll do everthing you can to discredit me . im sure others hav noticed too. regarding looking for the thread i know you commented on my lack of literacy skills in an almost contemptuos manner. i think the word semi literate was used. but you encourage people to express themselves how they can dont you?
i find your attitude haughty at best and snobbish at worst.
as for siddik never you mind write a thread dedicated to yourself
19-04-2007, 23:52
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Re: Councillor Kazi Siddique - fir for public office
Originally Posted by garinda
ok i said i wont bother replying but you really seem concerned about correcting people, remarking on how poorly educated people are
Again where, for goodness sake?
Quote me.
Or again have you no evidence for your claims?
Here we go, another of your paranoid conspiracy trips.
As for what other people think of me, I don't particularly care. Though I've just seen someone has given me karma for the post where I asked if you and Siddique were related. 
'If you're going to be a Kant, be the very best Kant there is my son.'
Johann Georg Kant, father of Immanuel Kant, philosopher.
19-04-2007, 23:53
Grand Wizard Of The Inner Clique
Re: Councillor Kazi Siddique - fir for public office
Originally Posted by garinda
ok i said i wont bother replying but you really seem concerned about correcting people, remarking on how poorly educated people are quite frankly a bit snobbish . thats why your so wound up because ive pointed out the truth and youll do everthing you can to discredit me . im sure others hav noticed too. regarding looking for the thread i know you commented on my lack of literacy skills in an almost contemptuos manner. i think the word semi literate was used. but you encourage people to express themselves how they can dont you?
i find your attitude haughty at best and snobbish at worst.
as for siddik never you mind write a thread dedicated to yourself
spinner do yourself a favour, stop attempting to have a battle of wits when it is so obvious you haven't got any ammunition.
You are worse than gondola, try not to post unless you have something worthwhile to say, you are only showing yourself up.

“I am a Bear of Very Little Brain, and long words bother me.”
Winnie the Pooh
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19-04-2007, 23:55
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Re: Councillor Kazi Siddique - fir for public office
Originally Posted by Less
You are worse than gondola
They have never been on at the same time...ever!
Perhaps Gondola is Spinner with a spell checker. 
'If you're going to be a Kant, be the very best Kant there is my son.'
Johann Georg Kant, father of Immanuel Kant, philosopher.
20-04-2007, 00:01
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Re: Councillor Kazi Siddique - fir for public office
Originally Posted by spinner
Again where, for goodness sake?
Quote me.
Or again have you no evidence for your claims?
Here we go, another of your paranoid conspiracy trips.
As for what other people think of me, I don't particularly care. Though I've just seen someone has given me karma for the post where I asked if you and Siddique were related. 
oh my god you conveniently missed out the point i made about 'correcting' peoples ideas didnt you. yes because you know you are opinionated. why should i shift through the threads when i cant recall the name(s) of the person(s) you belittled because you didnt think their literacy was up to scratch. but you encourage people to express themselves as they please. incedently i find that a patronising comment. however i know you called me semi lierate and ill find it and post it . by your own admittance you made a sneering comment about my literacy by linking me to siddiq.so really i shouldnt even hav to find the earlier thread oh was it Less the britcliff lover who gave you karma
20-04-2007, 00:03
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Re: Councillor Kazi Siddique - fir for public office
Originally Posted by spinner
Again where, for goodness sake?
Quote me.
Or again have you no evidence for your claims?
Here we go, another of your paranoid conspiracy trips.
As for what other people think of me, I don't particularly care. Though I've just seen someone has given me karma for the post where I asked if you and Siddique were related. 
oh my god you conveniently missed out the point i made about 'correcting' peoples ideas didnt you. yes because you know you are opinionated. why should i shift through the threads when i cant recall the name(s) of the person(s) you belittled because you didnt think their literacy was not up to scratch. but you encourage people to express themselves as they please. incidently i find thatto be a patronising comment. however i know you called me semi lierate and ill find it and post it . by your own admittance you made a sneering comment about my literacy by linking me to siddiq.so really i shouldnt even hav to find the earlier thread . oh was it Less the britcliff lover who gave you karma
20-04-2007, 00:05
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Re: Councillor Kazi Siddique - fir for public office
dear Less oh actually i forgot you are peter britcliff or his lover
20-04-2007, 00:10
Grand Wizard Of The Inner Clique
Re: Councillor Kazi Siddique - fir for public office
Originally Posted by spinner
dear Less oh actually i forgot you are peter britcliff or his lover
Cor' blimey guv' you got me bang to rights, I'll come clean and admit it I am Peter Britcliffe and yes, I'm also my own long term lover.
Remember Folks,
You heard it first on
“I am a Bear of Very Little Brain, and long words bother me.”
Winnie the Pooh
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20-04-2007, 00:13
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Re: Councillor Kazi Siddique - fir for public office
Originally Posted by Less
What a cracker!
Can I be the 'ring bearer' at your civil partnership? 
'If you're going to be a Kant, be the very best Kant there is my son.'
Johann Georg Kant, father of Immanuel Kant, philosopher.
20-04-2007, 00:17
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Re: Councillor Kazi Siddique - fir for public office
Originally Posted by garinda
They have never been on at the same time...ever!
Perhaps Gondola is Spinner with a spell checker. 
wow another reference to spelling. ive got a new job idea for you. siddiks kids are like me poorley educated, but thick as 2 planks (failed their gcse maths umpteen times, failed gcses etc yet they hav become teachers. how will those school kids grammer , spelling be corrected . oh garinda you can do it you can teach those poor kids .
20-04-2007, 00:19
Grand Wizard Of The Inner Clique
Re: Councillor Kazi Siddique - fir for public office
Originally Posted by garinda
What a cracker!
Can I be the 'ring bearer' at your civil partnership? 
Sorry Rindy that job will be performed by my best mate, the new Mayor of Hyndburn.
Gayle would it be possible to get an interpretor to the do paid for by a lottery grant?

“I am a Bear of Very Little Brain, and long words bother me.”
Winnie the Pooh
Quotes & quoting
20-04-2007, 00:20
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Re: Councillor Kazi Siddique - fir for public office
Originally Posted by spinner
wow another reference to spelling. ive got a new job idea for you. siddiks kids are like me poorley educated, but thick as 2 planks (failed their gcse maths umpteen times, failed gcses etc yet they hav become teachers. how will those school kids grammer , spelling be corrected . oh garinda you can do it you can teach those poor kids .
Before I become a teaching missionary, I fear I'll have to start with you, dear child.
It's actually grammar, with an 'a', not an 'e'.
Please copy out one hundred times. 
'If you're going to be a Kant, be the very best Kant there is my son.'
Johann Georg Kant, father of Immanuel Kant, philosopher.
20-04-2007, 00:23
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Re: Councillor Kazi Siddique - fir for public office
both of you perhaps are already married may be youll invite siddiq for a threesome seen as garinda was stiking up for siddiq. less seriosly what you hav done is twisted the thread to suit your own purpose. you just dont want peter britcliffe criticised for his chioce of community ciohesion officer. and as for garinda hes perfect to help you to do this as he wants to flaunt his ego
20-04-2007, 00:25
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Re: Councillor Kazi Siddique - fir for public office
Originally Posted by garinda
Before I become a teaching missionary, I fear I'll have to start with you, dear child.
It's actually grammar, with an 'a', not an 'e'.
Please copy out one hundred times. 
i dont take too much notice of spelling mrs garinda oh actually you corrected me on a spelling mistake some time ago. i had to get therapy going to pakistan
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